Playing games mostly these days. Been on a big RPG kick (fav genre); Final Fantasy specifically, though I have a backlog of others.
I also really enjoy audiobooks. Harlan Ellison, Neil deGrasse Tyson, though currently listening to Plato's The Republic.
Spending time with my kids in the pool as well, or playing games with them is a lot of fun, though they get frustrated as hell with me when I'm trying to play Minecraft with them and have no idea what I'm doing ?
Was thinking of getting into music as well, but the instruments cost money, so I'll have to wait on that until I do a few home repairs first. I tend to suck at all types of art, though I hope to learn more. I lack expression in my life, and want to figure it out.
Back when I had a computer I enjoyed learning code and messing with pirated software and games. Maybe someday I'll have one again.