I just wanted to discuss the slobber differences between the various sizes and breeds of dogs. I’ve had experiences with medium and large size dogs, the two dogs I’ve had the most experiences with being my old chocolate lab and then my new dog that is medium size and a mix of pitbull, boxer, chow, and beagle. Comparatively, my chocolate lab had much more slobber with his kisses and licking. My gf has experimented with licking with my pitbull mix, and while she does enjoy it, she said his tongue is a bit rough for her liking. I wish she could’ve experienced my chocolate lab with me. My main question is: do bigger dogs produce more slobber when they lick? Do you enjoy getting licked by bigger dogs as opposed to medium or smaller dogs? Is it perhaps just my dog that doesn’t produce a lot of saliva and slobber? I myself also will I say I enjoyed kissing and getting licked by my chocolate lab more. There was more slobber, his tongue felt warmer, and he covered more ground with this licks.