What does pride mean to you?


With the month of June coming up. I feel free to express who I am with pride!
What are your ideas for pride this year? I think that we all should enjoy and celebrate Pride, and even make our own group for one of the events! ❤ (What are your thoughts on this?) I personally think that this would be a great time to not only come out for who we are and show others were not ashamed, but to also come out as people who truly love, care, and stand for the rights of animals.
I know I'll be going to pride this year, with my ZooPride banner! I'm so excited! ^^
I've finally got the sense that I'm not ashamed of my zoo side, and that I can embrace it and understand how much good has come from my attraction.

I hope I can spend one day of the zoo pride week chatting on an online group, sharing the celebration internationally!
My country is small and the people are recluses so that's probably the best way for me to celebrate haha
I am very happy about the lovely feelings I have for dogs. It's a gift. Without them life would be bland in comparison. I would never deny these feelings, but I've recently thought about expressing them more again.

My country is small and the people are recluses so that's probably the best way for me to celebrate haha

It's not the Vatican, is it? ;)
A socially acceptable excuse to be an obnoxious asshole usually embraced by people who love to stroke their own egos.

Not saying that about just alphabet people pride but ALL pride. Religious, political, supremacist, whatever the fuck it be, fuck pride, You're all dicks, get over yourselves.

You can be perfectly comfortable with who you are as a person without shoving it in someones face.
Look at most of the arguments here on the forum, it's all pride, ego and stupidity with no actual end game in sight. Pointless forever arguments for the sake of arguing. Why? Their pride wont let them back down, can't take the bruise to the ego.

Do you think any flat eather believes the shit they spew? No, but they're in too deep and their pride won't let them back down.
Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

Taking pride in your sexuality is as silly as taking pride in your race or any other meaningless attribute. There are far too many gay people who treat their sexuality as a defining part of their personality.

Look at that, me and 420Fatty having a somewhat similar belief on something. who'd a thunk it possible
Like many words pride has more than one meaning. You can focus on the positive concept or on negative meanings as in pride, the deadly sin. You can also discuss both.

(It's not healthy to be around people who love to concentrate on negative things for a prolonged period of time.)
Like many words pride has more than one meaning. You can focus on the positive concept or on negative meanings as in pride, the deadly sin. You can also discuss both.

(It's not healthy to be around people who love to concentrate on negative things for a prolonged period of time.)

Yes. All in moderation and in acceptable scenarios. Such as pride in your achievements/work or having pride in someone else.
I am very happy about the lovely feelings I have for dogs. It's a gift. Without them life would be bland in comparison. I would never deny these feelings, but I've recently thought about expressing them more again.

It's not the Vatican, is it? ;)

Zoophiles in MY Vatican? It's more likely than you think! ?

lol, naw, Finland. Talking to a stranger on the streets will get you branded either insane or a foreigner who doesn't know the habits of the land yet.
To be able to be proud of my sexuality and be able to live my life without any negativity dragging me down
People may hate me for saying this, but this is just my opinion. I am completely fine with homosexuals and the such so dont call me anything like homophobic for saying this but: In all honesty, pride month should just be a day or week. It seems very unnecessary and makes LGBT hated by majority since I can imagine it would be annoying if everywhere you go its pride this and that. Am I proud? I dont know if this counts as pride, but I honestly prefer to be sexually and romantically attracted to animals than being somebody who is just attracted sexually and romantically to humans. It feels like I've been let in on a secret and a type of lifestyle not many other get to live out.
I am very happy about the lovely feelings I have for dogs. It's a gift. Without them life would be bland in comparison. I would never deny these feelings, but I've recently thought about expressing them more again.

It's not the Vatican, is it? ;)
Yes, it feels like ive been given a secretive gift that not many know of. Thats the best way to explain my feelings over this orientation
Pride just means being proud. To be proud means to say what you are as if you want the world to hear.

Proud: "My husband and I got married on All Saints Day, 2016. We will have been married for four years, this November!"

It is very simple.
It seems very unnecessary and makes LGBT hated by majority since I can imagine it would be annoying if everywhere you go its pride this and that.
Bless you, that's not the reason why the majority hate LGBT that's one of the many excuses they use to justify their bigotry.

Pride is fine. I always forget it's an actual month, I mean once the weekend parade and bar hopping are over most don't pay it much mind after that, at least in my experience. It does seem a bit excessive since it's not exactly like black history month, there aren't a constant stream members being recognized for their role in paving the way for us.

As far as it being an excuse for obnoxious assholes, well we've definitely had to deal with our fair share of those so it's only fair they get their noses rubbed into it for one month a year lol.