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When did you first realise you were into Zoo?

When I seen a mare wink. I grew up on a horse farm... so younger than anyone would want me to mention on this site probably. Was when my attraction began.

I thought(still do)it was the most beautiful contrast between pink/black I have ever seen. I was mesmerized.

Then when I felt a mare for the first time... wow.. it made sex with my first love almost impossible to get off with her.
Hence why I am a mare slut.
I have known from a young age. My mom was a zoo and she was pretty open about it.
If not too revealing, I and probably many others here at ZV would like to hear more. I guess you have some tales to tell.
Or perhaps just in a PM (Private Message) ?
I never like people. Never felt any attraction to them, and I'm not fond of the idea of having sex with a human. Like many, I discovered porn around the start of puberty after getting the sex talk, but I never really actually liked it or fantasized about it. I only kept looking it up because I was curious and it was something I had never seen before. Then I stumbled upon r34 which eventually led me to look up about sex with animals wich led me to look up humans having sex with animals. I found zoo porn interesting and very much like it and get turned on by it. That's when I knew.
The site safe version is when I was 18 I had a very horny dog who used to hump everything. One day I was laying one the floor watching TV and he decided my clothes butt looked interesting and jumped it. I was surprised so I went to get up, on all fours and I got excited with what the dog was doing. At first I was disgusted with myself but the next time I was a bit more receptive.

It was a long time before I was really mounted but that’s another story.
i first noticed when I was at The farm that i work at. There was a white horse that I bounded with and loves butt rubs and it made me really horny
I wanted something different than PH or the sort, because it is basically all the same, with zoo and/or furry, you always have different shapes/sizes and so on. It is just a really good contrast to the normal things
Para mim foi assistir hentai, zoofilia é bem comum em muitas animações SFM e eu gostei instantaneamente
Eu tinha uma cadela da raça fila, fiz sexo com ela, depois comecei a me interessar por mulheres com machos, faço isso há cerca de 20 anos, mas só faz uns 3 anos que comecei a procurar uma mulher para fazer isso
i think being a confused/lonely kid led me to be more attracted to sexual encounters with nonhumans than humans sometimes. i remember watching animal mating/birthing videos online as a kid and not knowing why they stirred sexual feelings within me lol
I remember reading in a magazine back in 90s an article that was telling girls "hey girls, don't be mad at your boyfriend when he looks at other girl... They have a storm of hormones in their body and they can't help themselves"

I remember walking on a sidewalk in a city and I was passing a guy walking his GSD and I look at this penis and I felt that "storm of hormones".
i think being a confused/lonely kid led me to be more attracted to sexual encounters with nonhumans than humans sometimes. i remember watching animal mating/birthing videos online as a kid and not knowing why they stirred sexual feelings within me lol
i hear you on the confused/lonely kid aspect. to this day im still really picky when it comes to humans.

this situation caused me to spend lots of time online and i found the furry fandom, which led me to zoo
Tbh Idk how long ago it was but Ive had an attraction for a long time. Idk what it was, maybe the intense loneliness or the fear of others but I have come to terms with my attraction and am ready to begin mingling with the zoo community.
When i was 10 or 12 i found feral and zoo stuff liked it and had my first intimate female and male moment around then and decided i was a zoo
I've always been into weird/taboo-esk styled porn growing up, from off topics and things I liked like games and other media to random thoughts I had while jerking off. One day, when I was like 14 or so, I had the random thought when wanting something jerk it to, "do people and animal fuck too?". From that one random thought sent me down a rabbithole of vids and kinks and landed me in the overall zoo sphere, I don't regret it at all
Must have been around 12 or 13 (now 36). Back in the Napster/Limewire days, video I downloaded was not as titled, I was fascinated by it and it just stuck with me. It was a F/M horse vid.
I was... younger than I am now. Compared to other people, a very normal age for anything of a sexual nature.

I'm not completely sure of how or when, but I think it was partly due to the tv shows my parents watched. Often times about animals, like veterinarian shows or just animals doing whatever for the show. I saw things like horse penises, pigs with massive testicles, even a cow getting fisted (checking for pregnancy, not sexual but I didn't know at the time).

So, normal, natural things. It was interesting, but strangely more than just "interesting". Of course, being horny, I looked at normal porn. At some point those two managed to collide.
Помнится, сперва было увлечение фурри - комиксы, арты и годные видео, мультики. Нередко в кадре были и животные. В пассивной или доминирующей роли. У Feral Frenzy славные ролики по теме зоо. Но чаще 3д и 2д ролики по этой теме - шлак, увы. Фильмы же и любительская съемка - для больших любителей, я не оценил.