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Would you masturbate with the avatar above you

thank you lovely canine! It would be an honor and a pleasure. I would love to do it with you too. BTW if you seek more than more you shall be granted.:gsd_wink: I hope you have most excellent sunday and beautiful week ahead. :gsd_happysmile:*Friendly boops, pets, and cuddles*:gsd_love:
For sure! Little critters are truly awesome! I am flattered you are not afraid of a yote. If you seek more that would be alright too. :gsd_wink: I wish you well and hope you have most awesome Sunday and most excellent week ahead.:gsd_happysmile: * for you I also give friendly boops, pets, nuzzles, and cuddles!* that is if you are into such things from friendly strangers. :gsd_love: Friendly critters deserve kindness and friendship.
most definitely!:gsd_love: Stallions are magnificent! I have had the pleasure of knowing a few in my life. If the stallion wants more it is doable. :gsd_nerd: I hope you are doing most awesome and that your week is most amazing. :gsd_happysmile: Does the stallion want friendly attentions, I think it surely deserves them? :gsd_love: