Well its an easy decision, visually nothing compares with a horse, that huge "pillar of sexuality" as someone here put it, the huge dick the large balls the feeling they envoke, the lromiss of that huge hot load it gets you turned on fast, dog well dogs are gorgeous as well maybe scarry to new commers the huge red thingi they say, gorgeous red rocket we say.
I have personal friends who gont into zoo because of horse dicks they saw as a kid , nothing happened they just saw one , i dont know ppl who have similar stories with dogs.
On the practical side dogs win hands down.
You can keep them even in a small flat. And doga cost an arm and a leg to buy and upkeap. Sexualy well playing a horse requires a lot of prep and its not the easiest thing , dogs on the otherhand simple either u or your doggo wants some action and makes it know and well usualy u canhear moaning in minutes.
I tasted dogs when i was 13 and never stoped, ofc i dreamt of tasting hordlse dick who wouldnt.
Few years later an opportunity came, ofc i took it, it involved me srrvicing the 2 owners which wasnt something i would object to anyways, and then the big reveal, oh ye his dick is so big i can only lick it , oh his sligjtest movemnt knocks me on my ass, the owners helped basically jerked him off while i licked , the load was great but still.
Ofc i became much .ore good at it over the years i dobt need help now but still .
So back to the question dog or horse hmmm.
Would go with dog.