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What song are you listening to?

This tune will, until they drop me into my final hole, be one of my "hear it and start leaking at the eyes" songs.

Woke last night to the sound of thunder
How far off? I sat and wondered.
Started hummin' a song from 1962...
Ain't it funny how the night moves?
When you just don't seem to have as much to lose
Strange how the night moves
with autumn closin' in...

I used to mow Robyn Robins' (the keyboard man for The Silver Bullet Band starting in 1975) lawn. He had a beach place about a mile from my growing-up house. Bob and the band would show up and jam in the summer months when they weren't on tour. Every damned one of 'em was a class act. And getting to hear new material was quite the bonus. Was gifted a copy of the Night Moves album, signed by the whole band, by Robyn in December of 1975 - I was jamming this tune rabout half a year before it hit the street, and was the envy of the rest of the kids in the neighborhood (that had grown out of the "bubble-gum rock" phase, anyway) because of it. Lost it somewhere over the years of moving around - I suspect when I made teh jump from Florida to Arizona - Lot of stuff (some of it that I miss in a big way) got left behind in that move. Ah, well - the physical album may be gone, but the memories will never fade...
This tune will, until they drop me into my final hole, be one of my "hear it and start leaking at the eyes" songs.

Woke last night to the sound of thunder
How far off? I sat and wondered.
Started hummin' a song from 1962...
Ain't it funny how the night moves?
When you just don't seem to have as much to lose
Strange how the night moves
with autumn closin' in...

I used to mow Robyn Robins' (the keyboard man for The Silver Bullet Band starting in 1975) lawn. He had a beach place about a mile from my growing-up house. Bob and the band would show up and jam in the summer months when they weren't on tour. Every damned one of 'em was a class act. And getting to hear new material was quite the bonus. Was gifted a copy of the Night Moves album, signed by the whole band, by Robyn in December of 1975 - I was jamming this tune rabout half a year before it hit the street, and was the envy of the rest of the kids in the neighborhood (that had grown out of the "bubble-gum rock" phase, anyway) because of it. Lost it somewhere over the years of moving around - I suspect when I made teh jump from Florida to Arizona - Lot of stuff (some of it that I miss in a big way) got left behind in that move. Ah, well - the physical album may be gone, but the memories will never fade...
It definitely hits you right in the feels
Dam good song.
And thank you for sharing