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What are your attraction percentages?

Lol!!! It sounds like maybe you should change the %!!!!
I blame my partner for asking to have a drunk threesome! For the first guy we slept with in over 5 years it was fun. We typically only fuck our dogs though so why would we even think about birth control?
We typically only fuck our dogs though so why would we even think about birth control?
Real answer: Umm... because having unprotected human/human sex has a high probability of ending in pregnancy?

Sarcastic answer: When a daddy sticks his peepee stick in mommy's peepee hole, and he gives her his special sauce, that special sauce makes mommy pregnant. Lol
Real answer: Umm... because having unprotected human/human sex has a high probability of ending in pregnancy?

Sarcastic answer: When a daddy sticks his peepee stick in mommy's peepee hole, and he gives her his special sauce, that special sauce makes mommy pregnant. Lol
Obviously a guy replying to a rhetorical and highly sarcastic post about 2 zoophile lesbians who haven't used birth control in easily over a decade. When you're having sex with dogs almost exclusively, you don't need it. Its literally something we dont think about. Ever. The pill also takes weeks to become effective in your system when you havent been on it for years. Plan B also isn't 100% effective which we did use. The choice to have sex with a guy we met at a club was clearly a regrettable impulsive drunk decision. Especially when we have to deal with judgemental individuals such as yourself.
When did I judge you? Really, I don't care, you do you. I mean hell, I was brought into this world from an accidental pregnancy by my mother. Life happens and shit happens. But come on, the way you phrased that sentence... how could I not poke fun at it!
I love this. Thank you for being understanding and playful.
To state the obvious: this is a tough one. Not just because of me feeling awkward slapping certain percentages on anything, but also because I think it has been changing over the years and it still is. So, any percentage I write down now will surely be out of date at some point in the (near) future. Or past. Or present.

Years ago I had a girlfriend. It was great while it lasted, but after we broke up, I never dated another woman. Maybe because I'm too shy (shy, hush-hush, eye to eye...), but also perhaps because I still don't know whatever she saw in me.

Anyway, mares have been in my sexual fantasies as long as I can remember, so they would make up the largest portion of my attraction. Then you also have - to a lesser degree - female dogs and female humans. I do apologise to the lads here, but I have no (sexual) fantasies about guys.
To state the obvious: this is a tough one.
These percentages are meant to give you a rough idea of sexual interest, not its exact expression. Words are needed for that.
I'm only interested in female dogs, but in the past I tried it 1-2 times with male dogs, but I didn't like it. That's why I wrote only 99% female dogs. Since I didn't like the male dogs, I definitely won't try them again, I could write the female dogs as 100%. (y) So which one is correct?
Barn animals do not interest me at all and neither do people. I don't even have to try it with them, because I know that are not interested.
I have a friend who is says 70% female dogs and 30% male dogs, he used to have a girlfriend for a very short time, but he didn't like that way of life, so he became an exclusive zoophile.
And he says 30% male dogs, yet he only has female dogs and doesn't want any male dogs at all. :LOL:
A flat percentage scale combining animals and humans of either sex doesn't really paint the whole picture, but I'll try.

27% female dogs/wolves
25% mares
18% female big cats (lionesses, tigers, pumas, cougars)
16% female dolphins
5% male dogs/wolves
4% stallions
3% male dolphin
2% women
0% men, lizards, amphibians, birds, pigs, goats, sheep, cows, or anything else
It really depends on the individual, but in general something like this:
50% female human
25% male doge
20% male human
5% male/female horse
The % depends on what is possible.
But lets say all the species is lined up, in which order would I do them ?
Females of the species :
cow + sow 50%
woman 25%
goat 25%
Male of the species :
bull. 0%
small boar 100%
man 0%
male goat. 0%
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I know I am not 'playing by the rules' but I can't divide it up into parts.
I am 100% attracted to male dogs, male horses, women, and the dicks of men (don't care about the rest).

I love coffee, pizza, and sweets. I am attracted to them all equally, not as a percentage.
Well I’m on the ace spectrum so I have very little sexual attraction in general. I’d say about 94% male dogs, 5% male humans, 1% female humans. While I’m not sexually attracted to female dogs, I would happily let them give me a lick job if they wanted. Now romantic attraction on the other hand, (kisses, cuddles, and other intimate non-sexual activities) probably about 34% male dogs, 32% female dogs, 22% female humans, 12% male humans. Somewhere in there.
I find trying to break it down into numbers is just going to leave me with a bunch of small percentage results, which seems a little misleading when it comes to attraction, so instead I'm mostly going to go by the groups from the content sections and my overall preference on gender.

40% Human with a preference for Women
35% Canine with a preference for Males
10% Equine with a preference for Males
15% Other (Cervids, Suine, Sheep, Large Cats, Exotics, etc) with no major preference.
100% all of who I connect with otherwise attraction isn't as possible. Besides my physical urges that skews this. Ideally I would want each encounter to be as wholesome as possible and not controlled by the sex drive alone.
Love this thread!!! I'm sure there are more possibilities ? But these are my Primary interests ?
Dogs | Male 40% / Female 60%
Horses | Male 30% / Female 70%
Cows/Bulls | Male 10% / Female 90%
Other Farm Animals | Male 20% / Female 80%
Humans | Male 0% / Female 100% Only bi with Animals.
The idea for this thread is pretty simple. Out of 100% how sexually attracted for you to any given species? It could be as simple as "100% male canines" or as complex as "30% male dogs, 20% female dogs, 20% male humans, 10% female humans, 10% mares, 5% ewes, and 5% cows" for example.

For me, I sit around 60% female dogs, 30% women, and 10% other various female animal species.
70% women
15% female dogs
15% mares
Female canids and comparable carnivores (foxes, wolves, dogs, coyotes, some hyena, ..) 75%
Other female animals (cetacean, equine and some others) 25%

Not mentioned is the plain platonic interest and love for animals, which goes further.
35% woman
35% female dogs
25% male dogs (preferably with human/ canine female)
4% felines
1% other
Kind of hard to put a number on it. I thought of putting horse in as well as I like to see woman being filled by horse semen. But I don't have interest in the horse.