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What Video Game are You Playing Right Now v2

COD, Warzone, Plunder only. I’m currently getting my ass handed to me repeatedly by 12 year olds while I run away trying to complete supply runs in a helicopter. I can’t shoot for shit, can never see anyone, I’m just trying to level up all my guns and then I’ll find what works best. I always swore I’d never spend real world money on game content but they suckered me in the other day with the Frank bunny suit from Donnie Darko. The movie was cool and it makes me think of the new Mr Bungle album


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However when the COD people screw with me and take away Plunder I play FF7 or Fallout 4. Probably will get the new Sniper Elite game soon as I’m fed up with COD.
Nowadays I'm rotating between Skyrim (naughty mods included of course), The Forest, and Sea of Thieves. Seven introduced me to the last two and I'm really enjoying the both of them.
Rimworld is one of my favorites and the one I’ve been defaulting to when I actually have time to play. I’m a big Mass Effect fan and bought the remastered edition but haven’t gotten to finish it yet
Mass Effect is one of my favorite game series. Prior to ME3, anything Bioware made was gold. Too bad EA screwed Bioware.

Halo is another one of my favorites. I'm cautiously optimistic for Infinite after the mess that was Halo 5: Guardians.
Mass Effect is one of my favorite game series. Prior to ME3, anything Bioware made was gold. Too bad EA screwed Bioware.

Halo is another one of my favorites. I'm cautiously optimistic for Infinite after the mess that was Halo 5: Guardians.
I liked 3, after they patched it and gave it a real ending. Shame about Andromeda. I always loved Halo, but really only Bungie’s Halo, I’m not a fan of 343’s take on it.
I liked 3, after they patched it and gave it a real ending. Shame about Andromeda. I always loved Halo, but really only Bungie’s Halo, I’m not a fan of 343’s take on it.
Bungie's Halo will forever be the gold standard of Halo. I was hopeful about 4, but was disappointed.
Well im not a gamer, so i don't play games often. Right now im playing world of warcraft. A bit of a late starter in that game. I just started playing during the lock downs.
I've been playing space engineers. I've got it pretty strongly modded so I have to deal with zombies and drone attacks.