Ted Danson Machine
Esteemed Citizen of ZV
they grew on me the more I listened to them. What are your favorite genres?didn't know this one but i love it
they grew on me the more I listened to them. What are your favorite genres?didn't know this one but i love it
dude, sounds just like me and I'm pretty sure @MypupandI69 fits into that category as welli mostly listen to rock and it's subs *classic rock, glam rock, punk rock, synth-pop, progressive rock, alternative rock, indie rock, funk rock, math rock, and post-rock.* and sometimes pop and classical music but i hate hip-hop,soul and jazz....i guess i really don't fit the stereotype of a bl dude?
didn't know this one but i love it
you're prety chill man. Mind if I follow your profile here?yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaahhhhhh!!!!
- YouTube
W YouTube możesz cieszyć się filmami i muzyką, które lubisz, przesyłać oryginalne treści i udostępniać je swoim bliskim, znajomym i całemu światu.m.youtube.com
I have posted it a few times here. I assert it is one of the catchiest, best written songs of all time. I can never get it tout of my head lolI was just about to post this one
well, that band Social Distortion is actually a Punk Rock band, and I was in a punk band growing up, guitar player, family is musically inclined, so I have just grown with music as a major factor in life. I know way too much about 80s music to be honest lol. Punk rock/screamo and hardcore are my main categories thoughyou seem to know more classic rock songs than i do
That can happen. People don't get much choice in their surroundings growing uptook me a while to find rock since no one in my family and friends listened to it