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Would You Apear In A Zoo Xxx Movie,

I’m an established professional in the human side of this industry already, i’d expect, 2k base for each scene, more if i need a crew behind the scene. definitely wouldn’t let me face get out there while performing non human scenes
you get 2k for each scene? profitable.
you get 2k for each scene? profitable.
Nice extra money, sure. But not a living unless you are able to secure quite a number of contracts every year to reach a living figure. And more, cause this type of carreer tends to stop suddenly and most likely well before retirement age.
(And try getting a mortage based on a not fixed income...)
Nice extra money, sure. But not a living unless you are able to secure quite a number of contracts every year to reach a living figure. And more, cause this type of carreer tends to stop suddenly and most likely well before retirement age.
(And try getting a mortage based on a not fixed income...)
it's still profitbale. a single scene doesn't make a movie, if you're more than in one scene it's a couple thousand bucks for a few hours of work. that's highly profitable.
Living on it is a different topic. Never expected pron actors to get that kind of money.
I would honestly do it for free lol
Sure you would. :ROFLMAO:
The manager, the producer, the operator and all the filming crew will gain a financial profit from selling the vid you're fucked in, and you, because you do it for free, will gain, from the three fingers - the middle one.
I thought about this a few times for some reason.

The obvious one being i would do any zoo film as long as i stay anonymous.no profit,

“What if the film requires to show your face” then i would have to be able to live a comfy life with my doggos making money with said films, idk if i would be able to get a job if the video popped off lol
I would be happy to appear in a movie with me being fucked by dogs, sucking dog cocks, being a slut bottom for a group of dogs. I would accept any pay offered, but that would not be required and, yes, it would be ok to show my face
Well not sure how mutch money should be involved to be true. I guess something around 2000 EUros maybee. But no Face. And in al Reality its a mixed bag for me, like would i for the right amount of money appear in a porn movie? Yeah, i have expences and need money and earing it that way would be okay, its not that i have moral issues with that. But i would rather take part in an educatiojnal thing to be true, like for that money wouldn´t actually play any role. Showing hot its done properly, whats natural doggy behavious, how its safly done, along those lines pretty mutch.
I realy love that idea of a movie. ✌️?
I'm a very easy person to identify, so I'd be extremely hesitant to show my face. I would happily jump at the opportunity to be in a film if given the chance, but that's a very high risk thing and I would expect a decent payment for that, as well as a massive amount of caution to be taken. I'd even travel to a foreign country just to minimize the risk of my own nation's legal system or being recognized by people around the area when getting ready for it.