Zooville Settler
True story: Years ago I was visiting Italy, and went for a hike in the country outside of Rome. I saw a Sheppard caring for his flock and struck up a conversation with him. Eventually I worked up the nerve to ask him if I could have sex with one of his ewes. I was terrified yet so horny. I also knew for a fact that Sheppards and farm boys all over the planet have sex (at least once in their life) with a sheep or other farm animal, and likely many more times than that.It is a fact that shepherds once spent months at a time in fields with the flock no where near civilization
People get horny, sometimes animals get horny too
Sex happens
Still does
To my surprise he didn’t even bat an eye. He said “sure, no problem” and then proceeded to catch one for me to have sex with. Now a days I would NEVER ask a stranger if I could have sex with their animals, and throw caution to the breeze like that. But way back then I was young and horny, and took a risk that paid off.