Zooier Than Thou

Zooier Than Thou

Toggle and Kynophile host this special episode about the therian community. Plus, take a peek into a doctor's diary, Ask Zooey about big bones, and take a stab at one of the zoo community's greatest enemies -- ourselves.

Listen @ zoo.wtf

Thoughts About the Episode

This turned out to be a fantastic discussion. It was flying by the seat of the pants for a little while there. One planned host couldn’t make it, one guest had reservations about joining us on the podcast, and I didn’t have anyone helping me host the dang thing until the last minute — thank you, Kynophile! Aqua planned out this discussion, with input from a number of therians, and despite a whole lot of imposter syndrome all around, it came out beautifully. I have a little time between release and writing, and I’m thrilled to see that the therian community has responded so well to the episode, even nonzoos — even nonzoos that aren’t especially zoo friendly. That speaks to the genuine nature of the discussion and the relevance of the topic. We couldn’t have done this without everyone involved, even those that didn’t appear on the episode.

This month’s rap is one I’ve been working on since October, on and off. Discussion about it actually lead to Kynophile writing the first Crabs in a Bucket song from November, but this one’s my original vision. It’s also the first beat I’ve produced myself for the show, and I’m quite pleased with it. Kynophile wrote the last verse for his version of the song, but I told him to hold off so I can use it. The first verse is a zoo who complains that activists bring too much spotlight to the community and make things worse, and the second verse is about Randy Pepe. The chorus is based off of 3 Tearz by Danny Brown and RTJ. And even though it doesn’t sound like it, the inspiration that helped me finally nail down the beat was Battle Cry by Nujabes. I wrestled with it for a long time, but the sparseness and reservation that defines that beat helped me figure out the approach I wanted to take. I also like that slightly off-kilter beat that defines beats by folks like Nujabes and J-Dilla.

Doing character voices of real people is a lot harder than doing Shaggy and Scooby, but the Scrubs skit turned out great. I was worried about it, but man, mm, so good. Also, we didn’t pull this one out of our ass, either. (Make sure the video starts at 3:08)

“Sure hope I don’t have dog flu.” There are secret zoos all throughout our pop culture if you’re paying attention!

Lastly, it seemed like it was about time to bring back the blackmail skit from Season 1. It seems a number of people I know are facing these kinds of threats right now. Hell, even I’m being doxxed. We’ll see how that goes. At any rate, it seemed relevant. Please take it to heart. Don’t let anyone hang your sexuality over your head, and never give into an extortionist’s demands. Don’t give them the power of your fear. Stay defiant.

This is a great episode. I hope you all enjoy it! Thanks for listening. We really appreciate all the positive response we’ve gotten over these past two years. Season 2 ends next episode, and then Season 3 begins in March!
Are you a therian? What did you think about our discussion? Let us know in the comments, or e-mail us!


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You can contact us using the anonymous web form at zoo.wtf
S2E10. 'Tis the Season for Animal Autonomy

Toggle and Lovecat are joined by Quantum for a discussion on animal autonomy. Plus, visit the great hall of Valhalla, file a formal request for an amen, and help a stableboy make a hard decision with Zooey.

Listen @ zoo.wtf

Thoughts About the Episode

This month is a little bit of a blur. Putting together the podcast happened all in the last two weeks of the month, but that doesn’t mean we haven’t been working! The biggest achievement of the month is finding a suitable subscription platform for people to donate to the podcast. Seriously, I’ve been casually looking on and off for a while, and at first, SubscribeStar seemed like a viable option, but it turns out their payment model isn’t great and they’re associated with far-right propagandists, plus they keep any money you’ve earned if they decide to suspend you. Other options didn’t quite fit, either being run by Patreon (and thus ban-happy thanks to PayPal) or requiring us to create even more content only for backers — we’re already spread thin as it is doing a monthly podcast. Liberapay turned out to be ideal. Their bylaws specify a commitment to neutrality, which is really good news when it comes to worries about being deplatformed. Everything is really easy to use and simply laid out, and we can’t see anything about the people donating to us. It’s pretty much all the things we were looking for. In the first month or so of piloting the donation system, people have donated almost $900, which is nothing short of mindblowing, considering we haven’t really announced it yet. It’s allowing us to fund much-needed asset updates, pay for the next few months of expenses plus yearly website fees, and try out new software that we otherwise wouldn’t have had access to. Check this little bit of technology out we’re looking into:
It’s pretty interesting, and it’s made editing off-the-cuff dialog a breeze while facilitating the creation of transcripts, something we’ve been trying to do since the beginning. $30/month is kind of steep, but with donations coming in, it makes that a realistic investment. I enjoyed getting to test out the platform with this episode.

This was Lovecat’s episode to put together, so I let him steer the ship for the most part. I was thrilled to get submissions for Secret Zoos and Ask Zooey questions, too, so I already have next month’s lined up and ready to go! I love that new people are getting involved in actually creating the podcast, which takes a lot of pressure off of me and the main writer.

Our discussion on animal autonomy, to me, went really well. We were quoting books and articles and shit. We had receipts, bitch! I dunno, I really like when we can do stuff like that, because it feels all the more legitimate that way. I like to think we generally come from an educated perspective, but it feels nice to be able to say, “Here’s what Peter Singer had to say about this in Animal Liberation, and here’s a section from Animal Ethics and the Autonomous Animal Self by Natalie Thomas.” Maybe that’s a little childish or pedantic, to like pulling out quotes and shit. But I think it’s neat, and it feels like we prepared, which makes me feel fuzzy and warm and safe. There’s no worse feeling when putting together a podcast than feeling completely unprepared.

This episode didn’t really get into the holiday spirit that much, but it doesn’t really feel like the holidays. That’s probably fine. I did get to visit my parents, though, which was super nice. My family is really awesome. Unlike almost everyone else, none of them have ever even questioned me choosing to go vegan, which makes the fact of the matter a lot easier to deal with when I have to say, “No, thanks, I think I’ll skip Christmas dinner this time.” My sister isn’t vegan, but she’s been generally cutting meat out, so I got to have semi-vegan hot cocoa made with oat milk because she had some on hand. She’s been telling me her favorite meatless alternatives. My mom keeps forgetting, but she never complains when I remind her.

We might do an off-the-cuff New Years bonus episode, but we haven’t finalized any plans yet. We’ll see what happens. I’ve got a lot of non-podcast work I’ve been neglecting, so it depends on how labor-intensive an extra episode is. We still have planned bonus content we haven’t recorded yet — namely some text interviews that need to be voiced. Finding extra time to make more stuff is hard. But I’ll tell you what, having a monetized podcast makes it a hell of a lot easier to justify the significant amount of time that goes into producing this show. Thanks to all of you for your support and allowing us to make this viable.
What are your thoughts on veganism, animal autonomy, and animal welfare? Let us know in the comments, or e-mail us!


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You can subscribe to us on Twitter @ZooierThanThou, @OneBigGrumpyRat, @MeowofLove
You can contact us using the anonymous web form at zoo.wtf
Zemen and Lovecat share tips on making traveling with your animal companions a breeze! Plus, hear a new song by Kynophile, ask your doctor about Zootec, and help Zooey navigate jealousy on the road!

Listen @ zoo.wtf

Thoughts About the Episode

This was my month off to get a bunch of other things done, and I’m proud of my team for putting this one together in my absence. I’m always afraid of how things will turn out if I’m not there to run the ship, but I think this turned out well. Big thanks to Zemen and Lovecat for writing and hosting the episode, and to Kynophile for writing the entire rap, even as I performed on it, to Aqua for his Zootec skit, and to Zemen and Reginald Rat for helping me put together this month’s Ask Zooey.

Probably the biggest crazy thing this episode was the letter we got from a concerned uncle. Very heavy topic, to be sure, but the implications are kind of incredible. Not only is there an uncle out there who’s willing to put aside his biases for the love of his nephew, but there is a state-sponsored therapist who recommended OUR podcast, and recommended that the uncle reach out to the zoo community at large to help his nephew. Not only is that positive progress, but it also means the work we’re doing is reaching beyond our community to the psychology community. It’s humbling, because that’s a huge responsibility, but I think if we just keep up the standards we have now, we should continue to be worthy of that recommendation. Uncle, if you and your nephew have made it to this site, please reach out so we can keep in touch. You’ve definitely got your work cut out for you, but starting with a foundation of love and the desire to understand and support your nephew is going to serve you very well in your coming challenges, zooey and otherwise. If you’re here, nephew, we want to support you as best as we can, and I hope we can bring a bit of positivity and stability to your life along with your uncle’s help. I can’t imagine what you’ve been through, but I also don’t want to patronize you, so I guess I’ll leave it at “Welcome to the Zoo Community!”

In other news, we got our ZooTube campaign off the ground, and I already see some mirrors of ZooTT popping up on YouTube! If you want to find out more or get involved, check out zootube.zoo.wtf.
What tips do you have for traveling zoos? Any stories you wanna share of your travels? Let us know in the comments, or e-mail us!


You can subscribe to our RSS feed using your favorite podcast application: rss.zoo.wtf
Don't forget to subscribe to our Bonus Content feed: bonus.zoo.wtf
You can subscribe to us on Twitter @ZooierThanThou, @OneBigGrumpyRat, @MeowofLove, @ZeMenDepo
You can contact us using the anonymous web form at zoo.wtf
Toggle and Kynophile host this halloween spectacular! Learn the truth about witch-hunts, make a pact with a demon, get into trouble with 14 werewolves, and help solve a young woman’s supernatural boy troubles!

Listen @ zoo.wtf

Thoughts About the Episode

Happy Halloween!

Ahhh this episode is so much fun! And it’s likely the first episode we actually finished a whole week before release! Very happy with this one. The skits turned out great, and we got to a large chunk of our e-mail backlog, many of which had some pretty substantive questions that I hope we addressed well.

So after we finished the rap from last month, I messaged Kynophile and told him I wanted to do a pop-punk song about getting fucked by 14 werewolves, and I sent him some examples of the genre since that’s not really his background. Before I could start writing, Kyno sent me a parody of Cute Is What We Aim For’s “The Curse of Curves,” and it was pretty excellent. One problem: not a lot of WEREwolf references. He came back with the changes, and it was perfect! So I put the track together with the help of some zoo musician friends, and the rest is history! It turned out SO GOOD. Kyno told me he was feeling a little insecure, since he hadn’t put anything quite like that arrangement to paper since college, but I think he proved he has the chops!

I put out a call for Halloween skits, and Kyno also submitted a modified version of one of his stories, and that turned out to be the best skit in the episode, in my opinion. Great acting, great audio cues, just all around fantastic.

Since Kynophile had helped do half of the work for the episode anyway, I reached out to see if he wanted to co-host, and he agreed! Kyno’s pretty busy with a ton of other projects, so I’m really happy he was able to lend as much time as he did to make this episode particularly fantastic.

Like last year’s Howloween episode, I think this does showcase some of our best skit-work. I’m pleased with how this one turned out, and I’m happy with how much fun it was to produce.

We were on track for me to have a pleasant and easy weekend. That is, until YouTube banned our account. Their claim? Our account violated their TOS against pornography. Which is laughable, except for a specific (and new) clause banning “bestiality or the promotion of bestiality.”

Luckily, I had most of the episodes backed up, but I had to recreate some of the more recent ones, which was a bit of a pain in the ass. Plus, simply spinning up a single version of the account just meant we’d get banhammered again. Making redundant backups, tagging them, etc. takes a ton of time. Shout out to Harley for making me a python script that could pull all the info from our website into convenient text documents, or it would have been significantly worse.

ZooTT started with a foundation of being decentralized so that we couldn’t effectively be deplatformed. Even when YouTube or Spotify go down, we always have rss.zoo.wtf which can be accessed with any browser or podcast client. Still, YouTube does serve a good portion of listeners. In thinking about how to make ourselves resilient on the platform — frankly, most podcast segments don’t violate their TOS — we were inspired by this idea of being decentralized. Soon, we’re going to make it easy for ANYONE to upload their favorite ZooTT segments to YouTube. Rather than merely having a central hub that can be taken down in one fell swoop, if random people post their favorite segments, then there’s always a chance for those segments to be found when searching for zoophilia on YouTube.
That’s the idea, anyway. Not sure how Content ID will rear it’s ugly head in response, but it’s difficult to plan ahead for that when no one really knows how it works.

Stay tuned to our bonus.zoo.wtf feed for more information on that when the project is completed.
What did you think of the 14 Werewolves song? Any e-mails that spoke to you? Let us know in the comments, or e-mail us!


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Don't forget to subscribe to our Bonus Content feed: bonus.zoo.wtf
You can subscribe to us on Twitter @ZooierThanThou, @OneBigGrumpyRat, @ACatWhoLovesYou, @CanisGnosis
You can contact us using the anonymous web form at zoo.wtf

Toggle and Sigma are joined by guest hosts Hush and Chocobo to discuss trans identity among zoos. Also, Toggle and Doggie D bring the heat once more, a cursed pool grants a birdwatcher's ultimate wish, and Zooey helps a dog deal with his identity crisis.

Listen @ zoo.wtf

Thoughts About the Episode

This is the first blog I'm writing on ZooCommunity.org! And it's upsettingly late! Like, basically a month late. I've been working really hard and haven't been able to work up the chutzpah to actually sit down and write about this episode. Suffice it to say, it's been a pretty hectic month.

It’s a shame, because I felt like this, of all episodes, needed to be featured on ZooVille, and I might just crosspost it there anyway. It can be a bit of a toxic place for trans zoos, so I thought maybe this episode would make the trans people there feel a little less alone.

I had a little trouble with this episode. Sigma had proposed it when we got a letter from a transphobic zoo the episode prior, and I let them and Lovecat mostly take the reins on organizing it. They did great, and Vee was super helpful, as well, but I didn't have time to attend the meetings and oversee the episode's development. One major conflict that happened in our chatroom of trans zoos involved Ray Blanchard's typologies. It seemed like something that was important to discuss prior to including, but I missed the meeting I set up because I couldn't get away from my other job in time, and the topic slipped through the cracks. When we started recording and the topic came up, it blindsided the guest host, who later voiced their issues, ultimately leading to that part of the discussion being cut. I felt it was more important not to alienate the people we were trying to connect with, than to keep a discussion in which we didn't address people's concerns about the topic. Sigma was very adamant that we revisit the topic, though, so we spent another couple of weeks talking about it together and released a bonus episode. I'm hoping our discussion was nuanced enough not to alienate our trans audience, and so far the response has been positive, but I worry about it.

The rap, though? That was so much fun, and even better than the first rap, imo. @Kynophile and I worked together and made each other's verses better, and the collaboration aspect of it was really rewarding! Looking forward to doing this every month!

Also enjoyed doing the Ranma 1/2 Secret Zoo segment, put together by Canis and LC. Found that song at the end to tie it together and MWAH! Came out lovely in the end!
Are you trans, or do you have any trans friends? Let us know in the comments what you thought of the episode!


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Don't forget to subscribe to our Bonus Content feed: bonus.zoo.wtf
You can subscribe to us on Twitter @ZooierThanThou, @OneBigGrumpyRat, @ACatWhoLovesYou, @CanisGnosis
You can contact us using the anonymous web form at zoo.wtf

Our longest episode yet is jam-packed with zooey wellness! Plus, join Canis for a guided meditation, solve the Mystery of the Moth Man at the Mill, experience the first zoo rap song (we think!), remember a fond old friend, and help a frustrated mare solve her problems!


Thoughts About the Episode

If you've been waiting for a Season 2 episode that really goes the distance, here it is! Some really great discussions, some pretty good Scooby Doo impersonations, and an unexpectedly good rap song, all packed into a dense little package.

The rap was especially fun, and started from simply sharing hip hop music in twitter chats with zoos and writing little rhymes at each other. DoggieDearest was keen on doing a music collaboration, so we put it together for this episode. I was really worried about delivering something that was actually good, not cringy, and I think we actually pulled it off!

As promised, the focus on animal welfare in this episode is substantial, with over an hour and a half devoted specifically to that topic. I fear we tended to be very dog-centric, but that's just where the center of our expertise tended to fall. We tried to be inclusive of other animals, as well, and hopefully what we talked about is relevant for non-canine-centric zoos as well.

I dunno, I think this episode just hits different, as the kids say. It's good. I hope you like it. We worked really hard on it.

In slightly less episode-related news, I think I'll be moving my blogging away from ZooVille in the near future. I'm not satisfied with the way the site is run, and there's a new site in the works that addresses a lot of the concerns that I have with this site. I considered leaving this site altogether, to take a strong stand against policies that I felt were destructive to the community discourse, but I don't want to leave new zoos out in the cold when they inevitably stumble onto this site looking for something positive. There's really not a whole lot of positive discourse here at all, and if ZooTT can be that light, I think it should be.

ZT will think it's because he's a libertarian, but the owner of the new site is also libertarian, proving that people of the same values can make different choices, either to the credit or to the detriment of the forums they run. This place is basically a toxic waste battleground. I'm moving somewhere that embodies the kind of positivity I want to see. I hope to see you there when it's announced!

Did you find our mental wellness tips useful? Tell us about it in the comments, or e-mail us!

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You can subscribe to us on Twitter @ZooierThanThou, @OneBigGrumpyRat, @ACatWhoLovesYou, @CanisGnosis
You can contact us using the anonymous web form at zoo.wtf
Now available on Apple, Google, Spotify and Amazon!

The ZooTT crew is joined by several new zooey content creators for this celebration of zoo pride! Plus, explore the positive aspects of being a zoo, enjoy an opera that goes to the dogs, and examine what it means to be proud to be a zoo!


Thoughts About the Episode

Wow, what a Zoo Pride month it's been! I've had Zemen over for a couple of weeks, we visited another zoo way down south, I got to participate in a 24 hour Zoo Pride Twitch stream, and we got to put together this episode with submissions from zoos we've never heard from before! And the month is only half-way through, with more zooey fun to come!

This is the most people we've had on an episode at once. We started with 10, but due to technical issues, we ended up with 9. Even so, I was super thrilled to feature people who hadn't been on the podcast before. I wasn't sure exactly where the discussion would go, but once the cast was assembled, I found myself surrounded by zooey content creators that were doing really cool things! So this pride episode celebrates all the new zooey stuff happening alongside our humble podcast, from twitch to twitter, from book clubs to blogs. This is what Fausty and I wanted to cultivate when we started this podcast, and he would be thrilled to know that people were taking up the baton and doing things that matter to them, creating content for the zoo community. Speaking of, a notable theme of the episode is that if you want to see it, someone else does, too, and maybe it's worth being the person to get it started up! If you need help, we'll be happy to lend a paw!

Thanks so much to everyone who sent in submissions! I noticed a couple from ZooVille, so I totally appreciate it! I hope you enjoy the two montages we put together, and I hope that this episode fills you with pride and encourages you to do great things!

Were you inspired by our Zoo Pride episode? Is there zooey content YOU want to see? Tell us about it in the comments, or e-mail us!

You can subscribe to our RSS feed using your favorite podcast application: rss.zoo.wtf
You can subscribe to us on Twitter @ZooierThanThou, @OneBigGrumpyRat, @ACatWhoLovesYou, @StoriesZoo, @JoeyStreamy!
You can contact us using the anonymous web form at zoo.wtf
Now available on Apple, Google, and Amazon!

Lovecat and Canis are joined by Steeeve to discuss zoo culture and the foundations for a healthy community. Plus, get the full scoop on Ryme City, and join Zooey and Tex as they cover Bitch Basics 101.


Thoughts About the Episode

I'm sorry it's taken so long for me to post this episode on ZooVille. To be frank, the state of the world definitely has be pretty depressed and lethargic, and work is killin' me. Getting motivated to do so much as post on twitter has been a chore lately.

Speaking of, if you're not already following our bonus episodes RSS feed, consider checking it out:


Earlier in the month, we released some old outtakes of Fausty talking about his encounter with Butler County police that left him in a coma for three days. Police brutality is absolutely a reality for zoos, and if there's anything we should be able to empathize with as a community, it's victims of police brutality.

So, month two of me taking a back seat as a host and stepping out of the spotlight. And month 16 of me recognizing we definitely need a project manager who can keep us on task so we get things done on time! As for the episode, I'm happy with the conversations that took place, and I dig our little Pokémon skit. It's a good episode. But I wish we could enjoy the process more, because we're all procrastinators who do everything at the last minute. So if you know a trustworthy zoo who might be interested in helping with project management, have them e-mail me! It's a position that comes with some security risks, so understand that if you apply, you likely won't just immediately be put to work. I'd prefer for it to be someone I know and trust, so it will take some time for that to happen if we haven't already met face to face.

And let's talk about the GOOD stuff! Zoo pride is next month! WOOH! I'm gonna visit with a different zoo every single weekend! I'm super pumped, and I can hardly wait! Do me a favor! Send us an e-mail with your Zoo Pride Day/Week/Month plans! I wanna hear them! We're also taking audio submissions, and we wanna hear what positive aspects of what makes you, you, are directly attributable to being a zoophile. We can mess with your voice on request.

Send an email to pride@zoo.wtf with the subject “Zoo Pride Audio Submission.” Format can be wav, mp3, m4a, aiff, or even ogg as long as it’s not from telegram. You can record using your phone, a computer mic, or a fancy podcasting mic — it doesn’t matter!

Tips: try to record yourself in a quiet environment — no TV in the background, no wind, etc. Ironically, a closet is a great place to record because your soft clothes will absorb all the sound and make a clean, clear recording!

Again, the question is: What positive traits in yourself do you associate with being a zoophile? It can be your empathy for non-humans, your unique worldview, whatever! Anything that’s positive for you that you wouldn’t have without being a zoo!

The episode drops on July 15. Please have submissions in by July 8. And stay tuned for more ways you can contribute to this year’s Zoo Pride episode!

Reminder! Please take the time to visit helpsavemy.dog and leave a donation. Lucy is showing improvement! This is a super hopeful case, so if you DO have anything to spare, consider donating it!

Wanna be a part of our Zoo Pride episode? Tell us about it in the comments, or e-mail us!

You can subscribe to our RSS feed using your favorite podcast application: rss.zoo.wtf
You can subscribe to us on Twitter @ZooierThanThou, @CanisGnosis, and @ACatWhoLovesYou
You can contact us using the anonymous web form at zoo.wtf
Now available on Apple, Google, and Amazon!

Doodle and Kitty host this episode about romantic relationships between zoos and their non-zoo human partners. Plus, a legendary hero has a thing for mares, Calon has a confession to make, and Steeeve joins Zooey to answer your most salacious questions!


Thoughts About the Episode

Gosh, this past month has gone by so fast, I don't even know what to say. It's all a blur. I guess we start with the fact that the response to the furry episode was overwhelming! At times, literally so. It brought a lot of attention to what we've been doing, and that attention comes with negative things in addition to the positive. It's to be expected, but it's been a bit of a learning curve. We've nailed down things pretty well, and I've learned a WHOLE lot about the back end of our website and about DNS entries.

We've met a lot of new zoos, one of whom chose this episode to craft a coming out letter to his friends for us to air. He delivered it flawlessly, to be honest.

Speaking of, I've also become wary of this whole project becoming "The Toggle Show," so I'm making an effort to step back. Though I feature in this episode to help with interviews, Doodle and Kitty took this apt opportunity to host, and Steeeve took my place during Ask Zooey. This isn't supposed to be about me. I'm not supposed to be a celebrity. I'm kind of the "rat of all trades," so a lot of the duties tend to fall to me when they need to be done on a timeline. But the fact is that I have a very, very strong paw in creating these episodes, so I'm all over them. This has led some people to comment on my "prominence" as a zoo, and I feel like that's not what this show is meant to do. We want to feature regular zoo voices. It's not about creating celebrities. It's about giving us a voice. So I'm hoping to have more new voices featured in coming episodes, and less of your favorite rat boyfriend.

I'm also a little worried we're getting a little human-centric, as of late. Certainly, it's topical to talk about two-legger zoo issues, but I feel like we're missing some of the animal-centric activism we started out with. Our next few episodes are lined up, but after that, I think wanna revisit Healthy, Happy, and Zooey, and really try to dive into more animal-centric topics for a bit. Plus, I wanna get back to that original Ask Zooey feel from before we took listener emails, where we were able to tell things from a four-legger perspective. Tl;dr: less hand, more paw.

I've been pretty exhausted as of late, and I know it shows here in this journal, but I hope it doesn't show in our episodes. Like I said, a lot of the production of making this happen falls to me, but I'm fortunate that we're getting a little help from folks, including someone who can take some of the audio work off my paws, and that will be a huge relief. I do really miss Doug's guidance. Sometimes I feel like it's a struggle to stay on the path we set out on, but I hope by taking it a step at a time and trying to keep the zoo community and animal welfare in mind, we'll stay on course.

Speaking of that, there's an issue I'd like to bring to your attention, if you haven't seen it already.
"Copyright drama" is not an apt description of this problem. It's an issue of privacy, security, and basic respect for the zoo community. Please take the time to read the comments and weigh in on the poll.

Thanks for listening to be blather. Now it's time to enjoy a nice weekend off, at last.

Reminder! Please take the time to visit helpsavemy.dog and leave a donation. Lucy is showing improvement! This is a super hopeful case, so if you DO have anything to spare, consider donating it!

Are you in a mixed zoo/non-zoo relationship? Tell us about it in the comments, or e-mail us!

You can subscribe to our RSS feed using your favorite podcast application: rss.zoo.wtf
You can subscribe to us on Twitter @ZooierThanThou, @OneBigGrumpyRat, and @1DapperDonkey
You can contact us using the anonymous web form at zoo.wtf
Now available on Apple, Google, Spotify, and Amazon!

Toggle is joined by Canis Gnosis for this dive into the furry fandom. Featuring interviews with Wolfie and Tugs, this extra-long episode is packed with entertainment! Plus, solve crimes with a loose-rocket cop, practice social distancing, and learn how to get laid!


Thoughts About the Episode

We've had this episode on the docket for months! We were going to do it last month, but it got pushed back so Canis could join us as a host, and boy, I guess the timing is about as good as it can be! Lots of drama about zoos on furry twitter right now, including the exhuming of a 12-year-old incident with a furry artist. Sometimes you just get lucky with being topical, but it comes at the expense of the mental well-being of a lot of zoos.

This was a blast to record, to be honest. Tugs, our non-zoo furry guest, was very charismatic, and the interview is really loose and entertaining. We have what might be one of my favorite goofy sketches to date, as well, featuring our German friend from ZETA verein as a German Shepherd cop.

Quarantine has been interesting. There's less work to do at work, which means a bit more time to focus on other projects like ZooTT, but honestly, a lot of it has gone to Animal Crossing and fielding comments across our social media sites. I worry about other people, though. There's a lot of friends who are suffering right now, whether with unemployment, difficulty paying bills, or just feeling isolated and lonely. Couple that with a lot of really bored kids on twitter writing the "n-word" and sending death threats on our pages, and you've got a bad recipe for deteriorating mental health.

While finishing this episode up, a weird thing happened. A lot of zoos on twitter got a message about how a right-wing extremist group called Dissident Furs, led by Len Gilbert ("The Furred Reich" author), is behind all this anti-zoo rhetoric on twitter, utilizing sock puppet accounts, driving divisive rhetoric, and bolstering anti-zoo callout accounts. There's a lot we don't know about the validity of the effectiveness of their reach, but we do know that it IS the stated goal of Dissident Furs to purge the furry fandom of "degenerates," and explicitly zoophiles. Because we don't have an effective way of really verifying this information yet, we haven't really moved on it, but since this is a "thoughts about this episode" section, I figured I'd include it here, since it's been on our minds this week.

Reminder! Please take the time to visit helpsavemy.dog and leave a donation. Lucy is showing improvement! This is a super hopeful case, so if you DO have anything to spare, consider donating it!

What're your thoughts on the furry fandom? Let me know in the comments, or e-mail us!

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