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Zoo Exclusive and Menstrual Irregularities / Phantom Pregnancy


When you mate with your K9 lover do you feel like you're being bred?

Do you have menstrual irregularities (late periods or skipped a month or two)?

Do you feel psychologically pregnant?

"Experts suspect that most phantom pregnancies happen due to a mind-body feedback loop, in which a strong emotion causes an elevation of hormones, in turn resulting in physical symptoms that mimic those of a true pregnancy."
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No, i ask it because i received messages from 2 women (in respond to my post) that experience physical symptom like menstrual irregularities or phantom pregnancy several times.

menstrual irregularities women sometime have with human men also because of the sexual activities sometimes it influnces the menstruation especially when the body is expecting to receive semen.

about phantom pregnancy it is logical because the dog (or horse) semen do enter the womb and into the egg and for a short period the egg gets fertilized but then collapse.
menstrual irregularities women sometime have with human men also because of the sexual activities sometimes it influnces the menstruation especially when the body is expecting to receive semen.

about phantom pregnancy it is logical because the dog (or horse) semen do enter the womb and into the egg and for a short period the egg gets fertilized but then collapse.
It has to be the egg fertilization.

Fuck, that gets me hard.
Before I found out that its impossible for a human and canine to create life, I use to expect my first love to end up pregnant. It's not that I was trying to get her pregnant, but what i knew about sex at that age was that it can result in babies. It's also a fun fantasy I have today.

Personally i think a lot of people are playing this fantasy out a bit to much, and a lot of power of belief is a factor vs the actual science of things. There is a barrier and if a sperm and egg do not have the proper encryption key there is no entry allowed.

However, the Syrian golden hamster is a rare exception, the ovum from this species will allow human sperm to pass.
This lead to the development of a test for human sperm quality.
Before I found out that its impossible for a human and canine to create life, I use to expect my first love to end up pregnant. It's not that I was trying to get her pregnant, but what i knew about sex at that age was that it can result in babies. It's also a fun fantasy I have today.

Personally i think a lot of people are playing this fantasy out a bit to much, and a lot of power of belief is a factor vs the actual science of things. There is a barrier and if a sperm and egg do not have the proper encryption key there is no entry allowed.

However, the Syrian golden hamster is a rare exception, the ovum from this species will allow human sperm to pass.
This lead to the development of a test for human sperm quality.
This is why I made a whole thread about this topic. Look up "Dog semen, human egg fertilization".

Despite the barrier present I do think that if enough dog semen reaches the egg it will eventually break that barrier down and allow for the dog's semen to penetrate her egg. But even if this really does happen it will not produce and viable offspring - the genetics won't allow that.
This is why I made a whole thread about this topic. Look up "Dog semen, human egg fertilisation".

Despite the barrier present I do think that if enough dog semen reaches the egg it will eventually break that barrier down and allow for the dog's semen to penetrate her egg. But even if this really does happen it will not produce and viable offspring - the genetics won't allow that.

The process of egg and semen is the same in mammals due to the same base DNA, over time to limit cross breeding the eggs developed barriers to be more receptive to males of similar base DNA. This can vary greatly animal to animal egg to egg. It is not unexpected that same breedings are more compatible or weaker in barrier. But then within a few days or so the mitosis will stop due to errors.

It is interesting to look at dolphin embryos they have 4 legs at one point in the cellular progression and look very similar to a human embryo.
Friend of mine has a breeding fetish, so she let's both her canine and her many male partners cum in her all the time without birth control. She somehow has never gotten pregnant.

It's possible but highly unlikely she is infertile, we have theorized that the conine sperm reaches the egg, fertilizes it and the shell hardens but then nothing happens. Because chromosomes and what have you.

So in effect, our theory is that her dog is her birth control.
Coz of unmatched chromosome numbers...never will a girl (human) could bear a puppy....
but i know there zoo girls here who want to bear a PUPPY;)
Pls come forward and state in your desire to be pregnant by a DOG:giggle:
The following is from email communication with a woman on BF from a few years ago. She had been breeding with dogs since 15 and was 30 when we were communicating and breeding with 3 dogs multiple times a day. It appears that all that dog cum can make some actual changes. With about 3 weeks worth of herbal supplements I suggested for her caused her to start to lactate. As much as she wanted to have puppies that didn't happen and not likely to.

"I think I know why my milk is coming in so well and so soon got my test results back yesterday. My body is absolutely swimming in Oxytocin . It is a hormone known as the "love " hormone or the "bonding" hormones. It is most present in a woman during pregnancy breast feeding and sex. To help bonding with your Baby during pregnancy and breast feeding and your mate to encourage you to mate more it also causes your milk to let down . And I do mean swimming in it. a normal level is 1-5 nl/ml and pregnant or nursing female is around 12-15 mine is 32. I imagine mine is caused by all the sex I have with my Masters. But now I am also wondering since I have been mating with dogs for so long and so often if oxytocin levels have conditioned me to bond with k9s as mates!

But now for the interesting part and a problem. Because it was full spectrum blood panel it did not find any indications of infection or cancer so my body temperature baring any problematic symptoms is legit my body is running hotter on its own :) now because it was a full screen along with the super high oxy level. It also detected high levels or proteins ( flagged as high and flagged as anomalous ) proteolytic enzymes,( a component of semen ) also flagged as high and anomalous . there were also 3 other anomalies flagged as unknown dna/amino molecules noting that the test may have been contaminated at the time of sample taken or at the time of testing. So now she wants me to come back have my blood taken at thier office( had it done at an out side lab) and blood tested specifically to rule out those anomalies or to find out their origin. Now I am pretty sure I don't have to guess what those anomalies are and I don't really want THEM digging into my body any deeper and finding out by blood is full of k9 semen. So other than a few hihg hormone levels my blood being saturated with dog cum I am healthy as a race...erm dog ?"
The following is from email communication with a woman on BF from a few years ago. She had been breeding with dogs since 15 and was 30 when we were communicating and breeding with 3 dogs multiple times a day. It appears that all that dog cum can make some actual changes. With about 3 weeks worth of herbal supplements I suggested for her caused her to start to lactate. As much as she wanted to have puppies that didn't happen and not likely to.

"I think I know why my milk is coming in so well and so soon got my test results back yesterday. My body is absolutely swimming in Oxytocin . It is a hormone known as the "love " hormone or the "bonding" hormones. It is most present in a woman during pregnancy breast feeding and sex. To help bonding with your Baby during pregnancy and breast feeding and your mate to encourage you to mate more it also causes your milk to let down . And I do mean swimming in it. a normal level is 1-5 nl/ml and pregnant or nursing female is around 12-15 mine is 32. I imagine mine is caused by all the sex I have with my Masters. But now I am also wondering since I have been mating with dogs for so long and so often if oxytocin levels have conditioned me to bond with k9s as mates!

But now for the interesting part and a problem. Because it was full spectrum blood panel it did not find any indications of infection or cancer so my body temperature baring any problematic symptoms is legit my body is running hotter on its own :) now because it was a full screen along with the super high oxy level. It also detected high levels or proteins ( flagged as high and flagged as anomalous ) proteolytic enzymes,( a component of semen ) also flagged as high and anomalous . there were also 3 other anomalies flagged as unknown dna/amino molecules noting that the test may have been contaminated at the time of sample taken or at the time of testing. So now she wants me to come back have my blood taken at thier office( had it done at an out side lab) and blood tested specifically to rule out those anomalies or to find out their origin. Now I am pretty sure I don't have to guess what those anomalies are and I don't really want THEM digging into my body any deeper and finding out by blood is full of k9 semen. So other than a few hihg hormone levels my blood being saturated with dog cum I am healthy as a race...erm dog ?"
As long as you don't show up for your exams before 10 days at least ...
I’m friends with a couple in Australia that have a sheep station. They are pretty up front folks and the wife is a zoo into canines. They told me that they had a girl who was a hired hand at their ranch who was about 20 years old. She was a rather pretty blonde. In any event, the couple came home one afternoon and found her butt to butt in a tie with one of their un-neutered Australian Shepherds. The husband was going to separate them, but the wife stopped him and told him to let them separate naturally. The tie lasted another 15 minutes. The girl, I’ll call “Linda” told them that this was her first time. Over the course of the next two months, Linda was having regular intercourse with the dog and tying with him up to 45 minutes.

After about a week or so, she talked to the wife and told her she had missed her last two periods and wanted to take a pregnancy test. Now, this is a remote place and she had no other human sexual contact over those two months. They got her some home pregnancy test kits and the test showed positive for a pregnancy. For the next four months Linda exhibited all external symptoms of a pregnancy. She took two more tests and both still showed positive. Her breasts enlarged as well as her stomach.

After 16 weeks, she started to have sharp pains and her water broke. My friends told me her cervix was fully dilated and she pushed out a fetus that definitely looked non human. It was about 5 inches long, had fur on its body and clawed legs. They buried it on the property. I know this couple well and they aren’t inclined to spread bullshit. I’ve heard many other stories where a woman’s period has been disrupted and she exhibits pregnancy symptoms like sore breasts and fullness in the abdomen. Despite all the laws of science that say to the contrary, I do believe that there are always exceptions to those laws and nothing is absolute.

I think it is possible that women’s eggs can get fertilized by dog sperm as there are billions of those sperm attacking the ovum non stop. In most cases those fertilized eggs self destruct due to chromosome differences. In some cases there are women whose ova lack the zona pellucida that prevents foreign and multiple sperm from entering the egg.
The science says it isnt happening. The psychology has more to do with it. What you believe doesnt matter very much. Have your fun, just dont get carried away by it.
As far as what someone tells a person is concerned, it's " caveat emptor "....or, in THIS case, " cave canem"
Since I didn’t witness it myself, I can’t say it’s a certainty. I know these people quite well and don’t think they’re inclined to BS. It is curious that symptoms like this happen, whether it’s physical or psychological, that’s something that needs more research.
Since I didn’t witness it myself, I can’t say it’s a certainty. I know these people quite well and don’t think they’re inclined to BS. It is curious that symptoms like this happen, whether it’s physical or psychological, that’s something that needs more research.
If thats who I think it is, dude....the story is shaky at best. But okay.....who's going to research it, and who's going to fund it? The anecdotal evidence isn't stronger than hearsay, and that won't generate funds or interest. The world's research community is attuned to credible research for credible reasons. There are a LOT of things ahead of this on their want lists....Funders like bragging rights....that's not happening here either.
I’m friends with a couple in Australia that have a sheep station. They are pretty up front folks and the wife is a zoo into canines. They told me that they had a girl who was a hired hand at their ranch who was about 20 years old. She was a rather pretty blonde. In any event, the couple came home one afternoon and found her butt to butt in a tie with one of their un-neutered Australian Shepherds. The husband was going to separate them, but the wife stopped him and told him to let them separate naturally. The tie lasted another 15 minutes. The girl, I’ll call “Linda” told them that this was her first time. Over the course of the next two months, Linda was having regular intercourse with the dog and tying with him up to 45 minutes.

After about a week or so, she talked to the wife and told her she had missed her last two periods and wanted to take a pregnancy test. Now, this is a remote place and she had no other human sexual contact over those two months. They got her some home pregnancy test kits and the test showed positive for a pregnancy. For the next four months Linda exhibited all external symptoms of a pregnancy. She took two more tests and both still showed positive. Her breasts enlarged as well as her stomach.

After 16 weeks, she started to have sharp pains and her water broke. My friends told me her cervix was fully dilated and she pushed out a fetus that definitely looked non human. It was about 5 inches long, had fur on its body and clawed legs. They buried it on the property. I know this couple well and they aren’t inclined to spread bullshit. I’ve heard many other stories where a woman’s period has been disrupted and she exhibits pregnancy symptoms like sore breasts and fullness in the abdomen. Despite all the laws of science that say to the contrary, I do believe that there are always exceptions to those laws and nothing is absolute.

I think it is possible that women’s eggs can get fertilized by dog sperm as there are billions of those sperm attacking the ovum non stop. In most cases those fertilized eggs self destruct due to chromosome differences. In some cases there are women whose ova lack the zona pellucida that prevents foreign and multiple sperm from entering the egg.
Look, as much as I love this story, this is utter bullshit if you think it's real.
I’m friends with a couple in Australia that have a sheep station. They are pretty up front folks and the wife is a zoo into canines. They told me that they had a girl who was a hired hand at their ranch who was about 20 years old. She was a rather pretty blonde. In any event, the couple came home one afternoon and found her butt to butt in a tie with one of their un-neutered Australian Shepherds. The husband was going to separate them, but the wife stopped him and told him to let them separate naturally. The tie lasted another 15 minutes. The girl, I’ll call “Linda” told them that this was her first time. Over the course of the next two months, Linda was having regular intercourse with the dog and tying with him up to 45 minutes.

After about a week or so, she talked to the wife and told her she had missed her last two periods and wanted to take a pregnancy test. Now, this is a remote place and she had no other human sexual contact over those two months. They got her some home pregnancy test kits and the test showed positive for a pregnancy. For the next four months Linda exhibited all external symptoms of a pregnancy. She took two more tests and both still showed positive. Her breasts enlarged as well as her stomach.

After 16 weeks, she started to have sharp pains and her water broke. My friends told me her cervix was fully dilated and she pushed out a fetus that definitely looked non human. It was about 5 inches long, had fur on its body and clawed legs. They buried it on the property. I know this couple well and they aren’t inclined to spread bullshit. I’ve heard many other stories where a woman’s period has been disrupted and she exhibits pregnancy symptoms like sore breasts and fullness in the abdomen. Despite all the laws of science that say to the contrary, I do believe that there are always exceptions to those laws and nothing is absolute.

I think it is possible that women’s eggs can get fertilized by dog sperm as there are billions of those sperm attacking the ovum non stop. In most cases those fertilized eggs self destruct due to chromosome differences. In some cases there are women whose ova lack the zona pellucida that prevents foreign and multiple sperm from entering the egg.
Lol! Yeah.... sure buddy! :LOL:
