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What Do You Get Annoyed By?

People who tailgate me, while im doing the speed limit in the far left lane, Like your actually gonna make me speed up, The closer you get the more I slow down
I can just hear everyone now saying "Dam, That Goats an Asshole"
Worse is when I'm doing plus and someone pretends I'm being slow.
But are you talking about a three lane freeway? How crowded? Etc. makes a difference
Wow, Epic's black friday "sale" is a load shit shit this year. 33% off coupon that works on top of sale prices like always, but nothing is actually on sale.
Humans/people in general...like 90% of the time,Too many things to list.
The most important would be ....the petty selfishness e.g wanting a free ride and refusing to pitch in the fuel price or pretending they don't see the bill after they ordered expensive sh!t or the "if I can't have this,then no one should have it" "my life is miserable,so everyone should know my pain"

Sometimes I look at people as if they are a different specie compared to me
Sometimes I look at people as if they are a different specie compared to
The majority of my contempt for this species is because I'm one of them. I can't look at the stupidity of humans without being disgusted that they come from the same genepool as I do. That the potential to have been that fucking stupid lies within me too.
Worse is when I'm doing plus and someone pretends I'm being slow.
But are you talking about a three lane freeway? How crowded? Etc. makes a difference
3 lane avenue, that everyone treats as a highway. posted speed is 45mph, but people freely go 65+ I cruise in the far left lane at about 55-60mph, which I feel is sufficient.
3 lane avenue, that everyone treats as a highway. posted speed is 45mph, but people freely go 65+ I cruise in the far left lane at about 55-60mph, which I feel is sufficient.
well, if you're on the far left lane and someone else is faster than you, then you have to make room.
Where TV shows use a close up to "hide" the fact they have a stand-in performing a skilled task. Except it's clearly a man's hands when the character is a female. Really? You couldn't find a female trick shuffler, or a female capable of "quickly" (you played the footage in fast motion) disassembling a handgun?
Today's annoyance:

Behind a tightly screwed on and locked in place wooden board there were remains of a mouse and shells of the nuts she ate.
In a place where there's only a few millimeters of room, not even 4-5 mm air - I wonder how the mouse (a rat would be ways bigger) could get into that area.

Even if they can slip through gaps of 10 mm~, those remains in under 5 mm of empty room are definitely a surprise.

Guess I'll have to glue on everything with expanding waterproof PU glue. 🤷‍♂️
Whenever a film credits actors in order of fame, rather than their character's importance or any other sensible order.
When animated movie credits list the voice actors before the animators. The animators are the actors, the movie wouldn't exist without them, the voices are inconsequential. There's only a couple so far that have realized this, Zootopia being, I believe, the first to do it, which is yet another reason that movie is so great.
Today's annoyance:

Behind a tightly screwed on and locked in place wooden board there were remains of a mouse and shells of the nuts she ate.
In a place where there's only a few millimeters of room, not even 4-5 mm air - I wonder how the mouse (a rat would be ways bigger) could get into that area.

Even if they can slip through gaps of 10 mm~, those remains in under 5 mm of empty room are definitely a surprise.

Guess I'll have to glue on everything with expanding waterproof PU glue. 🤷‍♂️
Mice have collapsible rib cages that allow them to squeeze through tight spaces. As long as their skull can fit their body and collapse to fit.
in germany it's forbidden to overtake someone on the right side.
In America were supposedly able to overtake in any lane even in the median and in the opposing traffic lanes on the other side of the freeway as long as we get around that sucker. Well legally thats not allowed but this is america and driving here is a Shit Show. 🤣
In America were supposedly able to overtake in any lane even in the median and in the opposing traffic lanes on the other side of the freeway as long as we get around that sucker. Well legally thats not allowed but this is america and driving here is a Shit Show. 🤣
sounds like fun xD