No time to die.
They movied it? I hadn't heard that. (but to be honest, I guess I'm not surprised - what WOULD surprise me is that it turned out to be even halfway decent, considering how badly his works have fared in the "convert to movie" arena - I'm looking especially hard at 11/22/63 as the most recent abortion-that-escaped)Needful Things - Stephen King
It was interesting, but I can’t recommend it. Horror is my genre, and YT has a bunch of his movies up for free. I guess for Halloween? Currently watching 1408.They movied it? I hadn't heard that. (but to be honest, I guess I'm not surprised - what WOULD surprise me is that it turned out to be even halfway decent, considering how badly his works have fared in the "convert to movie" arena - I'm looking especially hard at 11/22/63 as the most recent abortion-that-escaped)
To the best of my knowledge, aside from the stuff in his private lockbox at the University of Maine library, I have EVERYTHING he's ever published in audiobook form, and most of it aside from the REALLY rare (AKA Expensive as hell - last time I actually laid eyes on a copy of Cycle of the Werewolf, ferinstance, they wanted $2600 for it - no hope of justifying spending THAT much on what was essentially an extra-thick comic book) stuff in dead-tree editions.It was interesting, but I can’t recommend it. Horror is my genre, and YT has a bunch of his movies up for free. I guess for Halloween? Currently watching 1408.
Didn't like the book AT ALL - could barely force myself to finish it. I can't imagine the movie being any better. (When we say "The Road", we ARE talking about Cormac McCarthy's hideously depressing, brutally downbeat, post-apocalyptic novel that doesn't offer even the tiniest shred of anything that can even be considered "hope", never mind any sort of "happy ending", right?)I just watched The Road tonight. It was so sad at the end, made me cry. Lol.
I think I watched about 10 minutes of that movie before saying "fuck this it's boring as shit".Didn't like the book AT ALL - could barely force myself to finish it. I can't imagine the movie being any better. (When we say "The Road", we ARE talking about Cormac McCarthy's hideously depressing, brutally downbeat, post-apocalyptic novel that doesn't offer even the tiniest shred of anything that can even be considered "hope", never mind any sort of "happy ending", right?)
didn't she just go "nope" and walked away? i don't remember much of the movie to be honest, it was really really boring....Yeah, that is the one I watched. It was so depressing and what happened to his wife was so heartbreaking.
In the book, I'm pretty sure I recall that she suicided years before the story as "we the reader" see it even starts - Can't recall for sure if there were "flashbacks" to the deed or not, or if it was only "interior monologue"/narrator exposition on it.didn't she just go "nope" and walked away? i don't remember much of the movie to be honest, it was really really boring....
Klatu barada nic, nic definitely a N wordArmy of Darkness