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What animal is the most pleasant to have sex with?

I have been meaning to ask. Do your Ostrich girls hit up on you or do you always have to initiate sex? Gotta say they look like fun!
It is actually some female Ostriches teasing me by sitting down, flapping with their wings and clapping around with their beaks on the ground
That is very cool! Thanks for the information! So she must enjoy the act too.
Some really do, they are so excited and keep flapping with the wings and clapping with their beak on the ground during the act.
They also could be so excited that they're pushing out the cloaca so far that you can see and feel the clitoris.
I have posted a picture of that where it can be seen some time ago in this forum
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Some really do, they are so excited and keep flapping with the wings and clapping with their beak on the ground during the act.
They also could be so excited that they're pushing out the cloaca so far that you can see and feel the clitoris.
I have posted a picture of that where it can be seen some time ago in this forum
Do they clamp at all? Any sign of orgasm?
It is actually some female Ostriches teasing me by sitting down, flapping with their wings and clapping around with their beaks on the ground
I recently saw a video of a guy saying that some farmers in the UK were having trouble breeding ostriches because the birds were more attracted to farmers than to the ostriches themselves. And that's why they didn't reproduce, they kept wanting another "type of bipedal animal" than their partners lol

Zoomer! What is this experience like? They do the same to you??? How does a female show you that she wants to have sex with you? I've seen in some of your past posts that you've had relations with males too! Tell me how this happens, I'm curious👀
Some really do, they are so excited and keep flapping with the wings and clapping with their beak on the ground during the act.
They also could be so excited that they're pushing out the cloaca so far that you can see and feel the clitoris.
I have posted a picture of that where it can be seen some time ago in this forum
Ohhh birds have clitoris? This is new for me!
Ostriches do, due to their anatomy. Most birds don't have a "penis" (mind the quotes), but a male Ostrich sports a big fat tool that can get hard in no time and shoves it deep into the female Ostrich cloaca.
And female Ostriches do have the same tool, but a lot smaller.
Yes I'd say they feel that and enjoy it.
I can see that on their feathers (they rise), and if you are really good you can get a female Ostrich to moan too!
I got videos of all that but I'm not gonna post it out here in the public.
Hi, sorry if it isn't the right place to ask, but I was wondering if you could describe their smell (both in general and their cloaca in particular - as if my knowledge is correct, it's a "2 in 1" kinda hole)
Ostriches do, due to their anatomy. Most birds don't have a "penis" (mind the quotes), but a male Ostrich sports a big fat tool that can get hard in no time and shoves it deep into the female Ostrich cloaca.
And female Ostriches do have the same tool, but a lot smaller.
Figure I'll ask, very curious- How hard does a male ostrich thrust (if he does at all)? What does it feel like when he cums?
Figure I'll ask, very curious- How hard does a male ostrich thrust (if he does at all)? What does it feel like when he cums?
the male Ostrich is really trying to push his giant tool inside the target,
but you won't really be able to feel when he ejaculates because he really just lets it leak out of his tool and into the female then.
I never have felt any like contractions when a male Ostrich was doing a female Ostrich, apart from his thrusting into the female cloaca.
the male Ostrich is really trying to push his giant tool inside the target,
but you won't really be able to feel when he ejaculates because he really just lets it leak out of his tool and into the female then.
I never have felt any like contractions when a male Ostrich was doing a female Ostrich, apart from his thrusting into the female cloaca.
Neat. How long does it take for him to go off- is he a one pump chump?
the male Ostrich is really trying to push his giant tool inside the target,
but you won't really be able to feel when he ejaculates because he really just lets it leak out of his tool and into the female then.
I never have felt any like contractions when a male Ostrich was doing a female Ostrich, apart from his thrusting into the female cloaca.
Yeah! Nothing you don't already know, but birds and reptiles don't have an internal urethra like mammals, that pumps the semen in. They have an outer groove on the phallus the cum is running in during ejaculation.