What are your pups favorite treats?

My boy is a bit of a destroyer but loves to lay down and get his chew on. We usually give him natural beef cheek rolls. However lately he seems to be getting bored with them....or smart and just licks the flavor off and leaves them be. So I am always looking for a new natural chew toy for him. So any owners got any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
My boy is a bit of a destroyer but loves to lay down and get his chew on. We usually give him natural beef cheek rolls. However lately he seems to be getting bored with them....or smart and just licks the flavor off and leaves them be. So I am always looking for a new natural chew toy for him. So any owners got any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
My fingers. In seriousness, anything that tastes like peanut butter, and is crunchy. Or really, and food full stop, she’s a lab. I would recommend getting something that takes a long time to get through, but also where the flavor is infused into the chew, and not so much slathered over top. That should keep him busy longer.
I picked up some sweet potato chews at Costco yesterday for my dog. He loves them and they are pretty chewy so they last a while.
My boys like blueberries, carrots, bully sticks, beef tracheas, and pussy. In no particular order.
Surely your pussy might have an opinion on which order they have them in the half hour prior to the latter though 😂 particularly the bully sticks and beef teacheas
My Costco really needs to stock this "pussy" treat you mentioned!
Hahahah I felt crook saying it once let alone twice I’ve been campaigning for a better word for years, I can’t stomach either of them but I follow in OPs footsteps

Wonder if knot hole will be more widely accepted? I certainly feel better saying that then the rest
Surely your knot hole might have an opinion on which order they have them in the half hour prior to the latter though 😂 particularly the bully sticks and beef teacheas

Hey yeah look, I’m rolling with it. Anyone got any good government contacts to get an amendment rolling