I don't mind the stray human, but the focus must be on the animal, so say a view of a dog mounting a human from undernieth where the dog is happily humping away would be a turn on, but if the same camera angle was used with the same human and dog, but the dog was being dildogged that would be a turn off. So basically humans are completely optional for me. if they are there fine, if they are not I don't really care;. But when a human is in the picture being able to tell if the animal is into the act, requires the viewer to know how to read the body language of the species involved. So you are quite right in saying solo and mating are generally showing animals totally into the act. That said their can be exceptions even then. I'm not really sure this cat totally approves of this GSD's affections. Although the cat is standing there... So maybe...

I hope this works for people it plays fine on my computer, but I made the clip 15 years ago so it's a fairly old Sorenson codec the site does not seem to know, might work if downloaded though.
View attachment 117394