Alright, you're definitely right. There's an element of projection. I like to believe all girls want to simply mate with a man. Thinking this isn't even incorrect at all. We are obviously designed to have sex and reproduce.Maybe I'm just not a super horny type of guy. But this isn't on my bucket list of things I need to do before I die.
I never told her to be zoo exclusive. I think her reaction to being with a guy tells her all that she needs to know. She came here for help with interpreting her feelings.
I think people are capable of being in any type of relationship. If the relationship doesn't follow their orientation, they probably wouldn't enjoy it though. Maybe such a person isn't into human partners. Similarly to those that are aromantic; they could have a partner but choose not to.
I don't think we are setting ourselves up for disappointment. Many find that special animal partner, and after they pass, some will never look for another animal partner again. (Even non zoos do this as well, both with human and animal companions) People look back on their loved ones with joy that they were able to be with each other. I think people would feel sad that something didn't last longer; not disappointment.
Are women setting themselves up for disappointment when they marry a man? Half of all marriages end in divorce. On average, men die before their female partners do. This is even more the case with zoo interests; if your human partner isn't into it, the best that can happen is that they merely accept it. The worst is that they doggedly try to ruin your life.
Correct me if I am wrong; but it sounds like you are saying those that are only interested in animal partners are deluded, and that you need a human partner to be happy.
I have not lost a dog yet, but even so, I would never recommend getting another animal after you lose one. I would say the same thing about human relationships; people often break up and then jump right into another relationship. It's a bad idea. You need to reconcile with your feelings first.
Here is a comparison. Let's say that there is a person that is a lesbian. They only like being with women. Being with guys disgusts them.
You are basically coming in and saying that they can never have kids or truly be happy without a supportive man. That they can't find men gross because all women want a man. Therefore they should find a man too so that they can be happy with their wife.
I also think that you are doing quite a bit of projecting.
This is akin to a parent telling their kid, "I only want whats best for you. Here is a perfect life I imagine you having that I would be accepting of you having. Here is why this life will be great. You should have this life because this is what all girls want. If you don't want this life you are deluded. By the way, this life is hot."
You're doing the same thing to me:
People should be able to lead the life they want to; not the life you want them to.
And also, to make it very clear, I am not kink shaming. We all like different things.
But obviously, like you said. Some girls are lesbians, some guys are gay. Funnily enough some lesbian couples and gay couples will adopt or have sex with a friend or make a plan, because they do desire to raise children. The same way that there's straight regular people that are fully capable of having kids, but just don't want to.
You're right and I apologize. I don't think people who are sexually attracted to animals are deluded. But to a degree, I think people who feel fully satisfied in their relationship with their animal are somewhat deluded. Personally just because I don't see a way to be fully satisfied in having a relationship with an animal without superimposing human characteristics onto said animal. And if you are projecting human traits onto an animal, them are you really attracted to the animal? Or are you attracted to the image you're projecting?
Another one to consider is if you had 10 dogs to choose from, would you have chosen the dog which is currently your sexual partner? Or would you have been equally likely to select any other dog of the 10? Did you select your dog because they were special? Or did they become special to you because they were there at the right time? It doesn't really matter either way, as long as there's a mutual connection.
But look it all comes down to the individual. And you're right, I shouldn't try project my ideas onto anyone else. We are all attracted to different things for our unique reasons. And I'm not here to judge.