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Well, hello 👋


Hi, I'm sorta shy and awkward so I'm sorry if this is a weird introduction.
As i was surfing the internet, looking things up i stumbled upon a link to this forum.
Curiously i read stuff that is public and closed the tab.
Caught myself coming back to read more and closed again.
Came back again 🫣 thought about possibly making an account but was feeling timid.
Then i saw a thread of some moderator (or was it administrator?) who was very strict about
deleting posts or people who being forceful or hurtful in their interactions with animals.
That honestly impressed me so much and made me feel a little safer to actually sign up here.
So here i am, bare with me, i switched private messages off cause i easily get intimidated.
Oh well, enough about all that, I don't want anyone to fall asleep.
I am 25, currently working in medical care, bi, single not looking,
got a boy named Weasley (or just Weezy) who is pretty sassy but also a sweetheart aaand I live
in one of the "Five Eyes" countries.🤐
I hope everyone is having a great start into the weekend and since its Friday,
don't forget to buy treats for your loved ones if you go groceries shopping for the weekend☺️
Hi, I'm sorta shy and awkward so I'm sorry if this is a weird introduction.
As i was surfing the internet, looking things up i stumbled upon a link to this forum.
Curiously i read stuff that is public and closed the tab.
Caught myself coming back to read more and closed again.
Came back again 🫣 thought about possibly making an account but was feeling timid.
Then i saw a thread of some moderator (or was it administrator?) who was very strict about
deleting posts or people who being forceful or hurtful in their interactions with animals.
That honestly impressed me so much and made me feel a little safer to actually sign up here.
So here i am, bare with me, i switched private messages off cause i easily get intimidated.
Oh well, enough about all that, I don't want anyone to fall asleep.
I am 25, currently working in medical care, bi, single not looking,
got a boy named Weasley (or just Weezy) who is pretty sassy but also a sweetheart aaand I live
in one of the "Five Eyes" countries.🤐
I hope everyone is having a great start into the weekend and since its Friday,
don't forget to buy treats for your loved ones if you go groceries shopping for the weekend☺️
Hi & Welcome into the "Ville Family"
There is Absolutely no need to feel "shy, awkward or timid" on here, we are all a friendly group, just sit back & observe if you want, till your more confident or join straight in. The "Mods" are here for help & advice if you need any.
Have Fun on here, Enjoy & most of all Take Care. 🫶
Welcome to the zooville community, lady
I loved your words, they are sentitive and delicate words.

Zooville is a very special place, believe.
Zooville is a beautiful garden. But like every garden Zooville has flowers and thorns. Adorn your heart with the most beautiful flowers and stay away from thorns. Flowers are good friends. ;)

Some tips:
-make good friends
-share good feelins
-always protect your privacy
-stay safe on the internet
-love animals

enjoy and be happy, lady :)
A warm welcome leilanii! We're thrilled to have you join our group. Let's make this space even more vibrant and engaging with your presence. We're so excited to have you join us. Feel free to dive in, share your thoughts, and let us know how we can support you. Here's to building a great community together!
Hi, I'm sorta shy and awkward so I'm sorry if this is a weird introduction.
As i was surfing the internet, looking things up i stumbled upon a link to this forum.
Curiously i read stuff that is public and closed the tab.
Caught myself coming back to read more and closed again.
Came back again 🫣 thought about possibly making an account but was feeling timid.
Then i saw a thread of some moderator (or was it administrator?) who was very strict about
deleting posts or people who being forceful or hurtful in their interactions with animals.
That honestly impressed me so much and made me feel a little safer to actually sign up here.
So here i am, bare with me, i switched private messages off cause i easily get intimidated.
Oh well, enough about all that, I don't want anyone to fall asleep.
I am 25, currently working in medical care, bi, single not looking,
got a boy named Weasley (or just Weezy) who is pretty sassy but also a sweetheart aaand I live
in one of the "Five Eyes" countries.🤐
I hope everyone is having a great start into the weekend and since its Friday,
don't forget to buy treats for your loved ones if you go groceries shopping for the weekend☺️

Welcome to the Hooch, miss...Youll find a lot of good info, and some good people here...not everything is informative, not all users are trustworthy, though some are. The harmless ones are here just to yank the crank, but there are also those with dangerous ideas and bad intent. Please, use your head. The Mods ARE your friends. Glad you made it.

Oh....If that pic, even as a Negative Image is you, or another real person, You ought to remove it in favor of something that cannot be traced. It doesnt take much to reverse it, and there area ton of programs designed to locate the source of a picture. Be safe.

Oh....If that pic, even as a Negative Image is you, or another real person, You ought to remove it in favor of something that cannot be traced. It doesnt take much to reverse it, and there area ton of programs designed to locate the source of a picture. Be safe.

Oh....If that pic, even as a Negative Image is you, or another real person, You ought to remove it in favor of something that cannot be traced. It doesnt take much to reverse it, and there area ton of programs designed to locate the source of a picture. Be safe.
You are totally right. And I wouldn't put another persons image as my profile picture. But i put on a mask and i stripped the information from the picture: But i took your advice and censored a bit more both of me and Weez. Now i think not even my bestfriends would recognize me. Thank you for looking out 😘
You are totally right. And I wouldn't put another persons image as my profile picture. But i put on a mask and i stripped the information from the picture: But i took your advice and censored a bit more both of me and Weez. Now i think not even my bestfriends would recognize me. Thank you for looking out 😘
Miss....Would not argue with a lady under most circumstances....But anything you THINK you can do can be undone...quite readily. Can you alter the distance between your pupils, or your dog's?

Much of the computer world is predicated on little bits like those being unravelled, by equipment that was originally designed by spies for spies. Ignore it you may, but accept it, you must. If it was you and your dog, it is STILL you and your dog. Good luck.
Hi, I'm sorta shy and awkward so I'm sorry if this is a weird introduction.
As i was surfing the internet, looking things up i stumbled upon a link to this forum.
Curiously i read stuff that is public and closed the tab.
Caught myself coming back to read more and closed again.
Came back again 🫣 thought about possibly making an account but was feeling timid.
Then i saw a thread of some moderator (or was it administrator?) who was very strict about
deleting posts or people who being forceful or hurtful in their interactions with animals.
That honestly impressed me so much and made me feel a little safer to actually sign up here.
So here i am, bare with me, i switched private messages off cause i easily get intimidated.
Oh well, enough about all that, I don't want anyone to fall asleep.
I am 25, currently working in medical care, bi, single not looking,
got a boy named Weasley (or just Weezy) who is pretty sassy but also a sweetheart aaand I live
in one of the "Five Eyes" countries.🤐
I hope everyone is having a great start into the weekend and since its Friday,
don't forget to buy treats for your loved ones if you go groceries shopping for the weekend☺️
Welcome to the tribe.

You write well and I see that we have a bit in common.
Welcome to the most interesting place on the net. Others have said it already but use your head here. Plenty of great people, but lots of weeds to have to wade through to find them. Don’t let the thorns discourage you from finding the roses.
Can you alter the distance between your pupils, or your dog's?

Much of the computer world is predicated on little bits like those being unravelled, by equipment that was originally designed by spies for spies. Ignore it you may, but accept it, you must. If it was you and your dog, it is STILL you and your dog. Good luck.
Thank you again, eyes are gone now. Now without his happy eyes it looks like I'm strangling my doggy though 😭
But all jokes aside, I know its for the best.
Hi, I'm sorta shy and awkward so I'm sorry if this is a weird introduction.
As i was surfing the internet, looking things up i stumbled upon a link to this forum.
Curiously i read stuff that is public and closed the tab.
Caught myself coming back to read more and closed again.
Came back again 🫣 thought about possibly making an account but was feeling timid.
Then i saw a thread of some moderator (or was it administrator?) who was very strict about
deleting posts or people who being forceful or hurtful in their interactions with animals.
That honestly impressed me so much and made me feel a little safer to actually sign up here.
So here i am, bare with me, i switched private messages off cause i easily get intimidated.
Oh well, enough about all that, I don't want anyone to fall asleep.
I am 25, currently working in medical care, bi, single not looking,
got a boy named Weasley (or just Weezy) who is pretty sassy but also a sweetheart aaand I live
in one of the "Five Eyes" countries.🤐
I hope everyone is having a great start into the weekend and since its Friday,
don't forget to buy treats for your loved ones if you go groceries shopping for the weekend☺️
Welcome to the most interesting place on the net. Others have said it already but use your head here. Plenty of great people, but lots of weeds to have to wade through to find them. Don’t let the thorns discourage you from finding the roses.

Welcome to our place of wholesome conversations warts & all. Yes they're are thorns before you get to the roses that are the best bit of the flower which most enjoy.... that the whole zoo life in a nutshell for either male or female bi/gay/straight human wise but otherwise other in zoo sexual habits. Lot of gays (human) by often have female animal lovers to mate with (sex) or share the same singular lover - same for females with male dogs or other lots of choices in varying amounts you take what pleases you the most & doesn't hurt anyone.

Yes someone at last has used the formal words for the countries that like to illegally spy on you in the name of safety..... has it stopped anything from happening, very little as the dragnet they cast over the population is vast & target the normal person living their life... yet have the gal to say it's not '1984' Yet many think 'big brother' works in their best interest... :sneaky: but they never do sad to say.... So this why it good to have a strong defensive shield, I'd expect you'd do the same if you want to express yourself & be totally anonymous to the PTB's on sites that carry 'unapproved content' - their exact words not mine! This site included..... (y) Beware social media is the first place they look before else where 🫤
So giving away any personal information is a big no no, random information if you trust the person... then you have anti-zoo fools posing as a active zoo.... to get you busted. Keep it safe & you all ok - a talking point they used to great effect in the early days in nuclear testing on the US proving grounds to military personal, to suffer & die from the exposer from the fall out many years later.
Welcome to our place of wholesome conversations warts & all. Yes they're are thorns before you get to the roses that are the best bit of the flower which most enjoy.... that the whole zoo life in a nutshell for either male or female bi/gay/straight human wise but otherwise other in zoo sexual habits. Lot of gays (human) by often have female animal lovers to mate with (sex) or share the same singular lover - same for females with male dogs or other lots of choices in varying amounts you take what pleases you the most & doesn't hurt anyone.

Yes someone at last has used the formal words for the countries that like to illegally spy on you in the name of safety..... has it stopped anything from happening, very little as the dragnet they cast over the population is vast & target the normal person living their life... yet have the gal to say it's not '1984' Yet many think 'big brother' works in their best interest... :sneaky: but they never do sad to say.... So this why it good to have a strong defensive shield, I'd expect you'd do the same if you want to express yourself & be totally anonymous to the PTB's on sites that carry 'unapproved content' - their exact words not mine! This site included..... (y) Beware social media is the first place they look before else where 🫤
So giving away any personal information is a big no no, random information if you trust the person... then you have anti-zoo fools posing as a active zoo.... to get you busted. Keep it safe & you all ok - a talking point they used to great effect in the early days in nuclear testing on the US proving grounds to military personal, to suffer & die from the exposer from the fall out many years later.

i get what you mean , and i really appreciate the words here from everyone. I was timid to join here for those reasons and also predators and I am aware they are here. I did the step, dipped my feet in the water and joined anyways cause in a basket with a few bad apples there is also many good apples. I did take some precautions before i joined and I am not planning to do anything on here to get myself in trouble. I am here to learn and not feel so isolated about all this. Being here, as far as i know, is not illegal in any kind of way. At least i hope so.
i get what you mean , and i really appreciate the words here from everyone. I was timid to join here for those reasons and also predators and I am aware they are here. I did the step, dipped my feet in the water and joined anyways cause in a basket with a few bad apples there is also many good apples. I did take some precautions before i joined and I am not planning to do anything on here to get myself in trouble. I am here to learn and not feel so isolated about all this. Being here, as far as i know, is not illegal in any kind of way. At least i hope so.

Well welcome to our world, if your an active zoo which I think you want to be thinking about it or already are.... all is good as you among your fellow people who are leading that certain lifestyle with fair bit of openness with others in here like yourself. I myself with female animals is sort of right of passage from all the years many of us that have been taking it when we want it from willing & well loved zoo lovers... just don't feel your the only one doing it, their millions doing it around the world or have the feelings for it just waiting for that first time.... your hooked. In places in Asia/south america animal sex is very rife... everyone but their uncle is putting their body part in any warm blooded expandable hole daily or visa versa, to the south pacific regions it's monkey off shoot breed from past cases of brothels being raided by LEA. Dogs will be your most common by far..... no one will first think of it when you see an owner/dog walker in a park/public but behind closed doors it's very simplistic effort once you know how.
I'm not joking here.... A fellow zoo buddy of mine & myself stretched out & fully ploughed (fucked - many times) his small framed stocky mutt bitch dog (female) a few times before he shorty took her for her normal walk in the local park..... Me with another dog I was minded (zoo owner). The mutt bitches pussy still enlarged & droopy just starting close up.....with the odd drip (zoo owner's seed) her waddling along her leading him on the leash, no one looked close enough or bothered to look. That how much people take notice whats around them - I have lots of tales like this with other things too.

All you got to do is put all social stigmas past point of thought... get on with it either you like it & want more or it's not your thing - then move on to something that you like. It's classic choice between human sex or zoo if you'd had the two what would come first? I work as zoo first if not that human when it takes my liking. Others in a relationship that the other partner knows & approves it's 50/50 something you pick up on when you mingle with other people into other things... All I'm saying is just be yourself & you'll go far with the drive for living you own life.

You don't need to worry if you've take precautions: To look/join in/ask for advice/share bits of your life (with zoo partner)/etc
Hi, I'm sorta shy and awkward so I'm sorry if this is a weird introduction.
As i was surfing the internet, looking things up i stumbled upon a link to this forum.
Curiously i read stuff that is public and closed the tab.
Caught myself coming back to read more and closed again.
Came back again 🫣 thought about possibly making an account but was feeling timid.
Then i saw a thread of some moderator (or was it administrator?) who was very strict about
deleting posts or people who being forceful or hurtful in their interactions with animals.
That honestly impressed me so much and made me feel a little safer to actually sign up here.
So here i am, bare with me, i switched private messages off cause i easily get intimidated.
Oh well, enough about all that, I don't want anyone to fall asleep.
I am 25, currently working in medical care, bi, single not looking,
got a boy named Weasley (or just Weezy) who is pretty sassy but also a sweetheart aaand I live
in one of the "Five Eyes" countries.🤐
I hope everyone is having a great start into the weekend and since its Friday,
don't forget to buy treats for your loved ones if you go groceries shopping for the weekend☺️
Great introduction, and welcome!

Hi, I'm sorta shy and awkward so I'm sorry if this is a weird introduction.
As i was surfing the internet, looking things up i stumbled upon a link to this forum.
Curiously i read stuff that is public and closed the tab.
Caught myself coming back to read more and closed again.
Came back again 🫣 thought about possibly making an account but was feeling timid.
Then i saw a thread of some moderator (or was it administrator?) who was very strict about
deleting posts or people who being forceful or hurtful in their interactions with animals.
That honestly impressed me so much and made me feel a little safer to actually sign up here.
So here i am, bare with me, i switched private messages off cause i easily get intimidated.
Oh well, enough about all that, I don't want anyone to fall asleep.
I am 25, currently working in medical care, bi, single not looking,
got a boy named Weasley (or just Weezy) who is pretty sassy but also a sweetheart aaand I live
in one of the "Five Eyes" countries.🤐
I hope everyone is having a great start into the weekend and since its Friday,
don't forget to buy treats for your loved ones if you go groceries shopping for the weekend☺️
Hi,I'm from Italy.I would like to chat with you.i'm shure that will be really interesting.but i think that you have to post at least 10 reply to be able to have a private chat.kisses
Hi, I'm sorta shy and awkward so I'm sorry if this is a weird introduction.
As i was surfing the internet, looking things up i stumbled upon a link to this forum.
Curiously i read stuff that is public and closed the tab.
Caught myself coming back to read more and closed again.
Came back again 🫣 thought about possibly making an account but was feeling timid.
Then i saw a thread of some moderator (or was it administrator?) who was very strict about
deleting posts or people who being forceful or hurtful in their interactions with animals.
That honestly impressed me so much and made me feel a little safer to actually sign up here.
So here i am, bare with me, i switched private messages off cause i easily get intimidated.
Oh well, enough about all that, I don't want anyone to fall asleep.
I am 25, currently working in medical care, bi, single not looking,
got a boy named Weasley (or just Weezy) who is pretty sassy but also a sweetheart aaand I live
in one of the "Five Eyes" countries.🤐
I hope everyone is having a great start into the weekend and since its Friday,
don't forget to buy treats for your loved ones if you go groceries shopping for the weekend
I had to look up "Five Eyes" lol. I've never heard that description before. I hope you're having a good time here so far. And of course, welcome.
Welcome! Funny enough the fact that the mods and quite a few not-mods do their best to keep the rapey trash out of here is what made me decide to login. Hop you have a great time here, and that you probably aren't as awkward as you think you are.
welcome leilanii!! sounds like you've got something great going on!!!! hope you enjoy your time here and i'd love to get to know ya!! ;3