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What kind of sports do you like?

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I love Agility, Music Canine Freestyle and Obidiance Trial. And i love watching Herding Events and Treibball.
Volleybaaalllll. I kinda like Tennis too. I just suck at it. I'm no pro at volleyball either, but I at least know what I'm doing. I'd say kayaking, but it's not exactly in a sport sense, the same way a walk in the woods isn't a sport. Hunting is pretty fun and exciting, if thats really a sport, but I suck at putting birds and mammals out of their misery, so my brother has to do it while I hide my face in my dog's fur.
Really? I get to be the first one to make the water sports joke? Okay.

Water sports
[pause for laughter, wait for applause to die down]

Also baseball. I know baseball isnt the most popular anymore, but wow, I didn’t think it was that unpopular
im an astros fan, baseball feels more full of fans when everyone hates your team the most. its kinda comfy, is this how yankees fans felt all this time?
Mine are not on here..combat sports (striking) , motor racing, weight training and sprinting. Active in all
I enjoy personal sports: mountain climbing, spelunking, skiing
Watching sports? Team sports? Hockey and basketball are fun sometimes.
Watching the acrobatics of olympic snowboarding and such, that I really like!
Me in competitive sports... I've done some fencing, and like it.
Do things like petanque or croquet count as sports, or are they firmly classed as games? I would say games, but some say golf is a sport rather than a game.
For participation: Rugby and American football, (and shooting sports, back when the average person could still afford ammunition.)
As for spectating: I'll watch pretty much anything through the viewfinder of an slr. Otherwise, it's hard to hold my interest.
Never been much interested in team or mainstream sports as much - I don't tend to watch a whole lot of sports in general, but get into rock climbing, archery, martial arts. If you count it as a sport, scuba diving is my #1 :)

Also, sex. LOts of sex.
Are you kidding me, hockey isn't on the list?
I played for most of my childhood. I only stopped playing cause being super competitive stopped making sense for me after the 10th grade. It's still my favourite sport.
I wanted to add hockey but I ran out of room for poll listings.