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What are these little spots on my dog's skin?


Esteemed Citizen of ZV
Hey everyone,

So this is my girl, she's a young, female pitbull and she's always had one or two little bumps on her skin (she's always had sensitive skin issues) but lately I'm noticing more and more and at the moment it looks like she's been bitten by a thousand mosquitoes. I edited the contrast etc. of the photo to make the spots more noticeable so they don't actually look that bad in person but I notice them when I stroke her coat. She doesn't itch, they're not sore and my vet thinks they're insect bites and tells me not to worry about it. They're definitely not insects as she gets bathed often and sleeps in my bed. So if they were then I would know about it.

Could it be an allergic reaction to the shampoo I'm using? Been using the same brand for years but maybe their formula has changed. I'm going to switch to another shampoo just in case. Her diet and everything has remained pretty stable, there's no external factors I can think of. She's extremely healthy and does lots of exercise and she's never had any health issues her entire life so I'm baffled by it. They're not permanent, they come and go, one day they're more noticeable and the next it's almost like they're totally gone. IMG_20231128_173748.jpg
There are some people here with vet experience, I hope they chime in. I would take her to another vet (or a few others) to see what they think as well, although that might get expensive.
Yea I'm hoping someone more educated than myself will be able to give me some guidance. The nearest other vet is an hour away. Our vets here are notoriously shit though.
What shampoo/conditioner are you using? I'm not a vet, but I was a dog groomer for 10 years, five of those at a vet clinic. I may be able to give some shampoo recommendations, I have a lot of experience with pitties with sensitive skin. ?
What shampoo/conditioner are you using? I'm not a vet, but I was a dog groomer for 10 years, five of those at a vet clinic. I may be able to give some shampoo recommendations, I have a lot of experience with pitties with sensitive skin. ?
Thanks! Far more experience than me. I've been using purity baby shampoo, I had some doggy shampoo in her puppy days but it made her skin inflamed and itchy so I changed. Seems for the last year or two that this purity stuff has been fine, but it could have side effects I'm only seeing now.
Thanks! Far more experience than me. I've been using purity baby shampoo, I had some doggy shampoo in her puppy days but it made her skin inflamed and itchy so I changed. Seems for the last year or two that this purity stuff has been fine, but it could have side effects I'm only seeing now.
The joys of trial and error when it comes to shampoos! Sometimes they just develop a sensitivity to something they've used for years, as frustrating as it is. I'd try out a soothing hypoallergenic dog shampoo, see if that helps. My go-to for pitties is either Dechra DermaLyte Shampoo or Douxo S3 Calm Shampoo. Both are good quality, vet-tested, and very gentle! ??
The joys of trial and error when it comes to shampoos! Sometimes they just develop a sensitivity to something they've used for years, as frustrating as it is. I'd try out a soothing hypoallergenic dog shampoo, see if that helps. My go-to for pitties is either Dechra DermaLyte Shampoo or Douxo S3 Calm Shampoo. Both are good quality, vet-tested, and very gentle! ??
Thank you! I'll give it a bash, in South Africa we don't really get the nice range of quality products available elsewhere so I've always ended up using baby shampoo. But I'll go to my local and see what's available. I think you're right, she's built up an intolerance to it maybe.
As a general tip, even though it does look like some allergic reaction, possibly due to shampoo, I would still recommend seeing a vet if you can just to make sure it isn't either caused by something else or if that allergic reaction had any other effects/needs treatment.
It has nothing to do with Shampoo x

Its not an allergic reaction, looks like some sort of bite or infestation, possibly check her bed , could possibly be mites ...a dermatological spray purchased from the vets might help , I can't give a full diagnosis without seeing here ...I would recommend a trip to the vets if financially possible... or a dermatological shampoo or spray and see if that works ... again you will have to purchase these from a veterinary surgery
As a general tip, even though it does look like some allergic reaction, possibly due to shampoo, I would still recommend seeing a vet if you can just to make sure it isn't either caused by something else or if that allergic reaction had any other effects/needs treatment.
Thanks, good idea. I'll try a vet I haven't been to before. It's been made clear to me that my local vet is a clown.
It has nothing to do with Shampoo x

Its not an allergic reaction, looks like some sort of bite or infestation, possibly check her bed , could possibly be mites
Her bed is my bed? I'm a clean freak, it's definitely not mites judging by the symptoms I should see according to Google.
...a dermatological spray purchased from the vets might help , I can't give a full diagnosis without seeing here
A friend of mine recommended colloidal silver, not sure if it's properties are bullshit or not but I just started, will find out shortly if it helps or not.
...I would recommend a trip to the vets if financially possible... or a dermatological shampoo or spray and see if that works ... again you will have to purchase these from a veterinary surgery
I absolutely have no problem taking her to the vet, I wouldn't have her if I couldn't afford to look after her, it's just that the only other vet is an hour's drive away. I'll take her there next week and see what they say.
The rapid (minutes or hours) coming and going of slightly raised, red lumps sounds like urticaria or hives, usually associated with allergies/allergic reactions. Wouldn't be too uncommon on a white, short-haired dog.
If it is that, then it could be related to contact with irritant like shampoo or chemicals, allergies to pollens, dust mites, insect/flea bites (even if you don't see fleas or don't have lesions yourself, it's hard to exclude them completely), and could be exacerbated by environments that are hot, sunny, dusty, dog in oestrus, and a whole bunch of other things.
Seeing another vet for a second opinion might be a good idea.
The rapid (minutes or hours) coming and going of slightly raised, red lumps sounds like urticaria or hives, usually associated with allergies/allergic reactions. Wouldn't be too uncommon on a white, short-haired dog.
Thanks for the info! That's what I've heard as well.
If it is that, then it could be related to contact with irritant like shampoo or chemicals, allergies to pollens, dust mites, insect/flea bites (even if you don't see fleas or don't have lesions yourself, it's hard to exclude them completely), and could be exacerbated by environments that are hot
It has been extremely hot lately.
, sunny, dusty, dog in oestrus,
She's just coming out of her season now.
Seeing another vet for a second opinion might be a good idea.
Definitely, I'll make an appointment at one out of town for early next week. Better safe than sorry.
If you scratch these wounds and the skin comes off, and underneath there is discharge and a strong smell of chemicals, then it is a mite.

Otherwise, maybe an allergic reaction, fleas, sunlight, shampoo or skin fungus.
Vet here. It’s giving me an allergic vibe.

Lots of good suggestions on here that I’m totally on board with, but I agree with getting second opinion if you don’t trust your original vet, even though it will be a hassle. There’s only so much we can diagnose from photos alone—you need someone to put their hands on your girl, and look closely at the lesions in person.
I agree with this. Also, a flea preventative like Nexguard or Bravecto also kills mites. I suggest trying to get her on that.
She's had her 6 month dose of bravecto about two months ago. I'm no vet but I don't think it's any type of insects. She sleeps literally right next to me in my bed so I'm sure I would have seen something.
Fleas are hard to spot and there is no way to rule them out.
I have seen fleas on her, only when she's been around other dogs or for a walk in the bush. Obviously they don't Jane around because she's had her bravecto and as soon as I see one I give her a bath.
Your type of dog is also prone to sun sensitivity. Reducing her time outside or putting sun-protective clothing on her could help.
Thanks! That's also what I thought, I limit her time in the sun to less two hours a day. And sometimes if its not too hot she has a shirt that covers her neck and back.
veterinary dermatologist recommended Duoxo. I second this.

You can also try a chlorhexidine shampoo to gather support that it is not bacterial / fungal. Bonus if it has ketoconazole in it. Douxo makes one that I recommend with a unique ingredient that fortifies the skin's ability to keep bacteria out called DOUXO® S3 PYO.
Thanks for the tip! I'll try that out, I'm taking her to a new vet next week so we'll see if they have it.
If you scratch these wounds and the skin comes off, and underneath there is discharge and a strong smell of chemicals, then it is a mite.
Thanks Masha, but there isn't even a scab. The skin on the bumps isn't inflamed or anything. It's literally just a little bump, if I scratch it nothing happens.
Otherwise, maybe an allergic reaction, fleas, sunlight, shampoo or skin fungus.
I think it must be an allergy, I know white dogs are more prone to them.
Vet here. It’s giving me an allergic vibe.

Lots of good suggestions on here that I’m totally on board with, but I agree with getting second opinion if you don’t trust your original vet, even though it will be a hassle. There’s only so much we can diagnose from photos alone—you need someone to put their hands on your girl, and look closely at the lesions in person.
Thanks! I'm definitely going to give it a try. I know my local vet is useless. When she was a sub-8kg puppy full of worms (she was a rescue) I took her there for shots and a dewormer and they gave her a dewormer for a 45kg dog. Nearly killed her, she basically didn't move for two days. Then they scheduled her for three month's worth of combo shots in one week. After the dewormer thing I cancelled my shots appointment and now for anything remotely complicated I rather take the 45 minute drive to the neighbouring town's vet.
Wow. Just wow.

My vet has been very good with the weight requirements. They've always let me know the weight classes each option is, and when my pup was on the fence for a few of them, they let me make the choice of which one to give her.
That's not even the worse they've done. Someone I know took their elderly 18 year old dog in because he was having issues with walking or something and they took him away to "weigh him." Five minutes later someone came out and said they were operating on him, totally without her consent. His body couldn't handle it due to his age and he passed away a few hours later. They then tried to give her a massive bill. She took them to court, it was big local news. How they're still operating I have no clue.
Being in a large city there's a ton of vet options, so they have to be on top of things if they want business. It sucks that you now have to travel so far for a different vet, but it's worth it. Our partners deserve the best care.
With Bravecto the fleas have to bite first then die which can still trigger the allergic reaction. This works when the infestation is in your house or the only food source is your dog so all the feas eventually bite your dog and die. If the infestation is outside feeding on multiple animals then it can keep happening. If you identify that as the cause, hiring an exterminator (or doing it yourself) is the only way I know to deal with that.
I will have a look but I highly doubt it's fleas, if I see one I will spend hours trying to find it and kill it. I think an allergy sounds like it's more possible.
If it is a sun related sensitivity then the issue would occur from well under two hours of exposure a day. I think trying to pay attention to how much sun she got when her skin reaction appears is good enough. Maybe you'll notice a pattern.
I will do that, thanks! I hope it's something simple.
My friends and I have had many experiences where vets prescribed meds that would have interactions or made other mistakes that we caught. I live in a populated area so my exposure to vets is diverse. Even though there are good vets I have learned not to trust vets ever. I double check the meds they prescribe for dosage and interactions. I research conditions myself since vets normally don't know the many ways to deal with conditions and just stick to the way they got comfortable with over time. I decided I am the vet for my dogs, and the vets are my consultants. This is how I learned. DVM360 and Merricks Veterinary Manual are my favorite sites.
This is an excellent idea, unfortunately for me I don't have a whole lot of time on my hands but this girly of mine has definitely taught me a lot. I do intend on broadening my vet knowledge so it becomes easier in future.
So the vet told me she's having an allergic reaction. To what, he's not sure. He gave me another shampoo to use on her and told me to keep her out of the sun completely for two weeks and then see if there's a change. If there's no change then I need to pick apart her diet and see if something in there is causing the reaction. He really wasn't as helpful as I was hoping. He didn't take skin scrapings or anything, he just looked at her and felt the lumps with his hand.

Anyways, since I changed shampoos the other day before going to the vet her skin has improved a hell of a lot. I think I might be washing her too often.

Thanks to everyone who gave me pointers!
So the vet told me she's having an allergic reaction. To what, he's not sure. He gave me another shampoo to use on her and told me to keep her out of the sun completely for two weeks and then see if there's a change. If there's no change then I need to pick apart her diet and see if something in there is causing the reaction. He really wasn't as helpful as I was hoping. He didn't take skin scrapings or anything, he just looked at her and felt the lumps with his hand.

Anyways, since I changed shampoos the other day before going to the vet her skin has improved a hell of a lot. I think I might be washing her too often.

Thanks to everyone who gave me pointers!
So glad you got at least some preliminary answers for your girl ❤️
So the vet told me she's having an allergic reaction. To what, he's not sure. He gave me another shampoo to use on her and told me to keep her out of the sun completely for two weeks and then see if there's a change. If there's no change then I need to pick apart her diet and see if something in there is causing the reaction. He really wasn't as helpful as I was hoping. He didn't take skin scrapings or anything, he just looked at her and felt the lumps with his hand.

Anyways, since I changed shampoos the other day before going to the vet her skin has improved a hell of a lot. I think I might be washing her too often.

Thanks to everyone who gave me pointers!
I only wash mine if they roll in some thing, or run through mud, people don't realize washing too much is bad for both of you, if you want her to join in the shower just use water on her
Maybe bedbugs?

It says, "some people have no reaction to bedbug bites, while others experience an allergic reaction that can include severe itching, blisters or hives".
I think this would apply to dogs as well.
I didn't think of that. The thought makes me shiver as I'm a bit of a hygiene nazi. I haven't seen any of the symptoms listed there though, so I sincerely hope not. Although the bumps on her skin do look very similar. Her bumps don't itch though, or bother her in any way. They're purely cosmetic.
I had a bedbug problem when I was a kid that my dad took care of for me. I think all he did was wash my sheets, vacuum my mattress and any crevices around my bad really well. I used to get bites on my back that look similar to what your dog is getting without any itching.

Ya, I'm the same way, I can't stand it when the room I'm in is messy.
Thanks for the tip! I saw some remedies online too, tumbledrying, freezing etc. So I just turned my entire bedroom upside down as well as my lounge. Couches, beds, chairs etc. are all bed-bug free as far as I can tell.
A friend of mines pit has some similar skin issues. I swear that dog has skin like a kleenex. Lol I think the doc chocked it up as seasonal allergies and prescribed a topical analgesic for it. Never really went away tho.