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Would You Have a Beer With The Person Above You?

Ill drink at least 1 beer with someone I just met. As much as I hate to say it, I do agree with that Andrew Tate guy. Always respect people you first meet. You never know what they are thinking, or going through. Dont be disrespectful unless they give you a reason, espically in public.

EDIT: I know thats not an exact quote. But, for the most part, summerizes the main point of what he said ?

Speaking of beer, if you have not tried KC Bier Co, I highly recommend. Owner is first generation in the USA from germany, and sells "authentic german style" beer. Claims all equipment and ingredients are from Germany. Its pretty heavy beer, but the seasonals are ??
Ill drink at least 1 beer with someone I just met. As much as I hate to say it, I do agree with that Andrew Tate guy. Always respect people you first meet. You never know what they are thinking, or going through. Dont be disrespectful unless they give you a reason, espically in public.

Speaking of beer, if you have not tried KC Bier Co, I highly recommend. Owner is first generation in the USA from germany, and sells "authentic german style" beer. Claims all equipment and ingredients are from Germany. Its pretty heavy beer, but the seasonals are ??
Ich glaube ich muss mal eins probieren