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What's this reaction score business?

It is a way of expressing agreement, disagreement or amusement at a statement, at content or what ever else you need an instant comment for. There are people here, tho, who use it as a passive-aggressive way to aggravate a poster. I dont think enough good ones will win you a prize, and Im pretty sure enough bad ones won't get you booted off the island. I know they can be seen on a post, but when you look at a profile( some of us DO read them...theyre useful...) its just a single combined number...good, bad, or ugly. I use the" thumbs up" when I agree with a statement...I don't think I've ever used any of the others, except a "ha ha" once.... If I disagree and it's important enough...I'll tell the person....sometimes in a dm, sometimes on the board. LOL ....me being me, you can usually tell by the length of a reply.
I dont think you want to worry about it much.
(y):love::ROFLMAO: Reactions to your posts add to you reaction score, while...

?☹? does not add any points.

Basically, it used to count the positive reactions to the posts you make on here.
The ugly three subtract from your overall total, though you'd be the only person to see it, I think.
Lol....maybe yours, but if its THAT fragile, I hope you're swaddled in cotton when you come in here... ;)
Nah I don't cry....... that much! Lol

But if I get a negative reaction I really don't care. Hell, I'm almost certain some folks on here wear ? reactions like badges of honor!
If they're from a guy who seems to hang them on every post he sees that even remotely gets critical of him, I do. He has nothing to say, usually, but he's said it 5000 plus times....yep....Pour Le Merit', with Palm