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Women How many times are knotted a day on average?

Ive been knotted twice in one day. I usually get knotted(or st least attempt to be knotted) maybe a cpl times a week. I'm very skeptical of the supposed woman on here claiming to get 5,5 or even 6 knots in a single day.
That was why The Record was made. Stray-X and Adam got tired of the claims they were seeing. So they had a chance to actually document a doggie gang bang. It involved eight dogs and took place over three days.
He has only knotted me once a day. Tho he does get around for a second fuck he does not knot on other attempts. I'm fine with it. The knot feels amazing when he does. I just lay my head down and feel his cum in me and his cock twitching.
Short and simple description, but enough for my mind to imagine and prompt a few twitches from the idea! ;-)
where do you all find this time to get knotted so often!!!!?????

my average is probs one a day and we miss days here and there too. if i really have time to kill (or i'm ovulating lol) i'll hit 2 maybe 3. record is 5 but that's only ever happened once.

do your pussies not get tired!?