Pretty much...Is that what plushies do?![]()
Unless it's been changed since the last time I saw a view where it was possible to tell, it's a "one-holer". And I do mean *HOLE*. That's all it is - an opening in the back, not too much unlike what you'd get if you were to drill a hole in a bowling ball, just not as heavy.I'd want more details on it's available orifice(s) first. ?
The website that used to exist for this thing (URL long forgotten - Has to be nearly 10 years, if not more, since I first saw it - the link in the post is DEFINITELY NOT the one I'm remembering) said you could get 'em in three sizes - toy, medium, and "St. Bernard", and 5 colors - white with orange points like the one shown, pink with green points, solid black, brown with black points, and the one that left me trying desperately not to spew my drink over the screen: Fluorescent Gumby-green with Pokey-Red polka-dots and hunter orange points - That one was, from the pics they had of it, enough to make your eyes bleed! Like I said, though, it's been years, so I can't say what the actual measurements were. I do notice that the price has come down, at least on the link given - When they first showed up, they wanted $300 for the toy, $500 for the medium, and $850 for the "St. Bernard". I remember the folks I was working for at the time considering the idea for their dane stud (little did they realize his needs in that department were being taken care of by "yours truly") but in the end, decided that before they blew that kind of cash, they'd get a live bitch for him - it would cost less, and potentially pay for itself in pups for sale. (That was also about the same time they were trying to decide if they were going to start trying to do the Dane Breeding/Showing thing - dunno if they ever did.)Maybe not one that small, but sure, I might give it a whirl.
It would be easier and less awkward for people to learn how to jerk a dog, than to buy this.View attachment 95010
I wish I could find this one. this the realistic-ish one
And visa versa!My dog can use my mouth in exactly this way.![]()