Both are very hotHorse dick or Dog dick?
True!I'm not picky when it comes to dicks buuuut Horse/Donkey dicks have a look that just screams power lol. They look nice too.
Dog dicks arent bad in any way it's just that maybe the fleshy, red appearance can be a turn off for some.
Dog dickHorse dick or Dog dick?
Dog is always going to be my first choice, I would love to be Knotted, But eversense I saw how a horses cock head flair out when he cums I been hooked and would love to know how it would feel. As far as looks go I think they are both beautiful anaimals but I am more attracted to dogs.Horse dick or Dog dick?
I'm so in love with dog cockHorse cock is a fantasy, dog dick is a reality. I am a deep receiving fister (elbow and more) so would probably take a horse, but have never had the opportunity to experiment. I've owned 7 dogs (all large breeds, mostly shep/labs) and so dog dick is a wonderful reality.
Oh I like that looking at that gorgeous throbing delicious cock and knowing how it will feel sliding in to your body , well put yummmmhorse cocks look lovely but i can't imagine actually fitting one inside me... definitely biased but i think doggy dicks are just beautiful! their shape and how shiny they are and how you can look at one and know exactly how it'll feel when it's in you??? yummmmm
Definitely Dog dick...Horse dick or Dog dick?
BothhhHorse dick or Dog dick?
LUCKYYYYView attachment 654370what can u not love about this my horse loves to fuck me