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Who would perform beastility in front of a group

I had group sex with a pack of stray dogs
it was something unbelievable
Yes, that is very unbelievable.
Pack of strays that don't have the natural trust and bonding with humans would just stand nicely in line to do you one at the time. Yes, very unbelievable indeed.

On topic:
No, I would not perform beastiality in front of a group.
Would you perform beastility for a group?
All though I have no experience and no chance of getting there..... If I had a chance to be mounted by a big German shepherd husky or pit o wouldn't hesitate. I only ask if someone records, I'm alerted so I can make sure I have my fave hidden and I get a personal copy, I'd definitely jump in ???
It's common for me that at least the owner watches me, while his Dog play with me. But I also wants him to be with me so he can care that his dog wouldn't start to pull while he's knottet.

Letting a whole group watch me? Only when they are good friends. Or when my master orders me to perform in front of a group.
If they are all into it, then yes, it would be a dream come true. Not to go into detail about it but love them to talk dirty to me as it happens.
Possibly yes indeed, probable no idea. I've never been shy about other various sex acts engaged in with an audience in attendance. I enjoy showing off my body and my skills and very much love it when I can feel the audience becoming (in their headspace) participants with me and my partner/s. A fantastic positive feedback loop, a more expansive 'connection' than the intimate one with a partner.
Makes for some great trip sex.
So, a zoo performance? The only reason why not to would be the audience. If any hint of negative response or antagonism to the validity/intentions of the act, I'd shut it down damnably quick smart.
Anyone knows if there are vids on this topic? (Maybe even links??)
Especially girls/woman performing dogsex for a group.. A bitch fucked properly by an enthousiastic dog in front of a group?
That's my ultimate fantasy!!!
Well, my husband likes to watch me getting mounted, and I dont mind people watching me being naked (I can totaly blank out the situation). But it is a question of trust and that ist the thing. For me it would not even be sex in front of people, it would more be sth like a performance, a show. Sex with my husband in front of people, I dont know, but with our dog, no problem.