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What prompted you to get into Zoo?

Well I think the first kinda thing wat stuck in my mind was a news report people getting caught with animal sex. When they showed some of the pictures on the news my dad made me look away. kinda stuck I was 12 -13 back then. didnt do that much with it afterwards, until my ex bf dared me to let me lick (long story short). and it made me a bit confused.
Getting my face licked by dogs at young age and then watching videos and seeing pictures of women getting their faces and mouths licked by dogs
For me though, I was always fascinated by animals. I just love them. Grew up in a household with lots of pets, and there weren't any other kids around, so I spent all my time focused on them. I was the primary caretaker of the animals, and I found handling and working with them highly rewarding. This was especially true of dogs.

Dogs are incredible because, maybe more so than any other animal, you form relationships with them. You're at the center of their world, and everything they enjoy, they receive through you. You're their source of food, entertainment, training, everything. They have such rich and sophisticated personalities that I believe they're sapient, experiencing the full gamut of emotions. I come to it through respect for them.

It just so happens that I'm also attracted to them. I didn't have a way to frame those feelings and understand them, but in retrospect, it was obviously attraction. When I was older, and my first dog began expressing sexual feelings toward me, I was overwhelmed with emotion. It was an absolute rush for me. I remember playing around in the secluded parts of our property, throwing balls and going exploring, and sometimes he would get excited and mount me around my waist. I used to stick my leg out and watch him buckle down and go at it. It was enough to make me lightheaded.

It was only a matter of time before things progressed. I gave in and realized that in order to explore further, I had to literally put myself on his level. There was great symbolism in that for me. By the time I was on my hands and knees, and my dog mounted me, I was a goner. Even over the clothes, the mere act of allowing him atop me blew my mind. It was a surge of adrenaline I'd never felt before. Then I noticed he was more interested in me. We felt closer.

So that was my formative moment as a zoophile, I suppose!

Opportunity. You grow up with a friend who's always trying to bang you and can't tell anyone if you let him. No brainer
A dog can't ruin your reputation the way a guy can.

I'd be lying if I said this wasn't part of the appeal! Especially growing up gay in the 00's. The dog can't snitch, and nobody but the two of us had to know. ?
It’s always been at the back of my mind over the years from the days of my youth when I think of my families girl German shepherd, a lovely girl she was.
she never allowed me to be fully active with her, but she was vey obliging and skilled with her tounge.
don't really like people due to year's of being bullied so long ago after discovering zoo
felt a connection with animal's and only trust people that are kind to animal's
Curiously mostly when I started watching porn my curiosity grew and grew the more I watched and the rush of pure ecstasy and excitement of getting fuck by a dog there is no better feeling
Found some porn accidently online when I was like 15.. first time I ever came from playing with my pussy and watching porn. Squirted everywhere. Have been absolutely obsessed since. I’m 35 now. Hopefully some day I get to actually be used by doggy or horse cock.
How would you like to talk my name is Jake I'm 28 years old I'd love to talk about what you like
I got curious one day. Like, I sat there and wondered 'hmm have people ever tried something like that??' looked it up and boom. Now I can't get enough lol
I've been fascinated by animals and everything about them as long as I can remember. Growing up, I was never interested in other humans; the thought doing something sexy with them kind of grossed me out. As others have mentioned, it likely has a lot to do with the fact that I was bullied unmercifully all through school and even when I started working.

I had experimented with animals a bit, once I got past the look-but-don't-touch stage. I found that dogs seemed to be the most willing participants in this type of activity. About the time I was 20-ish, I got my first "my own" dog, a male Welsh Corgi. This was years before the Internet existed, so I had to figure out how everything worked by trial and error. He was a good teacher. Once I found an apartment that allowed dogs, I got another Corgi boy. He was bigger than the first one though a bit submissive, so they got along great.

I never really felt much of the guilt or shame others talk about, but I was very aware that I needed to keep it a secret and not share it with anyone. For years, I thought I was the only one who was into this. I had seen ads and a story or two in my older brother's porn magazines, but they always involved male animals on female humans. Nothing like what I was doing. In the mid-'90s though, I was doing an Alta Vista search (a search engine that predated Google!) on something dog-related, not at all sexy. I tripped over a site called Valadan's Stable. It had guides and stories about things I had been doing with my boys for years! (Text only, few to no photos and no videos at all, this was back in the dial-up days.) Most of the info was horse-related but there was a generous dog section. After that, I discovered more and more zoo-related sites including forums, I was hooked!

So, here we are, most of 30 years later. Zoo-related sites, chats and forums have come and gone; few survive. Back in the day, the general public was blissfully ignorant of us. Now, we endure everything from public shaming to death threats. Some people went way too public, with the sadly mistaken belief that we'd gain acceptance. Others did stupid stuff and got caught up into high-profile media blitzes. Two keywords: Closed doors. Acceptance? Ain't gonna happen.

Keep it to yourself, play nice and carry on. Peace, DJ
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I stumbled across a video quite a few years ago and I loved how natural it looked with the dog just getting on and enjoying itself and the woman loving being mounted. It made a change to the fakeness of a lot of the porn out there. I've been interested ever since, but only got a far as watching videos although would love to take the next step with a interested lady
It was the right dog at the right time. Porn certainly helped making me aware that it was even a possibility but it's not like i was a craving dogs before it happened. That only started after having a taste of it.
pure coincidence:
When I started working around horses a long time ago and realized I felt a sense of comfort around them that I never felt before. I had seen horses before or course but to get to know them closely I experienced emotions stronger than I thought I was capable of having, being a stoic person by nature. They opened up a door in my mind to love and affection and still to this day every time I look a horse in the eyes I fall speechless.
I did not zoo know existed. I was just being naughty teenager. I liked playing with my dog..One day I just decided I wanted to feel how the dog cock would feel like. I tried it,only lasted for a couple of seconds. From there I knew there was just something extra ordinary about a dog cock. How I knew it was a thing is when a friend spoke about it on m-xit. Unfortunately she stopped talking to me as I was asking her questions, maybe she got scared.
My first sexual experience was with that family dog (Otto, Labour cross) when I was 11 years old. The experience has stayed with me.
A swine looked at me with his human eyes, we talked for a while about the language of smells and sniffing, and we connected with our gaze...
I was a 8 yo horny gay boy. While giving the dog a bath he got a boner and I stroked it. At that age having my hand on a dog dick was top tier sexual activity. To me it was a dick which is what I've been wanting. Of course I put my mouth on it and thought "I'm sucking dick!" I was so excited about my discovery that I had to show my cousins who I enjoyed watching me. This is my origin story.
Someone sent a video in a group chat on Kik (when I used it). Didn’t think much of it at first and then looked more and more into it and been hooked watching girls getting knotted!
I remember watching this old Dracula movie. The one with Keanu Reeves. There was a scene in wich a woman is getting fucked by Dracula, the thing is that he had taken the form of a big wolf


When I saw that I inmediately felt horny.
i had a pet dog and she was splendid and then i knew that i was in love with animals, unfortunately she was the family dog so i couldn't have done anything to her