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Zoosexual Spectrum -- Observations



I've been thinking about this off/on for a while. I'll put what I have so far for discussion. I'm sure you can help me come up with better subheads and descriptions, expose my biases. It would be cool if this became something useful to read instead of just my initial, self-centered musings.

We so often use the label zoophilic as if it were one thing, and just as commonly we are labeled with the term as if we were all the same. Among ourselves we at best distinguish ourselves as either bestialist (and use that word as a pejorative) or zoophile (a less objectionable term used in our defense).

But it seems obvious to me that we are many, many shades of zoo. And although I use the word “spectrum” in my title, to think of us as being on a continuum may be more convenient but perhaps just as inaccurate.

Any means of trying to pigeonhole us this, that or the other, in my way of thinking, just doesn’t work. I’ve got notions in my head of various zoozexual identities or behaviors, and I’ll give them descriptive labels. But I do not mean for them to be limitations with firm boundaries. In fact, if you’re like me, more than one applies to you. During your lifetime, again like me, I’m guessing you’ve tended to be more like one than another, but found yourself moving more from one to another, then another, or back again -- and are more than one at the same time.

Zoosexuality, like all sexuality, ebbs and flows with our situation, our experiences, our encounters, our stage of life. None of us are a fixed thing, I think.

For the most part I avoided working the bestiality/zoophilia distinction, just using zoo to cover the spectrum. Here's a list of the sections to see what's here.

Although there are some of us who can’t recall a time we were “never zoo,” for most people there is a time when it just never entered their minds, or if it did, they don’t remember it. Some people remain non-zoo their whole lives. I’m not thinking of people who “repress it,” which might underly the hostility of some of those who express the greatest contempt for zoosexuals. I’m just thinking of those for whom interspecies sexual fantasies or inclinations have not existed yet. The idea might even turn them off at this point in their lives.

This is the only kind of zoosexual I do not ever remember being. The moment I had any sexual “awareness” it was in regard to a horse and soon after, a dog. But my wife’s zoosexual awakening came in her 30s. Prior to that, no connection there at all.


At some point in our lives we had no zoosexual experience yet. But it entered our minds. Whether we were barely old enough to grasp that the horses in the paddock had “parts” that were male or female, same as we had parts that identified us as male or female, or encountered bestiality on the Web, stumbling across it in our surfing or introduced to it by a friend, we noticed something that stuck in our minds.


At some point, those of us with experience moved beyond just having it “on our minds” and crossed the threshold of experience. Even this happens a variety of ways.

One version would be a child (or adolescent or grownup) whose dog submits to close inspection and touching its penis or vagina. It might just be seeing what’s in the sheath, or feeling its knot firm up, or if a female, probing its vagina.

Another may be a child (adolescent, grownup) who invites/allows a dog to lick his or her own genitals. In the heat of the moment, maybe it involves oral sex on the animal, or even penetrative sex.


For any number of reasons, this zoo-friendly person is not personally active zoosexually, and perhaps may never be. He or she may fantasize about being active, however, and is drawn to zoo stories of others. Maybe only reads the stories, biographical or fiction. Maybe is drawn to bestial pornography. They might even like to play the voyeur, or actively assist. But they themselves have not yet dared to venture into zoosexual activity personally.


This is a little different, I think, than just those who “crossed the threshold” with the family pet. These are those of us who become obsessed with the idea of “doing it” with an animal that we take measures most zoos – and almost all non-zoos – frown upon.

We may opportunistically seize the moment with an animal we’ve been left alone with, or we may negotiate arrangements with an owner to “finally get to do it.”

It may be we acted out while pet-sitting or while left with the animal when the owner has been called away or with a friendly stray behind a building. It might be we finally “find an owner” while on a zoosexual forum, like this one, who can hook us up to pop our zoophile cherry.

We may be a person who’s become so intent on fulfilling our fantasy that we’ve been watching for the right moment to “hop a fence” or coax the neighbor’s dog into a private place, and then did.

This is the person desperate to put a checkmark in the box, panicked by the thought they may never get the chance.


A number of motivating factors fuel this person's interest in acquiring and/or maintaining animals for others to use. Could be the owner of a single dog, mini stallion, donkey or horse; might have a number of animals in a rural, private location and are willing to "share"; or might simply be someone who's gotten access to animals.

Usually men, sometimes couples, much more rarely women -- the facilitators advertise themselves as being able in general to service anyone who would like take them up on it: novices, for instance, who are looking for their first time; or experienced zoos looking for a different species, such as a bitch lover, for instance, who's always wanted to try a mare. Others may limit the offer with a specific "clientele" in mind: only women or only men, or perhaps just women or couples but no single men.

The facilitator might be altruistically motivated, acting out of compassion to help out those in despair, those who feel hopeless that they'll ever get a chance to finally "do it," make their fantasy come true. They might have gotten tired of "everybody talking zoo but nobody doing anything about it." So they've stepped in to make things "real," not just online threads of wishful thinking.

Naturally, some of the men who offer others animals are in it for their own pleasure, ingratiating themselves on those they target as a personal guide and safeguard. But it may be, for some, just "bait" to lure a person, usually a woman, to perform zoosexually for them up close and personal. They might ask to photograph or video the action. One facilitator invited my wife to have her first encounter with a horse (we turned him down) on the condition he got to video it. He wanted to post it to the internet, gaining his pornographer creds that way. Another's proposal was predicated on the man getting to have "sloppy seconds," a huge fantasy for him. We *almost* went through with that one. We were new to zoo back then, too inexperienced with the zoo spectrum to detect dishonesty. We learned the horse was not his nor did he have legitimate access to it. He offered to substitute a German Shepherd in its place, which wasn't his either, but he was going to pet-sit for a neighbor that weekend. This man represents only one type of facilitator some might be wary of. But there are, as described earlier, altruistic facilitators who are legit and genuinely want to be helpful in sharing their animals.

Note that "sharing" animals is a point of contention between some members of the larger zoo community.


One early definition of romance was “fiction.” Romance stories were those that, sometimes heavy handedly, always have a happy ending.

Were you ever a “lovesick teenager”? Have you ever seen a lovesick teenager? What teenagers call love, we often call mere infatuation. We suspect that they’re not really “in love with” the person they have a crush on; they’re just in love with the “idea” of being in love. They’ll just die if they don’t have someone to be their boyfriend or girlfriend. They have to “be in a relationship.” So they grab another person and invent one. The other person "fills the bill"and their Facebook pages are filled each day with all these “sweet” pictures of the perfect couple.

We see the same thing among some zoosexuals. Not a person riding shotgun this time but their dog or horse or other animal. They are so desperate to be romantically involved that they impose a uniquely human construct – that of spouse – upon an animal.

I’m not judging them, I swear. All of us do this, I think, at some point or another. Whether its another human or a different species. And it’s so much “easier” to do this with another species, since an animal has absolutely no ability to comprehend the complexity of human romance. They simply crave attention, a bond they have with you and your warmth and affection, and they get it. So, whatever. Dress them in little clothes or talk mushy to them – it’s meeting their needs just fine, though they don’t understand at all what you’re making it out to be. Works out great for you because, hey, no chance of rejection. No arguments, really (though animals absolutely can be defiant or bullheaded!). They will never throw the ring at you and say either you or they have to go, and they're getting the kids. They don’t ever judge you or condemn you the way we humans do at times.

For me, this isn't as much a distinction of one zoophile from another but an insightful glimpse on human relationships -- any kind. The healthiest human romances are built on interdependent commitment, a term created to distinguish them from unhealthy liaisons based on “mutual dependency” fictionalized as “romance.” But really, how many relationships around us are this type? I think most of us fall short of this in our relationships. You can no more call a romantic zoophile's relationship “silly” for the fiction they may represent than the so-called "romantic" relationships most humans have with each other.

Almost any romance is exactly what it originally was: a sweet fiction. So.. enjoy the story! Love stories rock!

Still, just as human-human love is so much more mutually beneficial when each partner is committed to the “genuine other,” I really admire zoosexuals in this category who focus intently on learning exactly who their animals are, and then loving them for their genuine selves. Their animals are not their wives nor husbands nor little children – though they may playfully call them that for the sake of others who can’t understand it any other way. But bottom line, to them, their animals are distinct beings, each with their own unique personality. And that’s exactly who they love them for. Not some character they construct for them but who they are themselves.


Pan is a Greek suffix that means “all.” But Pan is also a Greek pastoral god, an entertaining fun little god of shepherds and nature.

Both work in this sense. For some pansexuals, sex might be an option for any or all relationships, since their sexual attraction isn’t limited by gender or sexual identity: cisgender, transgender, intersex and androgynous, ad infinitum. Participating in sexual activity solely depends on a prospective partner’s inclination and, of course, whether they’re sexually monogamous or not. (Pansexual doesn’t mean you are promiscuous; just means who you tie the knot with isn’t limited by sexuality).

In the case of a pansexual zoo, sexual attraction is also not restricted to human-human relationships. It includes the attraction to interspecies sex.

Naturally there are many, many shades of pansexual zoo as well. Some are monogamous and loyal to and having sex solely with their current partner, a lifelong partner perhaps; while others that we know are involved in various lifestyle communities and/or are in open relationships. And their zoosexual activities span the zoo spectrum, ranging from “open invitation” for the animal to participate if it’s inclined to, to soliciting for and procuring an animal they can use objectively and temporarily for their sexual gratification.

(My wife and I are the former, allowing our pets to join with us when we have sex but not focusing on having sex with them. They may participate however suits them or not at all. It’s left up to them).


Have you noticed how many men are not zoo themselves, but they relish bestiality porn featuring a woman and a horse, dog, pig or other animal? Have you see how many men post their desire to find and marry a woman who’ll have sex with animals?

I initially sub-headed this “CHAUVINIST ZOO.” At first glance that seemed totally appropriate, if you focus on some of the posts guys have made that got the most reaction. But I realized the term was unnecessarily offensive, since chauvinist is generally a pejorative. I also realized after only a moment’s reflection that it represents just one faction of the men in this class who – like even me, I admit – are turned on by seeing a woman and an animal together. (Even just this morning I searched for and found some I thoroughly enjoyed.)

Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure they exist – but I don’t think I’ve yet seen a single post by a non-zoo woman, not interested in having sex with animals herself, was desperately seeking a man that was into having sex with animals. She just couldn't see herself being married to a man that wasn't into having sex with her dog or horse.

I don't think I'm alone. Look how many of those men who eventually do find a zoosexual woman to talk to are suddenly suspicious she's not real. They can’t resist the urge to interrogate her, even demand she prove she's real. That's how much they just can't believe one exists, or that they were fortunate enough to run across one. It might be because the vast body of bestial porn that’s available is so fake. It’s hard to overcome the notion that women would do such things only if they were paid lots of money.

That’s got to be a special class of “zoo” by itself. And it’s not a small group: abound on the Net.

Why even include this as a category of zoo (non-zoo men in search of a woman who likes bestial sex)? Because in this group are also those men who are truly supportive. They are searching for a soulmate who, if zoo-sexual, they will offer safety, security, confidence, and appreciation. They're offering a zoosexual woman a human life partner that they do not have to hide anything from, that they can trust their whole being with, an ally standing with them against those in society who stand ever ready to persecute or exploit them.

Maybe I should have made two separate categories, then? Suggest how to revise it and let’s make it open to discussion.


Any person can be a conflicted zoo due to his or her zoosexual orientation, whichever place on the spectrum they may be. It’s because their zoosexuality is at odds with something else in their identity. A clash of values. First to come to mind is religion, but it could be, “My parents would not be proud of me for this” – no matter what age the person is right now! If fact, there are members of this forum I’ve communicated with who are in their late 50s and are suffering inner turmoil. A couple of them, it’s just because it seems to them what they do ‘is’ exploitation or abuse, their personal perception of it. Or it might be, "I can't be zoo and feel like I'm a mother/father my children can be proud of." Or my spouse. Or... self-hatred: "I hate the idea of people having sex with animals. I want to have sex with animals. I hate myself."

For some, it’s not wholly about being zoosexual but about certain things that they have done. Maybe they feel guilt about times when they were too coercive, or too “creepy” about it, or the animal for some reason is wary of them now and they know something they did has caused it.

At some point, most of us have probably been a conflicted zoo. But this is true of all sexualities, isn’t it? Sex is just a part of being human that easily becomes a lot of baggage we carry around. Some of us, for life.
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We'll add you. How would you like the category to be described that distinguishes it from all others here?

I have met people from all of the categories you have described here.

I feel there are more categories.

Like the person who sees animals as equals with a different childhood. When they mature and understand their bodies they explore each other. This is a mental and physical exploration. I suppose you could define it as seeking non verbal consent to do or try things that are new or different.

One case of this is when I first got Alpacas. I knew that they could have sex with humans but would they and what would it take.
From the time they arrived it was a case of learning how they lived and how they thought. The first thing I discovered is that a female Alpaca that feels pressured with no where to go. IE on a halter will drop to the ground in a sort of submission. This led to exploring her body which led to stimulating her which led to sex. In a few short weeks she went from being haltered to worm, trim toes etc to just putting a hand on her back and she would drop for sex or less appreciated was the possibility of worming etc. This progressed to missionary sex with Alpacas which they loved as long as there was no soft comfortable mattress on the ground. This mattress is seen as the shearing trigger.
The original owners were amazed at my training skills in that in a short time I could catch an Alpaca with a touch.

I found out that a randy male alpaca will literally run a female to submission to breed her. So they are pre programmed to be excited by the chase and offer themselves for sex when they are ready. If they are pregnant then in the wild and captivity they will fight to death not to be bred. Which I think is due to the male penetrating the cervix during sex. So pregnant sex in Alpacas will terminate a pregnancy so they are programmed to fight off any advances.

Some zoophiles are only interested in the compatible parts of the brain and body of the opposite sex. Like women who like to tease and excite their male dogs to get the dog to dominate them as if they are a female dog. Male zoos like to not only pretend to be the male of the same species but also bring to animal to new levels of sex. Like the guys with Ewes, a ewe will not come close to orgasm with a Ram. But their bodies are fully capable of reaching orgasm but it requires a human male to get them to orgasm. These Ewes are no longer the same as they were, their minds and bodies have experienced an awakening. They are super Ewes and always on the hunt for more orgasms.

There is a description that domestication of animals forced a change on humans too. From the time we decided to fence in animals so we could use them, we then had to provide for them non stop. IE going on holidays is no longer easy, the animals need to be checked on constantly. A real change for a hunter gatherer species.

I think the reason why domestication worked is we each gain something but have to sacrifice something. The zoophile takes this to another level. A ewe can reach sexual highs not normal to her species and her male partner can be excited by getting her there and can have sex as often as he wants. They say that orgasm is as much a mental thing as a physical thing.

I think some Zoophiles could be defined as explorers, exploring bodies and minds.

Others can be defined as sexual Zoos who are looking for different vaginas to experience they may not be aiming to get the female to her peak but are interested in the feel and experience of other species. In doing so the give the female her own increased experiences.
I have actually met that exclusive woman who was into seeing her male partner have sex with their dogs...

(Why is it always me to end up the outlier?)

Otherwise, is it possible that you're observations may be describing phases of self acceptance as opposed to personalities?
I have met people from all of the categories you have described here.

I feel there are more categories.

Like the person who sees animals as equals with a different childhood. When they mature and understand their bodies they explore each other. This is a mental and physical exploration. I suppose you could define it as seeking non verbal consent to do or try things that are new or different.

One case of this is when I first got Alpacas. I knew that they could have sex with humans but would they and what would it take.
From the time they arrived it was a case of learning how they lived and how they thought. The first thing I discovered is that a female Alpaca that feels pressured with no where to go. IE on a halter will drop to the ground in a sort of submission. This led to exploring her body which led to stimulating her which led to sex. In a few short weeks she went from being haltered to worm, trim toes etc to just putting a hand on her back and she would drop for sex or less appreciated was the possibility of worming etc. This progressed to missionary sex with Alpacas which they loved as long as there was no soft comfortable mattress on the ground. This mattress is seen as the shearing trigger.
The original owners were amazed at my training skills in that in a short time I could catch an Alpaca with a touch.

I found out that a randy male alpaca will literally run a female to submission to breed her. So they are pre programmed to be excited by the chase and offer themselves for sex when they are ready. If they are pregnant then in the wild and captivity they will fight to death not to be bred. Which I think is due to the male penetrating the cervix during sex. So pregnant sex in Alpacas will terminate a pregnancy so they are programmed to fight off any advances.

Some zoophiles are only interested in the compatible parts of the brain and body of the opposite sex. Like women who like to tease and excite their male dogs to get the dog to dominate them as if they are a female dog. Male zoos like to not only pretend to be the male of the same species but also bring to animal to new levels of sex. Like the guys with Ewes, a ewe will not come close to orgasm with a Ram. But their bodies are fully capable of reaching orgasm but it requires a human male to get them to orgasm. These Ewes are no longer the same as they were, their minds and bodies have experienced an awakening. They are super Ewes and always on the hunt for more orgasms.

There is a description that domestication of animals forced a change on humans too. From the time we decided to fence in animals so we could use them, we then had to provide for them non stop. IE going on holidays is no longer easy, the animals need to be checked on constantly. A real change for a hunter gatherer species.

I think the reason why domestication worked is we each gain something but have to sacrifice something. The zoophile takes this to another level. A ewe can reach sexual highs not normal to her species and her male partner can be excited by getting her there and can have sex as often as he wants. They say that orgasm is as much a mental thing as a physical thing.

I think some Zoophiles could be defined as explorers, exploring bodies and minds.

Others can be defined as sexual Zoos who are looking for different vaginas to experience they may not be aiming to get the female to her peak but are interested in the feel and experience of other species. In doing so the give the female her own increased experiences.
I'll see what I can do. Yes, there are definitely more categories. Let's all work toward describing them for general information, those who don't realize that there's a whole lotta ways to be a zoo.
Yeah, not so much "personalities" as different perspectives. I don't think I ever used the word personalities. I did say many of us fit more than one description and that we evolve through them, ebbing and flowing among them. Heck, *most* of us probably do this.
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I have actually met that exclusive woman who was into seeing her male partner have sex with their dogs...

(Why is it always me to end up the outlier?)

Otherwise, is it possible that you're observations may be describing phases of self acceptance as opposed to personalities?

I like that thought process.

I think part of a zoo's personality is their own acceptance of who and what they are and what they can be.

Then you can get into the whole free will conversation which is fascinating. Basically, you are what you are before you can recognise it. In other words the actions you take after a conscious decision are the actions you were destined to take before you became conscious of the need to decide. They say free will is an illusion. The baggage we carry might be when we purposely fight against the decision we are destined to make.

I have only met a few Zoo's IRL, each one is widely different from the others.

A few I planned to meet went dark when it was time to meet up, one guy a Doctor was married and his wife was limited in her sex drive. We chatted on BF for ages and he got Alpacas and I explained how to catch them and how to train them. I travelled to the US for work and drove cross country to meet up and he never showed and did not log into BF for at least a year.

Some people have careers they can lose due to exposure, some don't care.

I suppose there are Zoophiles who could be more Zoo :) but the fear of exposure limits their life experience.

You have to make sacrifices to have the land to house many females of many species. But then you can wake up with a dog, feed the horses and lay a Llama, then later in the day you can jump a goat and in the evening pound an Alpaca.

Then there are some who will hump a goat next to a railway line and end up in jail for having some fun.

I think society would save a lot of lives of people who are told that their minds are wrong and loving an animal is not normal. Love should not be wrong. Inflicting pain or doing something that is against the will of another being is wrong but if both agree then there is no harm done.

I grew up in a fairly religious family, at no point did I think that my thoughts were blasphemous, though I never let my parents know what I thought about female animals. I think the fact I questioned the sunday school teachings gave me the confidence to say that if there is a God I am the way I am because it was intended. If there is no God then my nature is to commune with animals. I never had any guilt over being different which is probably a rare thing.
Another would be, Born Zoo Exclusive, such as myself.

Speaking from personal experience, someone who has never had any sort of sexual feelings for another human, and have always had zoosexual feelings. it starts long before you can understand what any of it means, for example being the odd boy out that draws dog pussies and buttholes instead of what other boys were drawing, and even that early preferring the companionship of animals. from there it escalates to exploring the animal's body and learning to read their body language and know what they like. then as you learn what sex is and start to have sexual desires, those thoughts are always involving animals. You find the idea of sex with another human to be a huge turn off, completely uninterested, or even downright disgusting.

Its here that this category can split, as you could be the hermit type who solely prefers animal companionship for both friendship and love.

Or like me, you can have platonic friends, but only animal lovers that is you are only IN love with and attracted to animals.

Born Zoo Exclusives typically differ from those who become exclusive later in life for whatever reason, as Born Zoo Exclusives generally don't harbor ill will toward other humans of either gender the way those who are turned exclusive as a result of bad relationships or whatever reason tend to.
This is a fascinating discussion. I personally have moved around the spectrum into several different categories during different parts of my life.
Thank you for posting, it’s really making me think about everything in a totally new perspective
About values, is im gay, but am conflicted with being zoo. The thing is, in the new testament, being gay in the Bible is a sin (not what I believe personally), but bestiality isn't , and I've never felt guilt being gay, so why do I feel guilt being zoo? I'm pretty positive I'm zoo, its been a struggle, but as people say, love is love.
Opinions are split on whether the three NT references to homosexuality are about homosexuality per se or in the context of child abuse and prostitution. So, yep -- feel free not to be too conflicted about that. :)

As for bestiality, it's not hard to see why you're feeling self doubt, shame, guilt. That's a deeply held societal taboo, in most cultures. Yet, it almost seems "beside the point," really. What has it got to do with Judaism or Christianity, neither of which spend much positive energy on sexuality?

There are few positive references to sexuality at all. No positive models. It's always treated as "giving in to the flesh" -- which is just a bad, bad thing. We end up with no way to reconcile anything sexual with Judea/Christian values UNLESS it wasn't mentioned. Men and women in a married (or even unmarried) context having sex is not mentioned much, except cases of adultery or rape, and no allusion to it outside of those exceptions draws down hell fire in the texts; therefore, heterosexual intercourse must not be sin, or that grave of a sin. Probably should avoid that, too, but... you don't burn in hell for it. Or usually don't, it seems to imply.

Yet, damn it -- even St Paul talks about *married sex* as being undesirable. Be best if men could just avoid sex altogether. But, if you can't resist, if you really have to take care of business, rather than jack off or do something else horrid, if you can't escape the "urge," better to take a woman as your wife, he guessed, use her to cum in. Not ideal, but... if you HAVE to, well, just grab some chick and keep her handy when you need a fuck. Safest way to scratch your itch.

In my theological studies, we considered his teaching that staying single and chaste in its context, his vision of the near future. Paul thought the Second Coming was nigh. It was this month, or maybe later this year. Maybe next year. This was no time to be distracted by sex. Had to focus on the Second Coming.

More than 2000 years later, that context just doesn't hold up.

While no one can use Bible references, not even NT references, to justify or validate your sexual proclivities and orientations ... in this day and age, with all we know now about history of the cultures who put that together, what was going on back then... it's pretty difficult to use the Bible to condemn you, either, not with any validity.

My fellow Christians who love to beat people over the head with their bibles need to lighten up a bit. Well, a LOT. They are little children, cherry-picking verses from the texts to hurt other people -- similar to what the Pharisees kept doing.

When things got to tough for the Jews to understand, with all their legalistic arguments and OT-based debates, Jesus didn't play their game with them. He pretty much just said, "Oh stop it already." And then reduced the entire "law and prophets" for them to just two things: Love God with your whole being, and love your neighbor as yourself. Period. And the reward of living a life based on those two principles was "fullness of life." In short, achieving and maintaining happiness and contentment, being a person free of shame and guilt and anguish -- establishing the "Kingdom of Heaven" to the earth.

All the rest? Let it go. Stop hurting each other. Stop hurting at all.
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Wow that was a lot of reading :LOL:

First off, I too feel like you left a few kinds of zoos out. I too have floated from one type to the next over the years, but that was just a part of the evolution of my life. No one truly is born into it automatically, it's a gradual process that unfolds according to one's experiences, though some will/do progress faster than others. Even the person who said they never had any attraction towards humans whatsoever, there was a point in time they weren't any kind of zoo, or anything. You acquire knowledge of different things as you go and make decisions as you progress. But that's not the ultimate point I'm trying to make...

I can remember a time when I was genuinely attracted to humans, even for a very short time found myself attracted to certain male human cartoon characters (Goku from Dragonball Z, for example). I remember a few girls I went to school with I would frequently fantasize about, hoping that I might encounter one of them in the hallway and we would ironically end up fucking like rabbits in the isolated bathroom by the gym. But shortly after that, I saw my first doggie red rocket... then all bets were off. Everything else I had previously taken an interest in all of this sudden seemed to be a distant memory. It wasn't until I was almost 20 I finally met a woman I had a fairly stable relationship with, and whom I had a fairly healthy attraction to. But I didn't want her knowing I was into this lifestyle, so my dog no longer slept in the bed with me. I found myself longing to cuddle up next to him again, and found myself growing more and more distant from my at the time girlfriend. Whenever she would go to work I would jump on the bed and call him up and cuddle with him, and of course would usually end up making love to him. I wanted so badly to tell my girl that I was into this lifestyle, and would hope she'd be game, but she confessed to me that her ex husband was into bestiality and wanted her to join him, which she found repulsive. That kind of crushed my spirits. I soon there after realized that a relationship with her, let alone another woman, just wasn't feasible. That was 15 years ago, and I have been (human) single since then. I haven't been without a dog a single day since.

So, all that being said, I kind of categorize myself as, what I would describe, as a "Hopeless Romantic Zoo". A near zoo exclusive with high hopes of finding that one star in the sky who would be into the same lifestyle as me, but realize that's more of a pipe dream than rooted in reality. Perhaps a sub-type of the "Sweet Romantic" type, though altered a bit.

Though I feel like you missed a few types (or perhaps sub-types), I think you've studied people pretty well through the years, and were right on the ball on all you DID list. I too was on BF for many years and noticed the "Supportive Non-Zoo Male" so many times. In fact, I met one here in my hometown.

I'm sure this list will grow... ;)
First off, I too feel like you left a few kinds of zoos out. ... I'm sure this list will grow... ;)
Yep. I thought I was pretty clearly saying it was not a finite list and asking folks to help me grow it. I want to re-emphasize for readers that *no* label is the *whole* label for any of us. Any identity that "pigeon hole's" us is unhealthy, since as humans we are complex creatures. We are much more than a single type of zoo. We are much more than a sexual being. Neither are we solely a gender. We are first and foremost ourselves, individuals, uniquely us. And then we are whatever collection of constructs we are, at any moment in time, a giant, mutable and evolving collection of things, always "becoming" us. And as we mature, although we become more and more "firm" in our identities, we are never quite "there" yet, never finished growing -- unless we intentionally *stop* growing or simply stop existing.

What I am today, I may not be tomorrow -- or may not completely be tomorrow. Always, just one more version of "me."

And I acknowledge that for other persons, this same thing is true. If anyone comes to me and says, "I am *this*" or "I am *that*," I'll simply say "okay," but be keeping to myself my expectation they are much more than that. And wait and see.

Yep. I thought I was pretty clearly saying it was not a finite list and asking folks to help me grow it. I want to re-emphasize for readers that *no* label is the *whole* label for any of us. Any identity that "pigeon hole's" us is unhealthy, since as humans we are complex creatures. We are much more than a single type of zoo. We are much more than a sexual being. Neither are we solely a gender. We are first and foremost ourselves, individuals, uniquely us. And then we are whatever collection of constructs we are, at any moment in time, a giant, mutable and evolving collection of things, always "becoming" us. And as we mature, although we become more and more "firm" in our identities, we are never quite "there" yet, never finished growing -- unless we intentionally *stop* growing or simply stop existing.

What I am today, I may not be tomorrow -- or may not completely be tomorrow. Always, just one more version of "me."

And I acknowledge that for other persons, this same thing is true. If anyone comes to me and says, "I am *this*" or "I am *that*," I'll simply say "okay," but be keeping to myself my expectation they are much more than that. And wait and see.

Well excuse me ;)
Thank you BlueBeard, very inspiring 3D: when you wrote spectrum referring to all the different perspectives I kinda thought about a piano keyboard, but coloured ^^

Anyway, it’s discussions like this that can help people feel better about themselves and the zoo in their life: I can’t help but be in pain thinking about how many people out there (and probably in here too) can’t live peacefully because of self loathing, guilt, incomprehension or plain spite and hate.

I think that only through selfconsciousness and tolerance a zoo way of life, in any and every shade, will be finally accepted and comprehended: work on yourself first, to BE the change you long.

Pink washing wise, we’re lately in most Europe seeing a lot more defense of LGBQT+ rights, and that’s what we zoos must aim at too, as a community.

So yes, thanks again BlueBeard ^^

I don’t know if I’ve just minted or seen before the expression “pink washing” - referred to the same practice as green washing but towards gender and sex rights - but that’s what I meant!!
that's actually a very interesting post, looks very thought through, i haven't thought much about the topic before but just started lately, so please don't hate me, if i say something stupid haha

i kinda come from petplay (although i don't have much experience there too), someone else told me petplay and zoo are completely different things (which is true) but maybe for me there's something in between, and i'm wondering in which category of the ones listed here i would fit, basically i don't think i really want to have sex with a dog but i like imaging i'm a dog or acting like i'm a dog, also being around dogs or playing with them as if i'm a dog, i haven't fully done it because i don't have one but i'm kinda confused, also because of the information overload 😅 would you say that counts as zoo curious or romantic zoo, or something else? i feel like nothing really fits
that's actually a very interesting post, looks very thought through, i haven't thought much about the topic before but just started lately, so please don't hate me, if i say something stupid haha

i kinda come from petplay (although i don't have much experience there too), someone else told me petplay and zoo are completely different things (which is true) but maybe for me there's something in between, and i'm wondering in which category of the ones listed here i would fit, basically i don't think i really want to have sex with a dog but i like imaging i'm a dog or acting like i'm a dog, also being around dogs or playing with them as if i'm a dog, i haven't fully done it because i don't have one but i'm kinda confused, also because of the information overload 😅 would you say that counts as zoo curious or romantic zoo, or something else? i feel like nothing really fits
Just go slow and explore. There’s no rush. Keep reading and decide what’s right for you.
Nice work. I can see all the different types you have mentioned and know they do reflect different types of Zoo in the community. Like others have said, a few to be added, but an excellent start!
that's actually a very interesting post, looks very thought through, i haven't thought much about the topic before but just started lately, so please don't hate me, if i say something stupid haha

i kinda come from petplay (although i don't have much experience there too), someone else told me petplay and zoo are completely different things (which is true) but maybe for me there's something in between, and i'm wondering in which category of the ones listed here i would fit, basically i don't think i really want to have sex with a dog but i like imaging i'm a dog or acting like i'm a dog, also being around dogs or playing with them as if i'm a dog, i haven't fully done it because i don't have one but i'm kinda confused, also because of the information overload 😅 would you say that counts as zoo curious or romantic zoo, or something else? i feel like nothing really fits
As bb13 wrote just be yourself and explore! Categories aren’t really fit for life, they are just guidelines: be a trailblazer!
Not really sure where I would fall, but, I'm very submissive to my golden retriever and I feel he does love me and likes when I touch or suck him, and I really love him.
This really helped me better understand different aspects of how I feel and my own transition through understanding myself as a zoo. Thank you for your thoughts and consideration Bluebeard.
Thank you for giving me a place in the zoo world. I am Vicarious Zoo. I am pretty sure I will never have sex with an animal for a number of reasons including availability but also not particularly attracted to animals directly. Mind you if I were in close proximity to a lovely big pooch I might want to touch him just to see what its like. Be very curious to see human animal sex in the flesh too - but thats pretty hard to organise at the best of times. Zoo porn really sends shockwaves up my spine so I still have my own much smaller issues of acceptance and shame to deal with. I always think that Im done with looking at beast porn... and then a few months later I get hungry for it all over again and Im dreaming of sucking on a nice red doggie schlong... sigh... In any case I am glad I exist in the lessor role of a mini zoo or something.

Lovely breakdown. Thanks for putting in the work.
I find my motivation comes from my previous partner getting me into pet-play and my upbringing with owning multiple dogs who were all loving and good animals. Due to some damage done in my divorce i am a bit apprehensive in trying a new relationship solo, so when i do go try again i want to have someone i know who loves me (a good boy) be the one to approve of my next partner. i want my next partner to be able to put enough trust in me to be able to show me a side of them that holds social responsibility and to be open and honest about our desires.