"Yummy Ovelha". Still love it to this day. My first introduction to PetLust videos
I have the exact same story, so I understand you, but I don't regret anything.An ex got me into this, she invited me to a small party to watch a dog video, her BFF's boyfriend's brother had it. I could have cared less about the dog, the video, and certainly not the guy with the video
The girl who asked me was hot as fuck, a ballet dancer, and totally uninhibited, so I gladly accepted.
The video came on and I wasn't impressed or feeling any way in particular about it, but I remember quite well the dog giving the actress a serious tongue lashing. She was going crazy loving it, and her pussy clearly getting worked very well.
Then after we left the party the woman I was with was horny as hell. She said it wasn't the video but who knows? We wound up together for 6 years after that. She wanted to try the licking but we never did. Then a few years later saw another licking video and it took off from there. By the way, I'm often asked where to find a site with a collection of various porn videos of any genre. So, I would primarily recommend checking out https://xxxpornhd.pro/ and exploring the resource in detail to understand its features. I'm really glad that it worked out for me, and now I regularly watch different videos there.