Good old Fallout New Vegas for turning so many people onto this song lol
Shall we tell them that when we were kids like them, that album was already considered an "oldie"?
(Not to say it isn't still just as good today as it was back then - it is. But it's quite comical to ponder the thought that the "newly discovered" musical treasures kids are "finding" today are something I grew up listening to)
Kinda like when my little sister went to see Wayne's World when it first came out - and came home ABSOLUTELY RAVING about this "great new band with this song that goes kinda like an opera that they sang along to in the car".
Me: Yeah, sis - it's not a "new" song, OR a new band...
Her: Wuddaya mean! It's brand new! They just put out the movie! Nobody's ever heard it before!
Me, going to bedroom and retrieving my almost 10 year old copy of "A Night At The Opera" (on vinyl, natch) then dropping it on mom's turntable in the living room - "Would the song you're talking about sound anything like this? <Sticks the groove at what looks to be about the halfway point of Bohemian Rhapsody> Scarabouche, scarabouche, can you do the fandango? Thunderbolts and lightning, very very frightening Me! Galileo!
Her - with jaw hanging open - "How did you get the soundtrack album so soon?!? They just started playing this movie last week!
Me: <chuckling> Like I said, nothing at all like new - You weren't even born when this album came out.
She went on to become a Queen fan in a big way