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What’s the longest you have been knotted ??

These seem to be roughly the same averages I've heard from women over the years that have shared with me, some saying roughly 10 minutes to an hour for them. One said after nearly an hour, she was on the verge of passing out from her orgasms. It was also still pretty new and intense for her. Videos always seem so much shorter, barely a few minutes, then it's over.
I just brought up this exact subject in The Barn. The average answer I gotten was that the wait was around 20 minutes. I pity the poor soul that tried to have several dogs fuck each other to make a knotted rope. Reminds me of that scene in The Human Centipede film.
What’s the barn? Another zoo site?
hi ! new here, the longest for me that i know of a time, don't usually pay attention . Was 35 min.... I only know cause it was by a buds dog that i was helping him train. he was getting a little bored while his German shep was tied with me , he said " its been 35 min , how long is this going take ? " lol
The longest knotting so far for me was about 8 to 9 minutes.
I always got to dogs that were fast. Wouldn't mind if it would last a bit longer^^