Yes I've had them quite frequently since I was young, always a dog or horse involved, have never had a sexual dream involving people, which furthers my belief that even on a subconscious level I am zoosexual, there ain't no changing something wired that deep in someone's psyche atleast not without it being psychologically detrimental, studies have already proven that the use of psychotherapy to change ones orientation causes depression and mental distress, plus enduring (long lasting) change to one orientation is highly uncommon: the individual usually reverts back to their true sexual identity (not saying I would even want to "change who I am" just attesting that zoophilia (attraction to animals) can absolutely be an orientation that one is born with, one that I believe is wired into our brain development just like heterosexual and homosexuality is in varying individuals, I honestly doubt that for "everyone of us" its just a kink, or a fetish like Normie's say, just think about it, sex with animals is as old as time itself, dating back to prehistoric days, for an attraction to be passed down that many generations of humans, there has to be something happening on a genetic level, I refuse to let anyone convince me that my Romantic love and sexual attraction for animals is just a "kink" and somehow separate from legitimate orientations just solely because I'm attracted to a different species and "normal" people don't like anything that differs from how they view things should be; I refuse to acknowledge their biased opinions are anything more than bullshit hate propaganda because quite frankly even after I'm in the ground, six foot under, there will still be more zoos in the world, if history has taught anything its that we still exist for a reason, despite centuries of people trying to suppress (imprison) and hate on us due to cultural conditioning, and just knowing that even against all those odds we still prevail, it gives me hope for future generations of zoos surpassing me, NEVER GIVE UP!!!, alright rant over)