pet love
Citizen of Zooville
How does one measure intelligence. We require a compase or a gps to get from point A to B. How many animals do you see using a GPS or a compass to get from point A to B??? Years back I had a cat that jumped out of my car approx 60km from home. Weeks later it returned home without pads on its feet from walking for weeks on end. The cat had NO GPS or compass yet it found its way home. Is that stupidity or intelligence. They have senses that we can only dream of having. We have to build devices to try and achieve these natural levels of sophistication. Just because we create things to make life easier for ourselves or to destroy this planet doesnt mean that we are intelligent. How many animals have you seen creating wars? How many animals do you see torturing or being inhumane to another animal? Not many I bet. Animals love unconditionally. Can we say the same about the human race. I bet we cant. We as humans base intelligence on what we create to benefit ourselves or to justify our destructive ways. In general majority of humans dont think about the environment yet alone the creatures around us. Humans have made excuses to justify torturing animals for centuries and to prevent their natural growth of intelligence. How many times have we heard the line "animals are stupid and dont have feelings". They arent stupid and they definitely have feelings. Just because they dont communicate like us it doesnt mean they are stupid or the like. Mankind needs to wake up to itself and realize that there are different forms of intelligence in this world. NOT just what we are led and indoctrinated to believe from a very young age. After all........ How many scientist have studied animals to try and find out why they can do what we cant do. Hmmmmm branding ones self as being intelligent is the first step towards stupidity. Id rather be with and love an animal before I will love a human. At least animals dont have a hidden agenda and is driven by worthless paper money. They are genuine, loyal and devoted to their loved ones and dont require our modcons in life to prove to humans that they are intelligent..The problem with that is the same as always has been: animals don't have the same level of intelligence as we do, and although they can give (non-verbal) consent, most people think they don't give ANY consent at all, and A LOT of things in our society would have to change for zoophilia to be accepted, or at least not condenmned as seriously.
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