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  1. ausfatgoth

    Letting a dog throat fuck u

    Tbh i really wanna let a dog do this but like what if he knots my mouth and im just stuck there with a dogs dick down my throat ?
  2. X

    Any females have knotting advice for a first timer?

    How many females have actually gotten knotted by a dog? My wife’s very curious (just recently told her my fetish and she’s open to it) she really wants to try getting knotted. What tips and advice do y’all have for her? I know that she wants to try anal sex with our dog first. Any females/males...
  3. dfdog

    Any guys have experience with Cane Corso?

    I'm a young guy (28) and im looking at possibly getting a puppy in the next year. I've always thought cane corsos were like the hottest dogs! I have experience with large dogs (Lab and GSDs) but ive hears the canes are just overall BIGGER. I can take quite a bit to be honest so i feel like it's...
  4. R

    Men Who Have Been Fucked By Animals, What’s Your Story?

    I’m a lady who finds guys getting fucked by horses/dogs incredibly hot. I think I’ve read every story and watched every porn out there of a man being penetrated by a dog/horse. I’d love to hear your stories! <3
  5. S

    what is your favorite dog to get knotted by

    so far my favorite is my german shepherd what about you
  6. A

    looking for a toy that might not exist

    This is an odd thing to ask about, but as the title says, I am looking for a toy that might not exist. I am looking for a dildo that is a feline theme, so it has things like barbs but also has a knot. Does anyone know if anything like this exists? Any help would be greatly appreciated
  7. S

    Male canine orgasm, theory

    I think this is the right place. I was surprised that I could not find this topic discussed elsewhere! I really wonder what having an orgasm as a male canine feels like. Thrusting and getting tied. Since dogs and wolves cannot speak, we can only make educated guesses. Please if anyone has good...
  8. SkinnySubBitchSissy

    Who Would Let Their Dog Make Me Their Bitch?

    I'd just like to know as I'm new to zoo. I'm a young fem cd, skinny, 5'8, weigh 47 kilos or 7.5 stone. I love to be tied up and have no control, really need to be a slut for many big dogs, showed who's the bitch.
  9. SkinnySubBitchSissy

    My New Knot Cum Dildo!

    Great for the price! I love taking a knot and pulling it out of my smooth hole and cum squirting out after mmmmm c: Check out my recent fantasy rape story, bitch in kennel being used as a breeding bitch. Here is a pic of me chained to my knot dildo, let me know if you think I should post a...
  10. Brandyrus

    How hard

    So how hard does your pet thrust when about to knot I’ve heard different things?!?