Zooville Settler
Those problems may be linked with the fact that most societies rule sex. Those who break the rules are badly considered. By extension, modern societies extend to animals rules that previously were for humans. In place of letting their pets have sex with neighbouring animals, they refrain and even mutilate them, as to delete the shame.I think it doesn’t help also that there’s a lot of bad apples out there. It’s typically those bad apples that get seen by society whereas those of us who actually are true zoophiles and truly care about our companions take better care to remain secret. People tend to think of an animal in duress instead of an animal partaking in an action of love and passion. Most people seem to hate anytime their animal shows any kind of sexuality and often scold their animals for it. As though being a sexual being is inherently wrong for their pets. Most people will have pets that will go their entire lives without ever having any kind of sexual contact. So I imagine many people don’t even think that their animals enjoy sex or want sex. So they can’t possibly conceive of their animal consenting.
But I think the simplest answer is, “people big stupid.”
Zoophile women should not be ashamed of their sexuality. It's about taking pleasure from caring an animal. As far as they are listening partners and don't bother the neighbours, they're just good mistress.