Hello eyeryone.
So, I'm a long time lurker here I guess, and this is my first time making a post. I would like a little bit of advice/guidance.
My partner and I have been talking about it for a while now, and we would like to, at some point in the nearish future, adopt a female dog. We've discussed it many, many times, gone to great lengths of what we would and would not do.
We both agree that we will never force her. If she isn't interested in doing anything, we accept that. First and foremost, she would be a companion, one that we will take care of, cherish and love, exactly the same as any other pet we currently or have ever had. We don't want a sex toy. We want a companion. If it comes to anything sexual, it would be our first time ever doing something we've both been repressing for years. There is an undeniable interest, and I'd be lying if I said both of us don't want to do stuff with her if she wants it.
So, I'd like some advice on breeds. I don't ever want to be in a position where I hurt her, or cause her discomfort, so... I guess, without trying to be crass, I'd like an idea of which breeds could, you know, fit us, if anything ever happens.
Between my partner and I, I am the bigger one. I'm about 7.5 inches (19cm) long, and about 5.9 inches (15cm) thick.
So, are there any big breeds that I should specifically look at? Again, I refuse to be in a position where I could hurt her, and I'm scared of making the wrong choice. Whether there's sex or not, we plan to give her a long, happy life.
We were thinking something like a Boerboel, or a Saint Bernard. My partner has experience looking after large dogs, as they grew up on a farm.