Do you think people are finally starting to be a little more comfortable openly engaging in bestiality?

I don’t know. It seems these days a lot do things I never thought I would see be accepted are accepted. However, that being said I don’t think anything to do with dogs and humans or any animals and humans will ever really be accepted. It has been my biggest secret in life and it will probably always be.

I am not mad about it. Just realistic. One day I would like to meet someone in real who would be accepting of my lifestyle, but until then. It will be a secret. Except to you all here! Smile
Some things regardless of the genre are to have a bit left to the imagination, that a bit of the beauty of meeting new people, you never know what winds their watch.I do know it's a bit hypocritical to enjoys others posting but regardless of what people are into I do feel there is too much of the "look at me" attitude today . Tik Tok etc......everybody and their dog(excuse the pun) has a channel showing how they slice a diner roll.

Keep some things secret keeps them special.

The majority of peole think any type of sex is taboo let alone doing something that feels good physically.
I have female friend, she is quite the sexually adventurous type and has mentioned to me she'd try anything twice....I have this feeling she'd try doggie lol. I personally haven't and don't think I'd ever, but like watching....I'd like to see a live one lol I've hear people joking about "red rockets...." and "oh he is ready..." all females.... hmmmm. I see quite a few animal realistic sex toys in "regular" porno to say there are many curious individuals out there.
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Maybe one day laws will change that why so many still repressing there true feelings because laws in places i am proud that I love dogs in never had a women only dogs in my life as sexual partners maybe one day laws will change for the zoo community I'm hopeing
I honestly do not think it is that weird to like being licked by a dog. At least it is probably not too uncommon. I doubt being into animals will ever be accepted like being gay is accepted now.
Definitely. We are in the sex positive age now, I believe. Society is starting to catch in that concepts of normal and taboo are absurd. From zoophilia or bestiality to incest, people are realizing that are all basically perverts. Better to own it, embrace it and enjoy it than spend a life miserably trying to suppress your sexual nature. There's still a long way to go for most people. But I think we are slowly starting to see more acceptance of things like this.
1. Ppl are getting more kinky in general.
2.. all the gay “puppies” want knotted for real by a k9.
3. Nobody is going to “accept” your sexuality or acknowledge your “relationship”….. just fuck your dog and be quiet about it lol.


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Does anyone think/feel that the fetishization of a thing, be it zoo or whatever, can sometimes stand in the way of the thing being legitimized? If something can be reduced down to a kink and dismissed as a perversion, doesn't it make it harder for people to see or understand those that are looking for more legitimate recognition or acceptance of their mutually loving relationship with their chosen companion?
No. Theire more likely judge people who form romantic bonds with only animals. And see them as mentally unwell or emotionally damaged.
You’re a gay guy, and you’ve been to Palm Springs, and you’ve met “the fur guy” trust me! That guy has taken many to his farm and he’s a muscle head owner but his farm is safe and secure and walk around naked for a good four acres nobody seeing you. And seeing others gay guys dick training it behind a mares pussy is a sight to see but dude doesn’t let nobody record and he’s the only one that can record as a condition. He’s always out and about at the clubs around there in fur outfits u gotta look for him specific. He has chest tattoos. I was amazed a year ago when I met him I highly encourage it.
I think this is posted in the wrong place buddy
Most live in the shadows because it's not accepted but there are people fighting against that like aluzky on YouTube he has animals as partners and is open about he's fellings towards them he's got dog husband and bitch wife and trying to teach others that it's not wrong to engage in sexual activity with other species

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I think it is going more “mainstream”, but still taboo/illegal (US here) so most people won’t admit to it. Just talking to people on grindr most people are “curious” or “I watch sometimes, but idk if I would do it”, waaay more than it used to be. Maybe I’m in a weird bubble, but I def feel like I’m able to talk about it with more people, esp locally.
I think it is going more “mainstream”, but still taboo/illegal (US here) so most people won’t admit to it. Just talking to people on grindr most people are “curious” or “I watch sometimes, but idk if I would do it”, waaay more than it used to be. Maybe I’m in a weird bubble, but I def feel like I’m able to talk about it with more people, esp locally.
definitely feel like it is becoming more mainstream too (Australian here), especially the way it is talked about.

e.g. the "white woman" joke about fucking dogs, whilst initially a joke and put down, is now being used by people (person in my anecdote is white chick) who admits that they are ok with bestiality/have thought about having sex with a dog. Also agree that the gay male kink community seems to be a lot more open and accepting to it.

Still a long way to go though
definitely feel like it is becoming more mainstream too (Australian here), especially the way it is talked about.

e.g. the "white woman" joke about fucking dogs, whilst initially a joke and put down, is now being used by people (person in my anecdote is white chick) who admits that they are ok with bestiality/have thought about having sex with a dog. Also agree that the gay male kink community seems to be a lot more open and accepting to it.

Still a long way to go though
Yeah well we gay guys understand men lol and Australia man there’s a guy over there that is so hot I would love to see him do it. There’s a lot of hot guys there
I think it is going more “mainstream”, but still taboo/illegal (US here) so most people won’t admit to it. Just talking to people on grindr most people are “curious” or “I watch sometimes, but idk if I would do it”, waaay more than it used to be. Maybe I’m in a weird bubble, but I def feel like I’m able to talk about it with more people, esp locally.
What do you ask to people to let them talk about that subject?
There was a crappy comedy film that came out a few years ago about millennials and one of the characters asks a question. "What do you think will be the defining social movement of our time? Like the gay acceptance movement was for Gen X." Another character blurts out "bestiality!"

That got me thinking. I'm seeing a lot of faces in the videos posted here. People are a bit more brazen about talking about it online. Could there maybe be a cultural shift slowly underway?

What do you think?
Probably not. Most people worry about the consent part. Thats why i also prefer woman being taken by a lustful animal. However they say they are conditioned to do it so consent is still up for debate for some.
Well I've been browsing a lot of topics on this site. But I forget what post I came across but I remember reading something that saids. "Do you wanna know why a women should try stuff with a dog. 1. Can't argue with you. 2. Can't get you pregnant. 3. A dogs tongue can reach long dark places. Would you still keep an open mind about it." Well reading that I kind of have to agree what that person said. Do you think that statement makes sense? If it doesn't tell us why?
Well I've been browsing a lot of topics on this site. But I forget what post I came across but I remember reading something that saids. "Do you wanna know why a women should try stuff with a dog. 1. Can't argue with you. 2. Can't get you pregnant. 3. A dogs tongue can reach long dark places. Would you still keep an open mind about it." Well reading that I kind of have to agree what that person said. Do you think that statement makes sense? If it doesn't tell us why?
yeah dogs can do things way better. Just listen to some clips and you hear a woman moan like you never hear in normal porn.
Absolutely, especially with the younger generation. With the internet, people have access and are exposed a lot more to this kind of thing. When we see examples of other people doing things, humans being humans we become curious. I think this is very much the case with young females, they see these examples and then they want to try for themselves! People also being young and nieve also don't necessarily think about the consequences. I mean some young people probably don't even realise that what they're doing is illegal and have no idea of the consequences if they were caught. They see other people doing things and making videos and then they want to do the same, because they think if other people are doing it it must be ok! So yes I absolutely believe that people are becoming more relaxed about beastiality, many young people are doing stuff and recording it! As others have mentioned there is also very little use of masks and it appears most people are happy making videos without concealing their identity anymore!
I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned that it was a comedy film. Bestiality has always been comedically portrayed, but that doesn’t really shift the needle towards acceptance or people being more open about it. It’s still dark comedy for the vast majority of humans out there.
I dunno... sometimes something is thrown out in a comedic way as a way to cover up a more serious intent.

I just watched dirty grandpa the other night, and in one scene, the guy is out cold, ass up on the beach with a dog nuts deep in his ass..

I think it definitely plants some seeds here and there.

I can't even say how many stories I've read here from both sexes talking about how they had watched some animal porn with friends and acted disgusted while in reality being turned on..

I personally like to see stuff like that out in the open, even if for comedy purposes because some will see it and not be disgusted.

The problem lies in what people perceive to be the majority and how taboo the subject is.

How many of us would act disgusted in public about this just in order to not draw attention to ourselves?

For me, when the subject comes up, I simply tell people I don't care what other people do in the privacy of their own home. It isn't my business in any way, and since I don't want people putting their noses into my business if I decide to smoke some pot or whatever, I'm happy to stay out of other peoples business as long as it isn't hurting anyone or anything.

When I say that, most will nod their heads in agreement.

Sometimes one will ask "well what about animal abuse?", and my reply to that is that I do not know if it's animal abuse because I don't know if the animal wanted it or not.

In which case, of course they go with the whole "animal can't consent" thing, and I turn around and say "bullshit! Try telling that to the dog that took in on himself to inject himself (quite literally) into a freaky session between me and my wife. He knew EXACTLY what he was doing and what he wanted. You can be grossed out by that or whatever, but don't try to tell me that they don't know what they're doing. You can think it's wrong, but even if it is, being wrong is not the same as them not knowing what they're doing."

It sometimes gets me some looks, but if I stay in the camp of "the animals are smarter than we give them credit for" instead of taking on that the sex is ok or not, it seems to work out fine.

If it goes back to the sex, I go back to I don't care.
In answer to the original posting, No, I don't. What you may be seeing as ice breaking in the movies is people finding MORE to laugh at. To those not involved in our little hobby, we are a joke at best. At worst we are a seriously ill group who are threatening the safety of their kids, their pets, their Gods, and their food supply. So far Hollywood plays us for comedy. Cross your fingers in hopes that they never see us as more. We can only lose.
I am zoo girl myself. But I am not confident of talking about this publicly or for that matter even to a third person. I think its similar to have a relationship with another human. We dont talk about the sex we had with our partners with other people. My boy is my lover and I dont think anyone other than the two of us need to know what bond we share.
I think pedophilia will need to be accepted before zoophillia. Not that I support paedophilia at all. But sex with children can currently be talked about and promoted. Whereas sex with animals is still seen as taboo and not to be talked about. I wish it wasn't like this but that's what I predict.
I think pedophilia will need to be accepted before zoophillia. Not that I support paedophilia at all. But sex with children can currently be talked about and promoted. Whereas sex with animals is still seen as taboo and not to be talked about. I wish it wasn't like this but that's what I predict.
Where? Because from what I've seen in my time online, which I spend way too much on, and in political talks most people just accuse each other of wanting to fuck kids if they want to win arguments regardless of how true the allegation is or not. And its to the point that even drawings or real life people who are both adults but have a significant enough age gap has weirdos crawling into their replies frothing at the chance to call them "pedophile" over something that doesn't even remotely involve real kids.
Where? Because from what I've seen in my time online, which I spend way too much on, and in political talks most people just accuse each other of wanting to fuck kids if they want to win arguments regardless of how true the allegation is or not. And its to the point that even drawings or real life people who are both adults but have a significant enough age gap has weirdos crawling into their replies frothing at the chance to call them "pedophile" over something that doesn't even remotely involve real kids.
The names of 30 high profile people from a royal commission in Australia into child abuse officially suppressed. All details of the Epstein child trafficking case suppressed. “Paedophilia” replaced with “Minor-attracted person”. Adults marching with their bits out in front of young children. Adults dancing provocatively at playgroups for the entertainment of young children. All government sanctioned, and widely accepted. The boundaries are certainly being moved.
It's not ever going to be "normal" in everyday society, but it is not broadly considered an "unusual" fetish. I'd imagine around 1 in 10 people, more in the states and PR, have zoosexual inclinations.

Across a spectrum of education levels and backgrounds, people are lonely and want affection, and animals like AI are realized as potential partners without the usual hang ups of interpersonal relationships.

A dog will not judge you for your body or "rape" you. People who have dealt with that type abuse from human partners can find pet pals that itch that scratch without the emotional baggage and vulnerability involved with human sexuality.

Fantasizing about factual animals or fantastical creatures in light of the internet has become easier, it's understood to be a much more common fetish in light of furrydom and OnlyFans, the arrival and popularization of BadDragon and other toys.

I'm out and open, from Mississippi, I have attracted a girlfriend with zoosexual inclinations and can express that part of myself with her and my friends irl. I think the last five years have been a huge moment of growth and progress for the community.
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Couldn't have said it better myself!
I agree with you. The fight for rights and acceptance for any population is a push and pull. The more aware the general public is, the more the laws clamp down. Then, once the laws are enacted, the more that population works to get them changed or repealed.

Though I assume that for something as taboo as this, it will be difficult to find people willing to be so out in the open as to challenge these laws without facing some significant violence.