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What's the most exposed you ever been when mating?

No experience yet unfortunately. But for me, my fantasy is that I would be on a farm or ranch. As soon as I arrived I would be striped and head to the barn. All of my chores would be to take care of the animals. Bath them, feed and water. Once that's done I'm either secured to the belly of the stallion or face up on an adjustable height board in the pasture that the owner adjusts as need for the animal that's needing to relieve themselves. I'm in plain view of anyone coming and going.
In the park near where I live, there's a giant rhododendron, I have taken the knot a few times under that rhododendron. It's a rush to be 5 minutes into a 10 minute knot and hear people talking as they walk by.... and they have no idea.
Wow! I love that kind of fun. ?
Bred a pony in an open field next to a trafficked road. Several cars passed by.

I had only unbuttoned my pants though, not slid them down. And there were other horses around us -sortof- blocking the view.
Me and my girl did it outside in a field in the moonlight once. It was awesome but definitely felt exposed