That would be because those of us who LIVE it, rather than wishing for it, or drooling over the idea of it, know exactly what kind of *WORK* is involved. The ones saying "I wanna be on a farm" have no concept of just how much work is involved - backbreaking, unpleasant, smelly, dangerous, grinding, mind-numbing *WORK*. They have no clue that it ain't about "Hey, I've got 40 head of horses, so thats 40 pussies for me to fuck" - you and I know that it's 40 stalls to clean, 40 grain-buckets to build morning and evening, 40 water buckets to be dumped, scrubbed, refilled, and humped back to 40 stalls, etc, etc, etc, etc - and that's *ONLY* the "directly involves the livestock" stuff - then there's the fences to build/maintain/repair, the pastures to groom, the barn to be painted, the driveway to be graded, the busted toilet in the house to repair, the... (do I need to go on? And that's just the very tiniest tip of the iceberg!) Thing get even more fun when a critter gets sick and has to be dealt with - and don't forget the fact that you have to effectively throw away a day's work when it's time for the farrier to come through and at least trim, if not shoe, the whole crew - at anywhere from $70 to $150 a pop.
Nope, having/living on a farm isn't all "pussy up to the ears"... Not by a long, Long, LONG, *LONG* shot!