i see now the gameplay on youtune.... mhh i try this gameSecondo me, il gioco open world più difficile da esplorare è We Happy Few. Adoro il gioco, ma anche adesso è pieno di bug, ma è comunque divertente e, come sempre, un concetto interessante. Voglio dire, una società orwelliana in cui sei costretto a prendere questa droga che ti costringe a essere felice e se non la prendi o non puoi vieni evitato ed emarginato o semplicemente assassinato, la droga annebbia la mente di tutti a tal punto che non si accorgono nemmeno che il cibo sta finendo e che la città sta andando in pezzi, con il continuo spettacolo di Uncle Jack che si ripete.
You must be loving arcaneLeague of legends lol
Same, been playing it since launch loved the first three, but this one's been...meh so far.Just started Stalker 2. So dissapointed, I was obsessed over the first one.
Yea 100% same here. The first one was epic. This has very stupid stealth and combat mechanics and the controls are horrendous. And somehow enemies have pin-point accuracy dumping mags on me when I can barely keep my SMG pointed in one direction when firing. Hope they fix it up and patch a few things as they go, see all the reviews say the same things.Same, been playing it since launch loved the first three, but this one's been...meh so far.
Nice looking, runs like shit, insane bullet sponge mutants, ehhhh gunplay, the world is dead compared to the first three, and the day/night cycle is waaaay too fast.
God, I need to quit living under a rock! After Google-searching the image, I found out it is from "Among Us. " LOL, it looks like fun! My brother is the video game expert in our family, so I'll have to ask him about it!