Im actually going to put a pot of coffee on now.
Just woke up a bit ago and getting ready for a light breakfast.
Im having Coffee with "Deli which's Pepperoni and mozzarella" Hot Pockets"
The closest thing I can find to a "West Virginia Pepperoni Roll" in Arizona
I would gladly share some with you all
That profile photo is just "Adorable"
You just have to look at the dogs eyes and wonder whats going on in there mind.
How do they feel, how do they think.
When I go to the public Zoo, I can sit for hours in amazement and wonder.
Seeing that, There are other beings that inhabit our planet.
And I wonder what there minds must be like, Do they think like we do.
Do they have beliefs. And what would it be like. If My Mind was inside there head looking out thru there eyes.