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We need to report all child pornography on FORBIDDEN_WEBSITE! as soon as possible

It has recently become public knowledge that pedos have code words like, "Cheese pizza," "Hot dogs," and "Mac and Cheese" Pizza Party is secret code for a pedo party. The disgusting thing is that I have actually seen politicians, actors, and talk show hosts talk about "Pizza Parties."
That's good to know, honestly. I had no idea, but will definitely be on the lookout for people using those terms.

The pedo community seems to be moving quickly through how they self identify. If you see someone call themselves a MAP, Con-MAP, or Contact-MAP disassociate with them immediately! It means "minor attracted person" the "contact" part means they are, or wish to engage in it IRL.

No-MAP or non-contact-MAP means they are attracted, but don't wish/want to be active IRL.
I didn't see any so I think it seems to be good for now. Why would they upload that? It's way too easy to track people like that. Idiots are stupid enough to do that. I can't wait until those pathetic assholes get caught.
I agree there need to be Regulation on zoo porn sites because the Zoo comunity does not need scrutiny,

Because a bunch of child molesters thinking we will allow they're morally Wrong crap on our site and support the shit content
no they need moderation
In case you don't know this website: https://FORBIDDEN_WEBSITE!rocks is one of the best sites for zoo that exists and some pedo sicks are posting CP there, and if we don't do something more of them will come and maybe the site could be taken down
Honestly if they are doing such a bad job at keeping CP of that website. It should be taken down. Pedophiles have no place in the zoo community.
I have not once seen anything like that on any zoo site ...what are you guys searching for in the search bar ?
I thought that site was very policed for such things for the last thing they want is to become an FBI target.
It would amazed me if there are any porn sites that guarantees to not have pedo or zoo porn given their popularity and human stupidity
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well, one more reason to never visit sites like the one mentioned... when gaybeast/bf died i used to frequent FORBIDDEN_WEBSITE! and then it went to shit. literally, lots of scat videos under the zoo tag and i didn't visit any similar sites since then
Its a trap. Haters of beast post CP on purpose to associate beast with CP.
I do not understand why people defend their sexuality so much. LGBT have done the same to zoophiles when claiming that homophobes does it to make them look bad. Why must you say this even after becoming a victim of it.
Sorry for the bump but this always get's me puzzled :)
I do not understand why people defend their sexuality so much. LGBT have done the same to zoophiles when claiming that homophobes does it to make them look bad. Why must you say this even after becoming a victim of it.
Sorry for the bump but this always get's me puzzled :)

That is what I am always uncomfortable with. It's not a good defense of your sexuality to attack others.
Smh! I cringe at child porn that is so fucking disgusting. All pedos should be murdered! I was once in a group on kik that supposed to be for beast and some asshole started talking about cheesepizza or some bullshit I left so quick and asked never to be put back in that group. I dont know why ppl constantly associate beast with pedo shit

amen hun, well said.
I wonder what the OP's motivation is. He mentioned all this offensive content, but no one else seems to have seen any. Call me skeptical.
And what makes anyone here think they're credible enough to make any kind of statement on the subject off site? That ship is long out of the harbor.... The horse is gone and the burning barn is locked. Why would anyone listen to a crowd that has FOR YEARS co-enabled the very topic we're on about? MOTHERLESS dumped theirs on B/F... AND B/F did nothing until it was way too late. Oh they asked some of us senior members to help keep the problem down, then later a particular mod forgot that he asked. But it was past the point. It appears that the dying B/F ran some of them in this direction. Some of the other non porn sites too, from the strength of the rhetoric took them in. True enough, they are not to be tolerated, but there's no blanket method to remove them... Like burrs under a saddle, they have to be pulled one at a time. But other sites have to do their part... We can't do it for them. They have to have the gumption to police themselves. That's not to say we shouldn't report what we see but WE shouldn't have to be the first line of THEIR defense.
Honestly if they are doing such a bad job at keeping CP of that website. It should be taken down. Pedophiles have no place in the zoo community.
I mean, they did take it down. There's not many porn sites that manage to never get CP videos uploaded. The question is how fast they manage to take them down when it's reported or come to their attention. I'd hold off on calling for the site to be taken down. So far they seem to be on it. Now if it becomes a problem where such videos occur more often or stay up longer before getting removed, then there's a problem.

Or to put it in perspective, someone joins this site and puts up as much CP as they can. Obviously and thankfully the mods will delete everything and permaban the a-hole asap. But should this site be taken down because such content managed to get up at all? Of course not. It's all about how quick these things get deleted. So far I haven't noticed a problem with that site, so I'm going to hope that they're doing a decent job keeping such content out, until proven otherwise.

(I've never run a tube site, but I assume it's a lot of work.)
I had content that leaked from another shut down site: beastforum. One of which was me banging an in heat Pyrenees girl from behind (mm hmm). Same girl but on her back some one posted on some other “zoo” site Z x18 or zooX.... IDK. Have to look it up.