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Fake User Awareness Thread

Ok so any one can explain which one is the procedure for those like me that we love animals and we would love To have experiences but at the same time we don’t have access to them? Thanks
Get off your butt, climb out of mom's basement, start an actual life, get a job, and make it happen.

Sitting around expecting that someone else is going to supply your fantasy for you is ... <checks> Oops, not dumpster, so I can't say it as I'm first inclined, so I'll settle for "pathetic".
Message loud and clear … do your own thing . Sorry if I was so naive thinking the purpose of this forum was to find like minded individuals to share experiences and so on silly me. Thanks for the replay anyway
Sharing experiences is one thing. Sharing my animals isn't even in the same house, let alone "on the table". You wanna dip your dick? Or provide a place for a critter to dip his? More power to ya. But don't expect that anybody (fit to have a critter) is going to offer to fulfill your fantasies (which are most likely a one-shot, rather than anything remotely like a "lifestyle") for you. I busted my ass for years to get where I am, so that I can have the critters I have. Why in the name of whatever sky-fairy you follow do you imagine I have ANY interest whatsoever in letting *YOU* boff my animals???
Ok so any one can explain which one is the procedure for those like me that we love animals and we would love To have experiences but at the same time we don’t have access to them? Thanks
Earn the bread to buy a place and the dream critter. Thats the magic secret your 8-ball isnt telling you. You might think thats unfair, but if you actually get where you want to go, you'll probably see how stupid the question is....If only because its been asked and answered so many times, you should have tripped over it on your way in here.
I appreciate individuals who engage in positive and constructive conversations. It's important to me to interact with people who approach discussions with an open mind and refrain from making assumptions about others' lives. Additionally, I value those who are considerate and avoid being judgmental. My time is limited, and I prefer to surround myself with individuals who contribute to a respectful and understanding environment.
I appreciate individuals who engage in positive and constructive conversations. It's important to me to interact with people who approach discussions with an open mind and refrain from making assumptions about others' lives. Additionally, I value those who are considerate and avoid being judgmental. My time is limited, and I prefer to surround myself with individuals who contribute to a respectful and understanding environment.
You should take any questions you have from this thread and make a post of you're own asking those questions.

This thread isn't really for a general question and answer session. There are mini-chats in this thread fairly often, but not the type you seem to be seekeing. Sooner or later someone was going to say this anyway.

Ask any questions you want or are brave enough to ask, but do it in a different thread, please.
I appreciate individuals who engage in positive and constructive conversations. It's important to me to interact with people who approach discussions with an open mind and refrain from making assumptions about others' lives. Additionally, I value those who are considerate and avoid being judgmental. My time is limited, and I prefer to surround myself with individuals who contribute to a respectful and understanding environment.
Wow... Zero to mach 12 on the "nuclear-grade passive aggressive" speedometer in what - 4 posts?

Reality bites, chum... Especially hard when you're handed a platter loaded down with truth that you don't care to hear.
World is full of morons.....And we seem to have acquired a
new random one. "Jasontheguy" seems to like telling people he doesnt know ....
'My girl and I are about to play with our doggiessss'
( his words)
....spelling counts, even at Moron U. Bet his little schoolboy hat is hot pink, and his hand gets tired.

I guess he's not a fake.....hes a genuine asshole.
I appreciate individuals who engage in positive and constructive conversations. It's important to me to interact with people who approach discussions with an open mind and refrain from making assumptions about others' lives. Additionally, I value those who are considerate and avoid being judgmental. My time is limited, and I prefer to surround myself with individuals who contribute to a respectful and understanding environment.
In other words, people who tell you what you want to hear, rather than the hard truths? Maybe you DO need an 8-ball.....
What really susprises me is people being completely unable to notice different pictures being of clearly different people as long as they look vaguely alike...

But hey, once someone shows nudes I guess people prefer to just ignore the obvious.
For me that would be one of the tip-offs, moreso than having accounts on various platforms with the same pictures.
Eh, just managed to catch someone using pics from the OF of someone I've spoken to before.. So I know they're fake but could only reverse image search one of them so I don't have evidence for any of the rest, apart from that it's pretty clear not all their pics are of the same person.

Well, it "works" because in general, the thirsty do not care about anything but feeding their thirst.
I mean, I'm a big fan of naked girls too, just not so desperate that I'd accept lying XD
So....this fake fuck made a wildly false claim about his "dog" and a female member in creepy corner (the Personals section)......

And, just in case he decideds to restrict visability of his post history...........

And here is also a link to the thread where he made this claim, his post is deleted now, I assume by a mod but, she quoted the fake fuck when she called him out, so for right now, it's still viewable in the OP's comments........But, just in case that goes bye bye too, I'll cut and past the quote of his comment below. The entire quote AND her remarks calling him out for his horseshit post.

Thankfully my stud already bred her very well over the past few months. Haven’t had a meet in a few weeks but you can say that @alleykat7 is officially my stud’s bitch. She’s a beautiful large gal that needed and requested a large dog. She was concerned that there were no dogs that could dominate her and my neo mastiff proved her wrong within about 5 seconds. My boy gives her exactly what she deserves, no issues so far besides some scratches and him being a bit too heavy. He also likes to let his drool from his mouth/lips drip on Alley’s face when she’s mounted but she’s a trooper and doesn’t mind. Super glad we found each other!

We have a surprise coming that I’m sure she will want to reveal. Let’s just say her pussy isn’t the only thing he’s getting into now. She submits as if her life depends on it and that is well done.
I have never met you… I don’t understand why you would lie about something like that. Please keep me out of your lies, I don’t appreciate it.

Ok clown..... @mastiffstudguy the entire board is now aware that you're full of shit and known to make false claims. You have anything to say for yourself? Or want to tell some more lies? Looking at your post history, I'm putting my bet on you telling some more lies.

Not sure why you weren't banned, but, I'm here to do my part by making your account as radioactive as I possibly can. Enjoy your new staus as a pariah.

reported to mods, let them deal with it
Exactly what should happen.
Screwing with people's lives is not a good thing, especially over a fantasy fib.

99.44/00's of our users do not have the guts it takes to set up a meet without pissing themselves before they get off the doormat (good thing most of those are water-proof). So what difference if someone is deceiving them? And if they're getting jollies with it, aren't you nimrods getting an equivalent jolt from hunting them?

The whole business is twisted and full of that good ol' scout knot, the half-ass hitch.

Given the number of bans, statistically, at least a couple have probably been screwed for no reason but trying to hide their identities from the online jerks and stuff everyone always says we're supposed to be wary of....

None of you have been doxxed here.....I have. It's not much fun, but at least I know who did it and why.

Seems like it all smacks of bent egos, the fake photo people and the hunting crowd.

If you think its so, let the mods know....They'll take it from there....It's why they make the big bux.
You can't do that. Making your profile not viewable doesn't make your post history not visible. Just click the message count number on the person's mouseover profile popup.
Yes. You're right, or you can search the name directly. Most people don't know that though so if they can't bring up the profile, they don't know a way to look. I phrased it wrong and had meant to say his profile, not his post history. Good catch, I missed that mistake. Might as well just leave it now though, lol
I mean, it's hard to meet people......look at the couple below........despite being in Texas, Wisconsin, Oklahoma, Nevada, Washington, New Hampshire, California and Rhode Island no one is interested........I mean, how many states must someone be from in order to meet like-minded people?

Maybe they are on a road trip?
Yes, one that shifts back and forth.....sometimes daily or even the same day.......
Well, could have missed something that they really wanted to see in that last state.
Or be test drivers for Dodge.
That or they've both been drawn and quatered and each individual piece is in a different state and posting individually.
Or they are just scamming people ??‍♀️