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Why do I want this so bad

Perhaps you were a she-wolf or a dog in your immediate past life. LOL

Seriously though, there could be any number of reasons why you have this deep seated attraction. It would require a lot of personal and totally honest interaction to get a good idea why.
In my case it had a lot to do with growing up around animals and the relationships you have with them, and the relationships or lack of them with other people. For me animals were always a comfort and companions and I had real feelings for them. I grew up rather poor in a very rural area and didn’t have many opportunities to have other relationships. Once puberty arrived it was just nature taking its course for me.
Beautiful and natural
That's why for me I believe it is an orientation. I grew up with animals but also from growing up as a kid was always fascinated by dogs and their mating habits.
When I got older and reached puberty I knew that I wanted to be just like the Bitch... That feeling just got stronger with time until it happened and it was like a huge relief..