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Whelp my friends... it happened

Well, this thread has gone off on a tangent.

Does anyone else think the new PACT act federal law will end zoo online interactions as we know them? Or will the new law target only actual animal cruelty?
@Zoo50, I live in a state where the Crimes Against Nature law officially made gay sex into a felony offense, but the truth is that people merely ignored this law, including law enforcement. It was a victimless crime. There was nobody there to say "I have a problem with a homosexual next-door that I suspect is having sex with his live-in boyfriend with the blinds drawn and the lights off." People knew that us gay people were there, but they really did not not give a crap what we were doing in the privacy of our own homes, law or no law. They just had better things to get excited over.

Laws are paper-thin, and it is really a lot more important to have a peaceful and overall positive relationship with society, especially in your neighborhood, than it is to have the laws as you like them. Our #1 goal ought to be trying to get people in society to trust and like us enough that none of these laws are ever enforced, except by vicious thug cops that already have a long list of enemies. Once it is clear that the laws are only used by known bullies, the laws will eventually be rescinded.
It's good that this law was signed. Now people will think twice about hurting innocent animals.
Well, this thread has gone off on a tangent.

Does anyone else think the new PACT act federal law will end zoo online interactions as we know them? Or will the new law target only actual animal cruelty?
I don't think it will end "online interactions." But if for some reason they wanted to go after us having content. We can easily just be like ZooWG (Zoo Writers Guild) and be a content free board.
I think the law is looking for abusers (that are doing more than just sex, imo) and the creators.

If they wanted to put an end to all forms of porn content relating to animals. It's gonna be a lot of sites they'll be going after. The pact act wasn't really a brand new law. It was just an addition to what they meant on their old one a few years ago.
Read the damn bill hxxps://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/724/text

It specifically targets crush videos which are absolutely horrid and traumatizing, and I hope I never have to see another one posted to the front page of 4chan.
I doubt it will change the status quo on regular zoophilia at all. If it makes zoosadists think twice about maiming and killing animals that would be good, but I doubt that will happen either. It will mainly be a tool to get crush videos removed from american websites.
Woah woah woah hold up a second here. By crush videos are you talking about animals being crushed for real? Or animations or what? That sounds fucking horribly disgusting and if I ever EVER seen somebody killing any kind of animal for no reason it would end badly for that person. I can agree killing an animal for food or pest control if they are damaging you're livelihood, if trapping isn't an option but killing for no reason they deserve to be shot
Holy crap I read that bill that's a GREAT thing! People doing that need to have the same thing they did in whatever video they created done to them. That's deeply disturbing. I once seen a video of some sick prick putting cats in a bag and vacuum sealing them in there alive. I couldnt even watch the whole video all I know is if I ever seen the person who made that video, I would put them in a bag for that. Animal cruelty is a serious thing and I cant stand 3 kinds of people in this world. Animal abusers, pedophiles, and rapists. Zoophilia is not abuse if it isn't abusing any party involved in the act weather it is recorded or animated, or drawn. If it's a animal and an animal, animal and a person as long as that person doesnt force the animal to do it, or the person being filmed isn't forced to do it or is underage I have no problem with that whatsoever. If it isn't "consensual" I guess you would say it isn't right. I've had a couple pets who didnt want to and never forced it on them. Ive had some that I had to train to do it and they loved it. I wouldn't panic too much on that bill it is doing something good
I wouldn't panic too much on that bill it is doing something good

People are against animal cruelty, and it is good that the bill targets animal cruelty. However, society views zoo sex as "animal cruelty", so the question is, will this new law start targeting zoos?
People are against animal cruelty, and it is good that the bill targets animal cruelty. However, society views zoo sex as "animal cruelty", so the question is, will this new law start targeting zoos?
It could to be honest I mean so many people do think zoophilia is morally, religiously and just plain wrong others do not. I mean zooohilia is banned in a lot of countries and has been for years and people in those places just do it in secrecy to avoid being caught it's just the way it is its "taboo"
If the US government target zoophilia forums, video sites, etc they will be forced to migrate underground there will always be ways to view it and share it it's like the countless illegal stuff posted on the dark net it always has and always will be on the interwebs somewhere and accessible by anyone who wishes to view it. As far as prosecution goes if you're smart you wont get caught as it is much of the zoo community is underground and hidden anyway as it will continue to be
I have never met a person inrl who openly admitted to being a zoophilist or a child molester or anything like that. But I bet you I've crossed many people in my life who were one or both of the two. What I'm saying is zoophilia is taboo. It's not for everyone. Some people like it. Others don't. Some are open to the idea. I'm a zoohilist but nobody I know Inrl knows about it. One person found my stash of videos when i forgot to lock my encrypted drive and they judged my ass off for it. But they never ever told anyone about it even though they were disgusted by what they saw. Nobody can say for sure weather PACT will target zoophilia online. Short answer is yes they will. They can block paypal transactions and make it harder to purchase it because not everyone knows where to start with bit coins. But the fact is even if they outlaw it it will stay around like it had for 100s of years
If the US government target zoophilia forums, video sites, etc they will be forced to migrate underground there will always be ways to view it and share it it's like the countless illegal stuff posted on the dark net it always has and always will be on the interwebs somewhere and accessible by anyone who wishes to view it. As far as prosecution goes if you're smart you wont get caught as it is much of the zoo community is underground and hidden anyway as it will continue to be

Now that we're in a new decade (the 2020s), I worry about the future of zoo online -- things keep getting worse legislatively, and I'm concerned that at some point in this new decade, online zoo stuff will be affected negatively.
Read the damn bill hxxps://www.congress.gov/bill/116th-congress/house-bill/724/text

It specifically targets crush videos which are absolutely horrid and traumatizing, and I hope I never have to see another one posted to the front page of 4chan.
I doubt it will change the status quo on regular zoophilia at all. If it makes zoosadists think twice about maiming and killing animals that would be good, but I doubt that will happen either. It will mainly be a tool to get crush videos removed from american websites.

this needs to get stickied to the top...
It's not my fault you are getting old and have nothing better to do than bully younger people that at least didn't participate in completely fucking up something as simple as maintaining a positive relationship with society. Your generation fucked up, not mine. This is your people's fault, not my people's fault. You are going to find an increasing number of Millennial zoos getting tired of being bullied by people like you.

funny thing about getting older... it's not reserved for people older than you. don't be surprised when you find people younger than you dismissing what you say simply because they don't agree with it.
Society is led around by lies promulgated by the HSUS and PETA, so there's not much coming back from that, what with the religious hatred that still abounds.
funny thing about getting older... it's not reserved for people older than you. don't be surprised when you find people younger than you dismissing what you say simply because they don't agree with it.
2019 was the year when ageism was socially acceptable. This is 2020, and let's not have a year of ageism for another century, please.
laws have never stopped zoophilia - they are not going to succeed now
38 year old fag here.
I'm with the boomer. Shut the fuck up already.
First wow your 36 big fucking deal..that doesn't make you some old guard stonewall queer with pearls of wisdom. In fact given you cannot write a proper sentence without 20 comma and word salad tangents, I'm even less inclined to take your words with any degree of seriousness.

Older dude has it right..shut up..fuck your dogs in private. No need to wave a zoo flag around and demand a revolution. Being left alone would be good enough.

Again, I am 36, and I have lived a more difficult reality than this.

I was a gay guy growing up in the 1990's in a conservative area, surrounded by homophobic violence and police entrapment schemes that targeted gay men, and I came out in the face of that.

As for "shutting up," remember that people can see everything that you post on here. This forum is a public place. They can see your pornography if you have posted any. It is up there for the world to see, in a public place. As long as you have any zooey content that is publicly available, the entire world can access it.

If you do not want the world to see you, then stop posting your rants for the world to see.

The zooey community tried your approach, back in the Beast Forum days. They tried running with your idea of total toxic complacency for a while, hoping that the world would not notice this porn site that was hanging out there in public, for the world to see. The idea was a failure.

If you are posting porn of yourself having sex with your animal on this site or any other zooey site, then you are having sex in the public square, not me.

I talk to people about my zooness, but like I said, I have a method to figuring out which people I can really talk to, which I learned in the 1990's.

It is a very simple rule: you should only attempt to argue with your intellectual superiors. You are actually more likely to win, assuming you are right.
@Reeferwolf I have actually been pretty busy with the activist scene for several months, and in the intervening time since my last post in that thread of conversation, a lot has happened.

Just in case you get bored, we could always use more talent.

Wait..what? The U.S is very late with a law against animal cruelty, however, animal cruelty is not the same as personally having sex with your dog because you feel attracted to him/her.