My fantasy goes into the rape-sections - we all like a bit of force and domination at times, right? - except i can't stand the idea of non-sexual violence (i.e. being beat up in my face to make me submit).
So in my fantasy i'd get blackmailed, into making crazy extreme zoo & bdsm-movies for a group of men.
Maybe they've hacked my computer, dug up some of my own home-made sex- or zoo-video's (which are illegal in my country), and then give me the typical
"you're going to do exactly as you're told, or else..."-message.
So to the outside world i still appear as a regular, quiet, nerdy uni-student; i go to my classes, i work out, go to a movie occasionally, etc...
But some times i leave my dorm, quickly vanish into a black car or minivan, and don't return for the night or sometimes a whole weekend... heading off to get my brains fucked out by several guys - or dogs - and in front of dozens of cameras!
The video's would be sold and shared on the darkweb, but (for the time being, as long as i play along) without my full name or information; still leaving me to wonder every day if someone near or around me has ever seen my video's!
Some of my fellow students or teachers maybe, people at the gym, the guys riding the same bus or train as me every day...?
Sometimes someone teases me, and leaves me a note in my locker at school or gymbag, saying
"Hey Laura, you looked good in your dress today - though not as good of course as when you got mounted by those two stallions! Haha! Now i know why you called in sick the other day! Can't wait for your next video, sweety!"
So far for the setup: i'm a completely obedient sex-slave to them.
But one idea in this big fantasy particularly peeks my interest... and it is where the animals come in - this is a zoo-place after all..

One day they come up with the bright idea to make me ride a horse... but with two big dildo's glued to the saddle!
You all know how riders hop up-and-down while trotting or galloping, right? I'd basically be fucking myself inadvertently while riding.
A horse-trainer would guide the horse to ride in circles on a long leash, while i'd have my hands tied behind my back, with nothing to say about how long, or at what speed, i'd be riding around.
To film all the action up close, men are filming from the sideline, and GoPro's mounted on the saddle take epic close-ups, literately just mere inches in front of the action!
After the first ride, and seeing that their concept works, they quickly make more additions to the saddle:
Of course bigger dildo's and more camera's, microphones and lights, but also leather straps and restraints on metal braces to hold my legs wide open or my body arced back..
They'd even force me to get numerous bodypiercings, through my nipples, clit and labia, which they would tie to rings on the saddle: so with every hop upward they all get a mean tug..
And, since the horses do a lot of the hard work, they'd all get rewarded by long and intense hand- & blowjobs, which end either in or on me; again of course, in front of countless camera-lenses...
Eventually, they'd get bored with riding me around in a stable, and decide to arrange a game for me, which leaves me riding outside!
They take me to the middle of a forest, and tie and string me up on the saddle as before.
With the reigns tied to my shoulders, and my lower legs loosened a bit, i can just barely steer and kick the horse to order him to speed up. Then they give me the location where they will wait to pick me up again, before driving off.. leaving me to ride - and fuck - my way to said pickup point.. preferably before the sun comes up!
I've got a lengthy story - albeit in my own language - how a forester, doing some night patrol in his jeep, runs into me!
While first surprised (obviously), he quickly turns his jeep around to arrest this crazy nudist, and i have to make a run for it to escape through the dirt-tracks and roads throughout the forest... slamming myself up and down on the saddle as we sprint...
After thàt crazy idea, they take their game even further still: they make me repeat the forest ride... but now in broad daylight on a hot summer's day, with tons of hikers and cyclists throughout the forest!
After placing me on the (by now enormously elaborate) horse-saddle, they still wrap a skirt around me, and make me put on a t-shirt, before calmly riding me to the center of the forest again.
No one would know i'd be impaled on two massive dildo's: at best they look at me funny with all the weird braces, camera's and microphones all over my saddle. The excuse that i'm a YouTuber or vlogger, raises some suspicious eyebrows...
Then they guide me to a secluded part in the woods, quickly take my limited clothes off, strap and string me up to the saddle as before, and leave me behind!
From here on in, i spend more than an hour trying to race through the woods towards my pickup point, passing numerous people who get a quick short glimpse of me, and stare in amazement at this crazy naked SM-slave who is apparently fucking herself on horseback!
As during the night ride, i (of course

) have the bad luck to run into another vehicle again...
But this time it's a pickup-truck, with 4 late teenagers / early 20'er's in it!
With the dirt-road being way to narrow to pass each other, I desperately try to turn my horse around and run away, but it's no use.
Being strung and tied up as i am, i can only pull the reins with my shoulders so little, and i can only kick my heels into the horses thighs so softly, that the guys easily slot in and drive behind me.
Surprised with the sight of this naked sex-slave right in front of their car, they loudly yell at me while hanging out their windows, laughing and mocking at me.
The driver even honks his loud horn a few times... but this makes my horse freak out, and sprint away in a panic!
The guys in the pickup quickly give chase and (when the dirt road widens) drive up next to me.
While i'm involuntarily slam-fucking myself like an overpowered jack-hammer on an out-of-control-horse, 3 of the 4 guys in the pickup are hanging out of their windows, aiming their smartphones at me, and filming probably the craziest and wildest sexshow they've ever seen...
It takes several miles, minutes, and crazy intense and violent orgasms before my horse finally calms down a bit and listens to my commands again, and i can steer away into a smaller dirt-track where the car can't follow me anymore..
Weeks later, when i'm still studying in my almost deserted university's library late in the evening, i hear some guys snickering behind one of their laptops. Sneaking up to them from behind a few bookshelves, i see what they're so gitty about:
on the screen is a cellphones's video of a girl, dressed as an sm-slave, fucking her own brains out on a violently sprinting horse.
As i hear them brag how their video's reached a million downloads already, and play another version of my video, now edited to some music with a hefty beat, i feel my legs get weak, my heart sink to my stomach... and my pussy getting soaking wet... ?
pfew - it became quite an essay! ?