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Uncommon animal attractions

This is fun! SO... for sure some bears are up high on the fantasy list, Polar Bear, Grizzly Bear, Panda Bear (not actually a 'bear' proper, I know, but so fuzzy and sexy). Bighorn Sheep and shaggy Mountain Goat too. S'pose I wouldn't kick an Elephant out of my fantasy bedroom either, lol!

But, the trio standing magnificently atop the list, without a doubt, would be an American Bison, a Yak, and a wooly Musk Ox....mmmmmm.....<cue Homer Simpson drooling noises> ???
Though dogs are my go to, I think raccoons and lionesses are really sexy. I would love to simply have a non-sexual encounter, just getting to cuddle and stoke would be amazing!
Awww I'd love to cuddle and smooch a raccoon or any wild cat tbh. Tigers and lions, and maybe jaguars too :husky_love::husky_tired:
Doesn't really make it for me, but I am surprised no one has mentioned a narwhal, the unicorn of the dolphin family ?
Best of both worlds, real and magical

St. Bernard with big big cock
I know it look simple but hard to find one here
but Monkey / dolphin is dream.
While dogs and horses are my go-tos I’m really curious to try dragon dick… I know everyone is gonna say “Oh no dragons aren’t real. They’re just myths and folklore.” I happen to strongly believe that they were very real at some point and have reasons why I believe this (If you wanna know more just pm me. I love talking about stuff like this)
By that i mean, are you attracted to an animal that isn't commonly talked about in zoo circles? For instance my main zoo attraction is skunks. Im interested in see what other animals people can be attracted to. Who knows, we might spread a few attractions!

Here's a picture of a skunk ive been enjoying lately for reference of my attraction. I love their plump, round bodies, their long lush tails, their clean black fur with bold stripes and yes, even their stinky musk ❤


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Does "Sasquatch" count? Im seriously aroused by an assortment of Furry creatures and monsters. Been seeing a lot of "Bigfoot" videos on youtube and thought, DAM Id Love to pleasure him.
What animals have not been talked about in all the zoo forums in the past few decades. Ive heard it all. even mythical creatures.
For me the Animals that trip my trigger the most would be
and Ive seen a woman getting it from a Llama on video and I thought that would be exciting.
I just like Large Animals.
Ive been with Dogs in the past.
There nice, But they just seem So small.
Not in a genital kind of way, I mean there over all body size.
I got to play with a horse twice back in the 90's and loved it.
mostly just sucking on the males and sticking my exceptionally small penis in there butt.
and got to make out with a bear through a fence opening in a closed small roadside zoo in the middle of the night.
basically her kissing me passionately on the mouth and shoving her long thin tongue down my throat and her licking my dick and balls until I shot a load in her mouth. She only did that because I slathered it in food. really took a chance there, luckily I still have a dick.
Does "Sasquatch" count? Im seriously aroused by an assortment of Furry creatures and monsters. Been seeing a lot of "Bigfoot" videos on youtube and thought, DAM Id Love to pleasure him.
Sure. Sasquatch, if we can ever confirm its existence is totally attractive by the accounts of those who claim to have seen one
You know. This could be a bit weird and fictional but I wanna try a robot dog or something. Minus the metal implication of course lol. But imagine the AI being knowledgeable about casual to intimate encounters.